Sandi Ferdiansyah, Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Ahmad Royani and Rani Shintya Marsitoh
This brief report demonstrates how collaborative podcast series project to teach cultural content in English language classroom is design and implemented. This paper aims not only…
This brief report demonstrates how collaborative podcast series project to teach cultural content in English language classroom is design and implemented. This paper aims not only to facilitate speaking practice but also to build students’ cultural awareness, exercise creativity, promote critical thinking and foster learning collaboration.
This classroom observation study involved 78 students majoring English education department in a state Islamic university in East Java, Indonesia. The pedagogical intervention which facilitates this project includes extensive reading and viewing of local culture materials, interview practice project and collective reflections. After completing the project, students wrote collective reflective accounts, submitted their podcast links and followed focus group interview.
From the data analysis, it can be seen that incorporating local culture into English language learning can enhance student learning engagement, cultural awareness and tolerance, and collective reflective practice.
The finding of the study contributes to practical implications addressed to teachers and teacher educators in designing and implementing technology mediated cultural learning.
Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Utami Widiati, Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty and Yazid Basthomi
Digital multimodal composing (DMC) has received considerable attention in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. While empirical studies on DMC have been widely…
Digital multimodal composing (DMC) has received considerable attention in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. While empirical studies on DMC have been widely conducted, there is a scarcity of research specifically examining the experience of pre-service English teachers in employing DMC during their teaching practicum. They might be familiar with DMC concepts, yet their beliefs about implementing DMC-mediated language teaching in classroom settings is worth further investigation. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the perspectives of three pre-service English teachers on DMC-mediated language teaching during their teaching practicum program.
This study employed a case study design and was conducted in a state Islamic university in East Java Province, Indonesia. A semi-structured interview was conducted with three pre-service English teachers to collect data about the beliefs of pre-service English teachers in implementing DMC in their teaching practicum. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis.
From the analysis, the study unveils three important findings: (1) pre-service teachers' awareness of implementing DMC in English classrooms, (2) pre-service teachers' pedagogical preference for DMC projects and (3) pre-service teachers' perceived challenges in teaching through DMC.
The study suggests that equipping pre-service teachers with adequate pedagogical competence in DMC will enhance their capacity for technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK).