Ahlam Fadhil Mahmood and Marwa Mohamad Rafaa
This paper aims to electronic caring the health of many kinds of patients.
This paper aims to electronic caring the health of many kinds of patients.
The paper opted for designing IoT health-care system bracelet used photon as controller collect with five sensors. And second using raspberry 3 B+ collect with ECG, ECG and camera. Thinkspeak cloud was used for plotting data and communicate with doctor by bylnk mobile application.
The paper provides a real data for six-Covid-19 patient in 22 days.
Design an IoT system that send daily information to doctor if a patient needs to visit him/her or monthly reported to the hospital. Send patient’s vital signs to doctor as curves for fast noting any problems. The proposed system can be operate on two states (special, if need to periodically monitor or normal only when any trouble occurs), It was covered the two Covid-19 patient cases simple and critical by real testing these two systems on six Covid-19 patients. The two collections were succeeded in monitoring simple and critical Covid-19 cases.