This paper questions the change in patterns of use of the balcony during lockdown. It investigates whether residents, specifically of apartment buildings in Cairo, used their…
This paper questions the change in patterns of use of the balcony during lockdown. It investigates whether residents, specifically of apartment buildings in Cairo, used their balconies more frequently or for different activities during the lockdown.
The study was conducted through a mixed methods approach. More specifically, a sequential explanatory design was adopted where quantitative data were collected at first followed by qualitative data collection. The study proceeded in two stages. First, an online questionnaire with 160 respondents was conducted to depict the change in the frequency and use patterns of balconies pre/post lockdown in Cairo. The respondents were approached through snowball sampling. Second, in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 participants, approached through convenience sampling, were done. The interviews aimed to provide interpretation and rationale for the responses, patterns and correlations identified from the questionnaire results.
The findings of this study confirm that there is a change in the pattern of use of balconies in terms of frequency and the types of hosted activities. The analysis revealed three key ideas that characterize those changes: the balcony as a found space, as a loose space and as a space of self-expression at home. It also expands on spatial qualities of balconies that promoted their use. The study emphasizes the significance of such outdoor private spaces in apartment buildings and puts forward balconies as an essential element of future dwellings design for the multiple benefits they behold.
The originality of the study stems from tackling such a timely and unprecedented situation, where still few studies investigating the relationship between pandemic and the architecture of homes have been conducted. Furthermore, this study focuses particularly on exploring the use of balconies in Cairo, one of the largest cities in both Africa and the Middle East, during lockdown. Its findings might ultimately help formulate, define and characterize new trends in the architecture of homes that would embrace human needs in times of prosperity and rising tensions alike.
Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman and Marwa Naguib Elwazer
This research aims to develop a talent management (TM) based framework to achieve a sustainable quality of work life (QWL) in architectural design firms (ADFs) in Egypt.
This research aims to develop a talent management (TM) based framework to achieve a sustainable quality of work life (QWL) in architectural design firms (ADFs) in Egypt.
A research methodology consisted of literature review, case studies and a survey questionnaire, was designed to achieve the abovementioned aim. Firstly, the literature review was used to investigate the work environment's demotivating factors in ADFs, TM strategies and process to depict the relationship between developing sustainable QWL and TM and finally explore how TM can assist in achieving Egypt's vision 2030. Secondly, three case studies of ADFs from Denmark, Norway and Singapore were analysed to investigate the role of TM in developing sustainable QWL. Thirdly, a survey questionnaire was carried out with a representative sample of ADFs in Egypt to examine their perception and application of TM towards developing sustainable QWL. Based on the results of the above, the research developed and validated a framework to facilitate the implementation of TM as an approach for developing sustainable QWL in ADFs in Egypt.
Through literature review, the research identified the highest 28 demotivating factors that affect the QWL in ADFs and grouped them into seven categories. In addition, TM strategies for sustainable business are identified and quantified. Results of the case studies confirmed the most common demotivating factors and highlighted the TM strategies adopted to develop sustainable QWL. Findings of data analysis showed that the highest-ranked demotivating factors that encounter ADFs were “poor organizational culture”, “negative leadership behaviour” and “project induced stress”. Furthermore, the TM strategies that have the highest rank were “performance recognition”, “helping employees objectively assess their skills, strengths and weaknesses”, “creating a family-friendly work environment” and “proper reward system”. These findings informed the research findings and helped in the development of the proposed framework.
Practical implications
This research presents a practical framework to facilitate the development of sustainable QWL in ADFs in Egypt. It was based on the findings of literature review, case studies and survey questionnaire. The framework explained in a workable way the objectives of the framework functions; required activities; tools and techniques; involved personnel and needed resources and output. The framework was validated by representative sample of ADFs in Egypt to ensure its practicability and viability for implementation. Moreover, strategies to facilitate the framework implementation were suggested.
The research identified, categorised and analysed the architects' demotivating factors and defined the TM strategies and characteristics of sustainable QWL in ADFs. In addition, real life case studies validated the identified factors and investigated the most effective TM strategies in ADFs. The research tackled a topic that received scant attention in construction literature especially in Egypt. In addition, this paper developed and validated a TM based framework to achieve a sustainable QWL in ADFs in Egypt. It represents a synthesis that is novel and creative in thought and adds value to the knowledge in a manner that has not previously occurred.
Jeevan Jyoti, Poonam Sharma, Sumeet Kour and Harleen Kour
Organizations try to appoint individuals who fit in with their values and goals. Employees who do not fit in with the organization's core values and goals prefer not to stay on…
Organizations try to appoint individuals who fit in with their values and goals. Employees who do not fit in with the organization's core values and goals prefer not to stay on for a longer period of time. The present study is an attempt to explore the impact of person–job (P–J) fit on organizational commitment through job involvement and career commitment with an application of a serial multiple mediation model.
