Cristiana Rodrigues Vilaça, Teresa Proença and Mauro Carozzo-Todaro
This research aims to test the role of the informational effect (IE) on the relationship between pay for individual performance (PFIP) and intrinsic motivation (IM). Special…
This research aims to test the role of the informational effect (IE) on the relationship between pay for individual performance (PFIP) and intrinsic motivation (IM). Special attention is also given to how the supervisor’s positive (PF) and negative feedback (NF) influence workers' perceptions of the informational content of PFIP.
We used a two-wave online survey among workers covered by a PFIP system and collected a total of 472 answers. To test our hypotheses, we adopted SPSS PROCESS macro Model 9.
The results suggest that IE fully mediates the positive impact of PFIP on IM, with this effect diminishing in the presence of NF, while PF shows no significant influence.
Practical implications
Organizations should invest in the development of mechanisms to mitigate perceptions of rewards as behaviour control mechanisms. Instead, PFIP should be perceived as a means to gain valuable insights into performance.
By using a research design allowing external validity in opposition to the widely used experimental one, we contribute to the debate about the relationship between extrinsic rewards and IM. Theoretical and practical implications in the workplace are also discussed.
Paula Martins Nunes, Teresa Proença and Mauro Enrique Carozzo-Todaro
No systematic review has previously been dedicated to comprehensively investigate predictors of well-being and ill-being in working contexts. Empirical studies have vastly…
No systematic review has previously been dedicated to comprehensively investigate predictors of well-being and ill-being in working contexts. Empirical studies have vastly associated well-being as the result of autonomous motivation and basic psychological needs satisfaction, while frustration results in ill-being. The purpose of this study is to integrate the variables identified in empirical studies associated with the occurrence of the phenomena, individual/organizational features and consequences associated with workers' well-being/ill-being.
This systematic review includes 44 empirical studies published up to February 2021. Findings are summarized based on quantitative analysis of the evidence.
Results reinforce the role of self-determined motivation and needs satisfaction in promoting well-being, while amotivation and needs frustration led to ill-being. Besides, they indicate that ill-being can both lead to negative consequences and diminish positive work outcomes. Findings also revealed that: integrated motivation does not seem to be empirically distinct from intrinsic and identified motivation in promoting well-being; introjected motivated behaviors may be less harmful to psychological health than externally oriented ones; the relationship between external motivation and well-being/ill-being requires prospective investigations; and amotivation seems to have a detrimental effect in workers' psychological health.
Practical implications
Results provide practical information for HRM practitioners to design work environments and practices that promote employees' psychological health.
An unprecedented framework that aggregates empirical findings regarding the antecedents, predictors and consequences of ill-being/well-being in working contexts is presented.
Paula Martins Nunes, Mauro Enrique Carozzo-Todaro and Teresa Proenca
This study aims to adapt and validate the need satisfaction and frustration scale (NSFS) for the Brazilian gig work context and investigate the distinctiveness of the constructs…
This study aims to adapt and validate the need satisfaction and frustration scale (NSFS) for the Brazilian gig work context and investigate the distinctiveness of the constructs of basic needs satisfaction and frustration among Brazilian gig workers.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted on a sample of 351 Brazilian gig workers.
Results from EFA supported a three-factor structure, while results from CFA psychometrically supported a six-factor correlated model. The items that constitute the NSFS presented good discriminant validity (heterotrait-monotrait ratio) and internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega coefficients). Results regarding criterion validity partially support previous empirical evidence that considers needs satisfaction and frustration independent in relation to well-being and ill-being while reinforcing the need for further investigations. The Brazilian version of the NSFS is shown to be an instrument with robust psychometric qualities to assess workers’ perception of basic needs satisfaction and frustration in Brazilian gig work context.
This study broadens the scope of research on basic psychological needs by introducing a valid and reliable instrument to assess workers’ perceptions of needs satisfaction and frustration in the Brazilian gig work context, a population that has been neglected in self-determination theory research.
O presente estudo teve como objetivos (1) adaptar e validar a Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale para o contexto brasileiro de gig work e (2) investigar a distinção dos construtos de satisfação e frustração das necessidades básicas entre os trabalhadores gig brasileiros.
A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) e a análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) foram realizadas em uma amostra de 351 trabalhadores gig brasileiros.
Os resultados da EFA apoiaram uma estrutura de três fatores, enquanto os resultados da AFC apoiaram psicometricamente um modelo correlacionado de seis fatores. Os itens que constituem a NSFS apresentaram boa validade discriminante (razão heterotraço-monotraço) e consistência interna (coeficientes alfa de Cronbach e ômega de McDonald). Os resultados relativos à validade de critério apoiam parcialmente as evidências empíricas anteriores que consideram a satisfação e frustração das necessidades independentes em relação ao bem-estar e mal-estar, reforçando a necessidade de mais investigações. A versão brasileira da Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale mostra-se um instrumento com qualidades psicométricas robustas para avaliar a percepção dos trabalhadores quanto à satisfação e frustração das necessidades básicas no contexto brasileiro de trabalho gig.
Este estudo amplia o escopo da pesquisa sobre necessidades psicológicas básicas ao introduzir um instrumento válido e confiável para avaliar as percepções de satisfação e frustração das necessidades dos trabalhadores no contexto brasileiro de gig work, uma população que tem sido negligenciada nas pesquisas da teoria da autodeterminação.
el presente estudio tuvo como objetivos (1) adaptar y validar la Escala de frustración y satisfacción de necesidades para el contexto del trabajo gig brasileño, y (2) investigar el carácter distintivo de los constructos de satisfacción y frustración de necesidades básicas entre los trabajadores gig brasileños.
se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios (AFE) y análisis factoriales confirmatorios (CFA) en una muestra de 351 trabajadores gig brasileños.
los resultados de EFA respaldaron una estructura de tres factores, mientras que los resultados de CFA respaldaron psicométricamente un modelo correlacionado de seis factores. Los ítems que componen la NSFS presentaron buena validez discriminante (relación heterorrasgo-monorrasgo) y consistencia interna (coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y omega de McDonald). Los resultados con respecto a la validez de criterio apoyan parcialmente la evidencia empírica previa que considera la satisfacción y la frustración de necesidades independientes en relación con el bienestar y el malestar, al tiempo que refuerzan la necesidad de más investigaciones. La versión brasileña de la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades y Frustración se muestra como un instrumento con sólidas cualidades psicométricas para evaluar la percepción de los trabajadores sobre la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas y la frustración en el contexto del trabajo gig brasileño.
este estudio amplía el alcance de la investigación sobre las necesidades psicológicas básicas al presentar un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar las percepciones de los trabajadores sobre la satisfacción y la frustración de las necesidades en el contexto del trabajo gig brasileño, una población que ha sido descuidada en la investigación de teoría de la autodeterminación.
- Basic psychological needs
- Need satisfaction
- Need frustration
- Gig workers
- Self-determination theory
- Well-being
- Ill-being
- Necessidades psicológicas básicas
- Satisfação das necessidades
- Frustração das necessidades
- Trabalhadores gig
- Teoria da autodeterminação
- Bem-estar
- Mal-estar
- Necesidades psicológicas básicas
- Satisfacción de necesidades
- Frustración de necesidades
- Trabajadores gig
- Teoría de la autodeterminación
- Bienestar
- Malestar