Summarizes the aims of school health education, emphasizing theimportant role which teachers have in relaying health educationmessages. Reviews studies which have examined the…
Summarizes the aims of school health education, emphasizing the important role which teachers have in relaying health education messages. Reviews studies which have examined the provision and extent of initial and in‐service training on health education for teachers. Observes that professionals from external agencies are often better equipped to provide health education lessons than teachers, but that the way in which schools use this external expertise, with external contributors delivering talks on discrete topics to groups of up to 200 pupils, is not ideal. Concludes that initial and in‐service training on health education for teachers is inadequate and sometimes non‐existent, but that health education should form a part of all initial teacher training courses.
Describes a study to determine whether pupils in a secondary schoolrecognize health education as such, and where they obtain information onhealth‐related matters. The study found…
Describes a study to determine whether pupils in a secondary school recognize health education as such, and where they obtain information on health‐related matters. The study found that some pupils were unaware that some topics constituted health education. All girls but only 80 per cent of boys thought that health education was important. Concludes that school health education is effective, but that its impact cannot be fully evaluated, because pupils identify many other sources for health education information. Suggests that education to help pupils make their own informed choices and resist pressures from friends or families should be strengthened.
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books. Appearance in this column does not…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published. Beginning with our next installment, “Reference Books In Print” and “Reference Book Review Index” will be combined, to provide a more complete information index to new reference publications. All current features will be included in the new “Reference Book Review Digest.” Also included will be full cataloging information in the form of Library of Congress headings and Dewey numbers.
We have become accustomed to thinking of the United States of America as a big country where it is normal to find things being done in a big way. We have supposed that their…
We have become accustomed to thinking of the United States of America as a big country where it is normal to find things being done in a big way. We have supposed that their methods of control over the sale of foods and drugs fitted into this generalization, and that our own ways in this country were perhaps a little antiquated, and suffered somewhat from their being tied up too closely with local administration, as compared with the more centralized transatlantic organization. The writer is not competent to make comparisons of this kind and, indeed, they would serve no very useful purpose; our thoughts were directed on these lines, however, through reading the 1955 Annual Report of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and in particular the section of the Report concerned with the Food and Drug Administration.