Data have been collected through a structured questionnaire. The population comprised the teachers, working in the higher education sector. The different constructs used have been duly validated with the help of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Further data reliability and scale validity have been checked too. In order to test the serial multiple mediation model, the authors adopted a regression-based approach and bootstrapping method suggested by Hayes (2012; 2013). Accordingly, PROCESS developed by Hayes (2012) has been used.
The results revealed that job involvement and career commitment mediate the relationship between P–J fit and organizational commitment individually as well as together.
Research limitations/implications
The present study is confined to government degree colleges only. The element of subjectivity might not have been checked completely as teachers have responded on the basis of their own experience and perceptions regarding the items in the questionnaire. The study is cross sectional in nature.
Practical implications
The paper addresses the interest of wide spectrum of stakeholders including the management, organizations and employees. So, the authors have extended general implications, which are for all those organizations that want to improve person–organization (P–O) fit and commitment of their employees. These implications will help organizations to take specific initiatives to improve the P–J fit of their employees, which will subsequently enhance their commitment level.
The findings of the present study will help the stakeholders in the higher education sector to identify best employees and undertake the initiatives to generate better job involvement and commitment, which will be a win–win strategy for both (employees as well as the organizations).
Ahmed M. Al‐Sabagh, Salah A. Khalil, Abdellatief Abdelrahman, Notaila M. Nasser, Mahmoud R. Noor Eldin, Marwa R. Mishrif and Mohamed El‐Shafie
No one particular fluid has cooling and lubrication properties suitable for every metalworking application. The purpose of this paper is first, to investigate the effect of…
No one particular fluid has cooling and lubrication properties suitable for every metalworking application. The purpose of this paper is first, to investigate the effect of anionic and nonionic mixed emulsifier system in stabilization of cutting fluid formulations and second, to study the interaction synergism of the fulfill additives of metalworking fluids to achieve low scar diameters, high stability, anti rusting and corrosion properties.
A lot of set mixtures in this work were formulated to get the demand needed for soluble oil metalworking fluids. It was based on a blend of emulsifier package (anionic‐non ionic), and in order to reach acceptable manufacturing conditions, coupling agent, stabilizer, biocide, base oil and anti‐rust additives were added to the formulation. Different percentages of these components were incorporated to optimize the stability of the emulsifier system. Standard tests were carried out to evaluate the performance of oil‐in‐water (O/W) emulsions as lubricating and cooling fluids in machining operations. The evaluation was drawn in five factors; oil stability, emulsion stability, pH, anti‐rust (corrosion inhibition), biological activity and extreme pressure performance tests.
All tests achieved excellent results according to the ASTM. From the obtained results, the formula (named EPRI 950) exhibited a good performance compared with the commercial cutting fluid.
This work investigates the effect of anionic and nonionic mixed emulsifier system in stabilization of cutting fluid formulations; and the interaction synergism of the fulfill additives of metalworking fluids to achieve low scar diameters, high stability, anti‐rusting and corrosion properties.
Heba Atef El-Akhras, Marwa Ali Abd El-Wahab, Elham Gharib Saghier and Kareem M. Selem
Despite ChatGPT usage advantages to complete assignments as quickly as possible with detailed information, its adoption risks are crucial factors that may significantly influence…
Despite ChatGPT usage advantages to complete assignments as quickly as possible with detailed information, its adoption risks are crucial factors that may significantly influence student outcomes, like creative skills and achievement levels. Hence, this paper examines the potential effects of ChatGPT adoption risks on students’ cognitive achievement, underpinned by perceived risk theory (PRT). Further, this paper examines the mediating role of creative thinking levels among hospitality college students.
This paper employed a quantitative approach to collect data. Using an online survey, simple random sampling was employed to ensure bias. Hence, 267 faculty members at tourism and hospitality colleges affiliated with Egyptian public universities responded, and their responses were tested using SmartPLS v.4.
Creative thinking partially mediated five potential risks of students’ ChatGPT adoption effects on their cognitive achievement. More specifically, psychological risks of ChatGPT adoption among students are considered one of the most likely to reduce their levels of creative thinking and their ability to achieve achievement.
Practical implications
This paper provides insights for policymakers aimed at enhancing higher education quality in tourism and hospitality colleges. Accordingly, this paper concludes by highlighting the importance of addressing ChatGPT adoption’s psychological risks, integrating strategies to promote creative thinking among students and fostering responsible artificial intelligence usage in higher education.
This paper underscores the critical role of faculty members in navigating and mitigating these risks, fostering a more conducive learning environment for responsible ChatGPT usage.
