Factors influential in directing Turkish manufacturers to exporting are discussed. The research shows that the majority of these companies started exports due to unexpected orders…
Factors influential in directing Turkish manufacturers to exporting are discussed. The research shows that the majority of these companies started exports due to unexpected orders and entered this field as a result of domestic economic factors. For most of these companies, the domestic market preserves its significance. Therefore, a different marketing strategy is not implemented for exports. However, as size and export volume increase, a change in attitudes is observed, supporting the findings of previous empirical studies that involvement in export marketing is a sequential and gradual process.
Erdoğan Kumcu and Mehmet Karafakioğlu
Turkish banks are faced with an increasing but relatively over‐banked customer base, with changing savings and spending patterns, declining/slow‐growing markets, severely…
Turkish banks are faced with an increasing but relatively over‐banked customer base, with changing savings and spending patterns, declining/slow‐growing markets, severely increasing costs, deregulation and serious competition. The bank's response has been sales‐oriented (traditionally promotion and branching) and the unco‐ordinated use of marketing mix tools has contributed to current problems. The adoption and implementation of a marketing philosophy aided by the new 1983 Banking Law which promises steady deregulation, restructuring of the banking industry, and the entrance of foreign banks to the domestic market, could help solve the short‐term, as well as the long‐term, problems.