Maryna Chepurna and Josep Rialp Criado
This paper aims to determine the impact of cultural context and socio-demographic characteristics on the users’ deterrents and motivators to co-creation online.
This paper aims to determine the impact of cultural context and socio-demographic characteristics on the users’ deterrents and motivators to co-creation online.
The data from two different cultures the UK (306 users) and Spain (307 users) have been collected and compared by performing multi-group analyzes (MGAs) across cultural context, age, gender and educational level using a structural equation modeling approach.
Cultural context, age, gender and educational level moderate the effect of the deterrents and motivators on the attitude and participation in co-creation online: users from individualistic, masculine, with low uncertainty avoidance cultural contexts are expected to be more motivated and express a stronger positive attitude toward co-creation online; young male users exhibit a higher level of positive attitude and higher effect of the motivators toward attitude; on the contrary, old women are exposed to the negative effect of the deterrents; the individuals with basic educational level exhibit a higher level of the deterrents’ effect.
Research limitations/implications
The generalizability of the results across different cultural contexts requires further examination and cross-validation.
Practical implications
The MGAs of two different cultures (Spain and the UK) and samples of different ages, gender and educational levels provide practitioners with information, which cultures and groups of users are expected to perform better in co-creation activities online.
The first study empirically examines the moderating effect of cultural context and demographic characteristics on both deterrents and motivators and their effect on the attitude toward co-creation online.
determinar el impacto del contexto cultural y de las características sociodemográficas en los factores disuasorios y motivadores de los usuarios para la cocreación en línea.
Se han recogido y comparado los datos de dos culturas diferentes, del Reino Unido (306 usuarios) y de España (307 usuarios), realizando análisis multigrupo a través del contexto cultural, la edad, el género y el nivel educativo, utilizando un enfoque de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales.
El contexto cultural, la edad, el género y el nivel educativo moderan el efecto de los elementos disuasorios y motivadores sobre la actitud y la participación en la cocreación online: se espera que los usuarios de contextos culturales individualistas, masculinos y con baja tolerancia a la incertidumbre estén más motivados y expresen una actitud positiva más fuerte hacia la cocreación en línea; los usuarios masculinos jóvenes muestran un mayor nivel de actitud positiva y un mayor efecto de los motivadores sobre la actitud; por el contrario, las mujeres mayores están expuestas al efecto negativo de los disuasores; los individuos con un nivel educativo básico muestran un mayor nivel de efecto de los disuasores.
La generalización de los resultados en diferentes contextos culturales requiere un examen más profundo y una validación cruzada.
Implicaciones prácticas
Los análisis multigrupo de dos culturas diferentes (España y Reino Unido) y muestras de diferente edad, género y nivel educativo proporcionan a los profesionales información sobre qué culturas y grupos de usuarios se espera que tengan un mejor rendimiento en las actividades de cocreación en línea.
Es el primer estudio que examina empíricamente el efecto moderador del contexto cultural y las características demográficas tanto en los factores disuasorios como en los motivadores y su efecto en la actitud hacia la co-creación online.
数据收集自英国(306名用户)和西班牙(307名用户)这两种不同的文化背景, 并采用结构方程模型方法, 通过跨文化背景、年龄、性别和教育水平的多组分析对数据进行了比较。
在阻碍因素和激励因素对在线共同创造态度和参与的影响中, 文化背景、年龄、性别和教育水平起到调节作用:来自个人主义、阳刚主义、低不确定性规避文化语境的用户对线上共同创造的动机更强, 表现出更积极的态度; 年轻男性用户的积极态度和动机对态度的影响程度较高;相反, 老年妇女则受到了阻碍因素的负面影响; 具有基础教育水平的个体受阻碍因素影响较高。
对两种不同文化(西班牙和英国)的多组分析, 以及不同年龄、性别和教育水平的样本, 为实践者提供了哪些文化和用户群体有望在线上共同创造活动中表现更好的信息。
这是第一个检验了文化背景和人口特征对抑制因素和激励因素的调节作用, 以及它们对线上共同创造态度的影响的实证研究。
Maryna Chepurna and Josep Rialp Criado
Value co-creation is an important topic of interest in marketing domain for the past decade. Co-creation via the internet has received a particular attention in the literature…
Value co-creation is an important topic of interest in marketing domain for the past decade. Co-creation via the internet has received a particular attention in the literature (O’Hern and Rindfleisch, 2010). Although there have been substantive number of studies of what motivates customers to participate in value co-creation in the internet-based platforms, there is a lack of research of what the deterrents are that may prevent customers from contributing their ideas online. This research was undertaken to define the deterrents from the customers and companies’ point of view. Furthermore, the difference, if exists, between the users’ and marketing professionals’ ranking of the inhibitors to co-creation online is also studied.
This exploratory qualitative research is based on 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with customers and 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with marketing specialists from different companies. Spearman’s rank correlation is applied to explore the relationship between the internet users’ and marketers’ responses.
There are nine constraining factors. The results show that although there is a repetition of the mentioned constraining factors indicated by the both groups of the interviewees, the ranking of the barriers is distinctive.
Research Implications
New conceptual information is received on what restrains customers from co-creation from both customers’ and companies’ point of view.
Practical Implications
This paper explains the potential problems to be confronted when launching a co-creation project in the internet-based platforms and offers managers a preliminary guide to comprehension of the users’ deterrents rating.
The paper that defines deterrents to co-creation online.