Marwa Ben Ali and Ghada Boukettaya
For decades, the fast population growth worldwide was interrelated with the adopted rapid lifestyle behavior that relies on the extensive use of fossil fuels. This primary energy…
For decades, the fast population growth worldwide was interrelated with the adopted rapid lifestyle behavior that relies on the extensive use of fossil fuels. This primary energy source has caused various urban and environmental impacts, such as global warming, air pollution, and so forth. Consequently, the identified circumstance issues have caused many health, social, and economic hindering effects for global citizens. It poses an existential threat to humanity and the global earth's ecosystem. The alarming levels of urban pollution emissions are putting enormous challenges to the related stakeholders (governments, businesses, investors, automakers, and citizens) to admit the need to decarbonize the global economy and reach sustainable development goals (SDGs) for cleaner and smarter cities across borders. As such, a vital part of a smart city is the transport sector. The road transport sector, precisely, is one of the primary consumers of fossil fuels that contribute to high carbon dioxide emissions. Accordingly, it is essential to adopt novel and sustainable urban transport solutions and promote the achievement of the SDG's eleventh goal for sustainable cities and communities. This chapter provides insight into the present global energy situation with particular attention to the road transport sector. Indeed, it highlights different emerging technologies for a sustainable and smart urban mobility future that will mitigate the environmental situation thanks to the development of drive and internet telecommunication technologies. Furthermore, we aim in this chapter to study the international progress of the transition project using the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal (PESTEL) analysis methodology. This study is to pinpoint opportunities for project development and the challenges that set back its evolution.
Marwa Elnahass, Xinrui Jia and Louise Crawford
This study aims to examine the mediating effects of corporate governance mechanisms like the board of directors on the association between disruptive technology adoption by audit…
This study aims to examine the mediating effects of corporate governance mechanisms like the board of directors on the association between disruptive technology adoption by audit clients and the risk of material misstatements, including inherent risk and control risk. In particular, the authors study the mediating effects of board characteristics such as board size, independence and gender diversity.
Based on a sample of 100 audit clients listed on the FTSE 100 from 2015 to 2021, this study uses structural equation modelling to test the research objectives.
The findings indicate a significant and negative association between disruptive technology adoption by audit clients and inherent risk. However, there is no significant evidence observed for control risk. The utilisation of disruptive technology by the audit client has a significant impact on the board characteristics, resulting in an increase in board size, greater independence and gender diversity. The authors also find strong evidence that board independence mediates the association between disruptive technology usage and both inherent risk and control risk. In addition, board size and gender exhibit distinct and differential mediating effects on the association and across the two types of risks.
Research limitations/implications
The study reveals that the significant role of using disruptive technology by audit clients in reducing the risk of material misstatements is closely associated with the board of directors, which makes audit clients place greater emphasis on the construction of effective corporate governance.
Practical implications
This study offers essential primary evidence that can assist policymakers and standard setters in formulating guidance and recommendations for board size, independence and gender quotas, ensuring the enhancement of effective governance and supporting the future of audit within the next generation of digital services.
Social implications
With respect to relevant stakeholders, it is imperative for audit clients to recognise that corporate governance represents a fundamental means of addressing the ramifications of applying disruptive technology, particularly as they pertain to inherent and control risks within the audit client.
This study contributes to the existing literature by investigating the joint impact of corporate governance and the utilisation of disruptive technology by audit clients on inherent risk and control risk, which has not been investigated by previous research.
M.R. Noor El-Din, Marwa R. Mishrif, Satish V. Kailas, Suvin P.S. and Jagadeesh K. Mannekote
This paper aims to formulate a new metal working fluid (MWF) composition including some eco-friendly emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitor, biocide, and non- edible vegetable oil…
This paper aims to formulate a new metal working fluid (MWF) composition including some eco-friendly emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitor, biocide, and non- edible vegetable oil (castor oil) as the base oil. To achieve this aim, five MWFs with different hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) value as 10, 9.5, 9, 8.5 and 8 were prepared to identify the optimum HLB value that gives a highly stable oil-in-water emulsion. The performance of castor oil based MWF was evaluated using tool chip tribometer and drill dynamometer. The surface morphology of steel disc and friction pin was performed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and 3D profilometer. The results revealed that the use of the prepared cutting fluid (E1) caused the cutting force to decrease from 500 N for dry high-speed steel sample to 280N, while the same value for a commercial cutting fluid (COM) was recorded as 340 N at drilling speed and cutting feed force as 1120 rpm and 4 mm/min., respectively.
A castor oil-based metalworking fluid was prepared using nonionic surfactants. The composition of the metalworking fluid was further optimized by adding performance-enhancing additives. The performance of castor oil based MWF was analyzed using Tool chip tribometer and Drill dynamometer. The surface morphology of steel ball and a disc was done using 3D profilometer and SEM.
Studies revealed that castor oil-based MWF having Monoethanolamine (MEA) as corrosion inhibitor was found to be highly stable. The drilling dynamometer and tool chip tribometer studies showed that castor oil-based MWF performance was comparable to that of commercial MWF.
Research limitations/implications
This study aims to explore the performance of the castor oil based metalworking fluid (MWF) using tool chip tribometer and drill dynamometer.
Practical implications
The conventional MWFs are petroleum derives and are unsustainable. Use of non-edible plant-based oils for preparing the MWF will not only be conserved environment but also add value addition to agricultural crops.
Social implications
The social Implications is aiming to decrease the environmental impact that results from the using of mineral cutting fluids.
The originality of this work is to replace the mineral oil and synthetic oil based cutting fluids with more eco-friendly alternatives one. In addition, the investigation will focus on developing functional additives required for cutting fluids which are environmentally benign.