Document delivery is a rapidly growing area of interest, yet public policy issues have not been clearly defined and discussed. For that reason, it is essential to begin by…
Document delivery is a rapidly growing area of interest, yet public policy issues have not been clearly defined and discussed. For that reason, it is essential to begin by defining what we mean by ‘public’ and ‘private’ sector and by the term ‘document delivery’. Public policy issues can then be identified in four areas: (1) marketplace competition, (2) intellectual property, (3) fair use of public resources, and (4) public good. Because past perception of the issues has been vague, the volume of activity and the economic stakes relatively low, it is still possible for public/private sector roles to be defined in a non‐combative atmosphere, to mutually‐beneficial ends.
The establishment of quality control mechanisms, the definition of qualitative standards and objectives, and the monitoring of systems to assure compliance with those standards…
The establishment of quality control mechanisms, the definition of qualitative standards and objectives, and the monitoring of systems to assure compliance with those standards and objectives are important issues to be faced by organizations that are implementing, or planning to implement, multi‐institutional databases. The development of quality control measures by the Western Library Network is described in detail.
The Western Library Network software, installed at such libraries and networks as the National Library of Australia, the National Library of New Zealand, The British Library and…
The Western Library Network software, installed at such libraries and networks as the National Library of Australia, the National Library of New Zealand, The British Library and the Universities of Illinois and Missouri, is also available through Biblio‐Techniques as a fully vendor‐supported system called BLIS. Currently installed at six major research libraries, BLIS supports an online union catalog; a catalog management facility, including authority control, acquisitions, and accounting control. Circulation and other modules are under development.
ALA Fights Proposed Access Charges. Library services could be seriously harmed by a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposal to charge networks such as Telenet…
ALA Fights Proposed Access Charges. Library services could be seriously harmed by a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposal to charge networks such as Telenet. Tymnet, CompuServe, and other “enhanced service providers” access charges to local phone lines.
The proliferation of articles in library literature about costs, cost studies, and the concepts of analysis and accounting is a positive sign of activity in the cost‐competitive…
The proliferation of articles in library literature about costs, cost studies, and the concepts of analysis and accounting is a positive sign of activity in the cost‐competitive library world. Many articles, no matter the topic, contain some comments on costs. The articles in this bibiliography were selected because cost is the significant or entire emphasis on the material. I used traditional and library literature and ERIC sources, restricted the titles to the past 10 years, and excluded non‐United States publications.
In little more than one year, seven vendors have introduced CD‐ROM‐based public access catalog systems. They vary widely in price, features, and performance. Three scenarios are…
In little more than one year, seven vendors have introduced CD‐ROM‐based public access catalog systems. They vary widely in price, features, and performance. Three scenarios are defined, which represent the requirements of libraries of diverse sizes and groupings. For each scenario, prices of CD‐ROM systems are compared for the first and subsequent two years. The features of the systems are also compared in some detail. The prices and descriptions of features reflect the marketplace as of late summer 1987.