Hans‐Ruedi Müller and Martin L. Fontanari
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse des “Workshop 2” verdeutlichen, daß intensiv nach einem gemeinsamen Verständnis zur strategischen Tourismuspolitik in Abgrenzung der…
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse des “Workshop 2” verdeutlichen, daß intensiv nach einem gemeinsamen Verständnis zur strategischen Tourismuspolitik in Abgrenzung der Felder Tourismuspolitik (policy) und — Strategie gesucht und dieses Verständnis in den genannten Modellen festgehalten wurde. Trotzdem haben gerade die Fallbeispiele gezeigt, daß jede spezifische Situation verschieden handzuhaben ist und deshalb auch unterschiedliche methodische Ansätze zur Analyse der Fallstudie herangezogen worden sind. Auch konnte die Begriffsverwendung von Tourismus‐politik und Strategie nicht immer eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Ein allgemein gltiges Rahmenmodell — wie in Kapitel 3 und vier aufgezeigt — ist deshalb nur erschwert im Detail darstellbar. Zur Notwendigkeit einer strategischen Tourismuspolitik ist insgesamt eine große Übereinstimmung festzuhalten.
The competitive strategies of international tour operators have had a negative effect on the sustainability of some tourist destinations. British tour operator strategies are…
The competitive strategies of international tour operators have had a negative effect on the sustainability of some tourist destinations. British tour operator strategies are analysed as an example to show the effects of vertical integration amongst tour operators, travel retailers and airlines and how this influences pricing and contracting methods in resorts. Also considered are developments in market segmentation and tour operator branding which have accelerated the trend towards standardised holiday products. The consolidation of ownership amongst European tour operators in likely to increase the power of companies vis‐à‐vis destinations. The study concludes by outlining policies to counteract the negative effects of tour operator strategies and suggests ways of developing a more balanced partnership between mass market tour operators and tourist destinations.
Myfanwy Trueman, Mary Klemm and Axele Giroud
This exploratory research examines how corporate communications can influence stakeholder perceptions to enhance or detract from the city as a brand. It uses the UK city of…
This exploratory research examines how corporate communications can influence stakeholder perceptions to enhance or detract from the city as a brand. It uses the UK city of Bradford as a case study and adopts theoretical concepts of product and corporate branding. Balmer's AC2ID test of corporate identity is applied to identify gaps in the City's official communications strategy, revealing conflicting messages between local government policy and different stakeholder groups. This analysis points to the need for positive visual evidence of change, such as an improved built environment in the city centre. The analysis may have value for policy‐makers in the UK and elsewhere who seek to improve community and stakeholder relationships. This research may also help to promote an honest approach towards branding cities as well as providing the potential for an enhanced brand value.
Peter Keller and Klaus Weiermair
The 47th Congress attempted to answer the following key questions: What exactly does quality mean in tourism? How can general and/or total quality be produced and marketed? How…
The 47th Congress attempted to answer the following key questions: What exactly does quality mean in tourism? How can general and/or total quality be produced and marketed? How important is it to include the customer (tourist) in the process that leads to the provision of tourism services? In what way does quality create competitive advantages? How can the quality of a destination be assured in the same way as that of a corporation?
Peter Keller and Klaus Weiermair
Questions à traiter. Le 47e congrès de l'AIEST s'est engagé à analyser les questions de fond suivantes:
Peter Keller and Klaus Weiermair
Fragestellungen. Der 47. AIEST‐Kongress hat sich bemüht, folgenden Grundsatzfragen nachzugehen:
Donna Boone Parsons, Kathy Sanderson, Jean Helms Mills and Albert J. Mills
Joan Acker proposed her gendered theory of organization as a framework to analyze organizations and to understand how gender underlies organizational structure in such a way as to…
Joan Acker proposed her gendered theory of organization as a framework to analyze organizations and to understand how gender underlies organizational structure in such a way as to subordinate women. Much of the previous work that has utilized this framework has examined highly (male‐) gendered organizations. This archival case study aims to use Acker's framework to examine a purportedly female‐gendered organization – the 1970s feminist organization, Stewardesses for Women's Rights (SFWR).
Using these archived materials, this paper uses a critical hermeneutic approach across Acker's framework of gendered organization to make sense of the rise and fall of SFWR. The paper discusses lessons learned from this short‐lived organization.
The paper finds that societal pressure and organizing women's understanding of what is “real” and valued in an organization pushed them to create an organization that was as highly (male) gendered as the organizations from which they were escaping. Many in the organization never saw SFWR as a “real” organization because of the underlying organizational logic that was directing what the organization should be. Even if the organization did, on the surface, look different than other explicitly male‐gendered organizations, the same underlying organizational logic manifested itself in similar organizational structure.
This archival case study uses Acker's framework to examine a purportedly female‐gendered organization – the 1970s feminist organization SFWR and reveals lessons learned.
IN the death of Mr. JAMES DUFF BROWN, the library profession loses one of its most striking personalities and librarianship its most powerful influence for progress. Any attempt…
IN the death of Mr. JAMES DUFF BROWN, the library profession loses one of its most striking personalities and librarianship its most powerful influence for progress. Any attempt at present to estimate the extent of his influence upon the modern public library must necessarily be inadequate, because not only are some of the movements he started only beginning to gather force, but his retiring nature made him refrain from labelling many things as his own. With the possible reservation that he was unable to do himself justice on the platform, he was the ideal born public librarian. As an organiser and teacher of librarianship, as a keen and discerning student and critic of tendencies, methods and results, and as an expounder of professional knowledge through the medium of the written page, he was without an equal. Like all pioneers and men of strong opinions, he did not make only friends ; but he had world‐wide friendships, and he forced the attention and respect of all library workers. On another page of this issue an old friend and one‐time colleague of his gives a brief outline of his life and works, and we need not do the same again here. But as his successors in the editorship of THE LIBRARY WORLD, which he founded and edited until a year or two ago, we cannot refrain from adding our tribute to his memory. Representing the best type of efficiency and progress in librarianship, he was a real friend and teacher, and his death leaves a sad gap in our ranks.