Stephen A. Woods, Nick Diprose, Mary Murphy-Diprose and Geoff Thomas
This paper reviews literature on interim leadership and management through the lens of effective interim performance. The purpose of this review is to advance understanding of…
This paper reviews literature on interim leadership and management through the lens of effective interim performance. The purpose of this review is to advance understanding of interim assignment performance and the antecedent individual psychological characteristics of effective interim leaders and managers, to improve the practice of managing interim leaders from a human resources (HR) perspective.
The paper reports a targeted review of the literature on interim leadership and management.
The main proposition from this review is that the influence of individual factors on interim performance operates within the stages and contexts of assignments. Accordingly, the authors propose a framework of the demands on interim assignments (the interim assignment cycle), comprising stages of preparation, entry, delivery and exit. The paper subsequently reviews evidence of the potential individual characteristics (focussing on individual differences in personality, leadership approach, motivation and competencies) of effective preparation and entry to an assignment, actions and performance during an assignment and exit/disengagement.
Practical implications
The findings of the review have implications for the selection and placement of interims into organizations and their management once appointed.
The main original contribution of the paper is to provide a framework around which interim assignments can be modelled and better understood. The paper discusses implications for future research, theory and human resource management practice and calls for a renewed research effort in this critical area of management and leadership.
Deborah Elwell Arfken, Marilyn M. Helms and Mary Poston Tanner
Interim leaders often have little advance notice of their new assignments. Yet, they must skillfully lead their organizations, provide stability for staff and continue the…
Interim leaders often have little advance notice of their new assignments. Yet, they must skillfully lead their organizations, provide stability for staff and continue the direction of the mission and vision in a time of change. In addition, temporary leaders – often termed interim executive directors or interim chief executive officers (CEOs) – are frequently asked to guide the transition for a new and permanent leader.
This qualitative study presents the insights of 24 interim leaders, largely in the Chattanooga, Tennessee (TN) region, who participated in individual virtual interviews and a subsequent virtual focus group to address a protocol of questions concerned with all phases of carrying out the interim position.
The findings confirmed existing literature on how the interim was selected, the responsibilities of this leader and the costs and benefits for the organization of using an interim and extended findings with guidance for interim over their tenure.
Practical implications
The findings uncovered new insights into personal and career growth, along with unexpected personal and professional enrichment and satisfaction from the experience. The practical implications include providing detailed guidelines for interim leaders at each stage of their tenure, which can help them navigate the complexities of their roles more effectively. Additionally, the findings highlight the potential for significant personal and professional growth, offering interim leaders unexpected enrichment and satisfaction from their experiences.
Social implications
The exploratory research validated the existing literature on interim leadership and added additional detail in practical guidance for beginning an interim position, carrying out the interim position and even ending the position. This study delineates practical guidelines at each stage of the interim lifecycle for both the temporary leader and the organization and provides areas for future research. Qualitative findings also identified key characteristics of an interim leader. This study also includes discussion of the political implications of interim CEOs.
The study presents original insights into the role of interim leaders by combining qualitative data from 24 participants in the Chattanooga, TN region with existing literature, thereby enhancing understanding of the challenges and successes these leaders face. It confirms previous findings regarding interim leadership and provides practical guidelines for navigating the interim lifecycle, highlighting aspects of personal growth and satisfaction that have not been extensively explored in prior research.