Mary Ellen Kyger Davis and John F. Riddick
Since 1901 the public has relied on H.W. Wilson's Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature to locate articles of general interest related to its information needs. For nearly…
Since 1901 the public has relied on H.W. Wilson's Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature to locate articles of general interest related to its information needs. For nearly seventy years, the Readers' Guide (RG) was virtually unchallenged by other general indexing tools. In its long years of service, RG earned a respected place in the library and became the index most known to the public. Bill Katz described it as the “closest thing to mom in the library — soft, all embracing, ready to educate us for anything.”
The Encyclopedia of Associations is a directory of national nonprofit organizations in the United States, offering detailed information about associations in a wide variety of…
The Encyclopedia of Associations is a directory of national nonprofit organizations in the United States, offering detailed information about associations in a wide variety of fields. Begun largely as a directory of business related organizations, the Encyclopedia of Associations (EA) expanded coverage to include 17 distinct areas such as public affairs organizations, hobby and avocational organizations, and athletic and sports organizations. The EA has also increased the amount of information given with each entry. In addition to the standard identification data given in the first edition, information now covers such points as conventions, publications, and affiliated organizations. Throughout its various editions readers have been encouraged to submit corrections, comments, and suggestions to the publisher so that EA could continue to be an accurate tool in a usable format.