Martin Hosek and Timothy Bleigh
Increasing complexity and aggressive throughput performance of precision robotic manipulators for semiconductor and flat‐panel‐display manufacturing applications require…
Increasing complexity and aggressive throughput performance of precision robotic manipulators for semiconductor and flat‐panel‐display manufacturing applications require innovative control system architectures and advanced trajectory planning and motion control techniques. Brooks Automation, a global supplier of integrated automation solutions for the semiconductor and flat‐panel‐display manufacturing industries, has developed a number of advances that accelerate technological development in these areas of robot control in an effort to set new industry standards in performance and reliability.
Jessie Kemmick Pintor, Carolyn Garcia and Ursula Reynoso
Purpose – To synthesize the literature on coping among adolescents of color in the U.S., we examine normative and circumstantial stressors, describe coping strategies, and…
Purpose – To synthesize the literature on coping among adolescents of color in the U.S., we examine normative and circumstantial stressors, describe coping strategies, and summarize the literature on coping for the promotion of well-being among adolescents of color, including descriptive and intervention studies.
Methods/approach – We conducted an extensive review of the literature in four scientific databases (medline, CINAHL, ERIC, and PyschInfo) between July 2010 and June 2011 (key words: (minority) adolescent(s) (of color), cope/coping, stress (ors), and adaptation/psychological). Studies included in our review were peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and June 2011 that presented original data on the coping strategies and outcomes of adolescents of color (e.g., studies including a majority from underrepresented racial/ethnic communities) between the ages of 12 and 18.
Findings – We identified a total of 91 articles for inclusion, including 83 descriptive and 8 intervention studies. We use a matrix approach to compare descriptive studies by their purpose, study design, sample, targeted stressors, and outcomes. We then discuss the eight interventions we identified, highlighting the targeted population, intervention protocol/adaptation, feasibility/acceptability, and study outcomes.
Implications – The breadth and depth of research on coping among adolescents of color has improved significantly over the past decade, yet our review reveals several areas where further exploration is needed, including research on intra-group differences, validation of coping measures in diverse groups, measurement of the effectiveness of coping strategies over time, and most importantly, the translation of available knowledge on effective coping into culturally relevant, multifaceted interventions for adolescents and their families.
P. D. Harms, Dina V. Krasikova, Adam J. Vanhove, Mitchel N. Herian and Paul B. Lester
This chapter examines the role of stress and emotional well-being as critical antecedents of important outcomes in the military context. In it, we provide a framework for…
This chapter examines the role of stress and emotional well-being as critical antecedents of important outcomes in the military context. In it, we provide a framework for understanding the sources of stress among military personnel. Using this model, we review the risk factors associated with combat and deployment cycles in addition to protective factors, such as personality characteristics and social support, which mitigate the effects of stress on emotional well-being and performance. Finally, we evaluate efforts by military organizations to enhance the emotional well-being of service members through training programs designed to build resiliency.
Wylie H. Wan, Sarah N. Haverly and Leslie B. Hammer
This chapter focuses on military couples and factors that affect their experiences of work, stress, and health using a life course perspective. An introduction to the definition…
This chapter focuses on military couples and factors that affect their experiences of work, stress, and health using a life course perspective. An introduction to the definition of military couples is provided followed by a brief review of previous research on marital quality and divorce among military couples. The core of the chapter describes the advantages of using a life course perspective to examine the military life course for couples, and two critical transitions of military life are more fully examined. Specifically, periodic relocation and deployment and their impacts on military couples are reviewed in detail. Future directions for research on military couples are provided, and the use of the Convoy Model of Social Relations as an integrative approach to examine military personnel and family members’ stress and health across the military life course is introduced.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the status quo of China's innovation systems and contribute to the development of effective innovation policies.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the status quo of China's innovation systems and contribute to the development of effective innovation policies.
The construct of this paper is based on a comprehensive case study in China's transportation sector. Detailed discussions and analyses follow to give implications in policy making.
Sectoral innovation capability can be enhanced in a learning environment that balances domestic innovation and international technology transfer. Government should strategically leverage various resources for innovation.
Through the analysis of case study, a conceptual framework to support sectoral innovation is proposed. The research gives insight on how to improve and prepare the conditions for future innovation.
S. Sarath and P. Sam Paul
A new cutting tool is always well-defined and sharp at the onset of the metal cutting process and gradually losses these properties as the machining process advances. Similarly…
A new cutting tool is always well-defined and sharp at the onset of the metal cutting process and gradually losses these properties as the machining process advances. Similarly, at the beginning of the machining process, amplitude of tool vibrations is considerably low and it increases gradually and peaks at the end of the service period of the cutting tool while machining. It is significant to provide a corresponding real-time varying damping to control this chatter, which directly influences accuracy and quality of productivity. This paper aims to review the literature related to the application of smart fluid to control vibration in metal cutting and also focused on the challenges involved in the implementation of active control system during machining process.
Smart dampers, which are used as semi-active and active dampers in metal cutting, were reviewed and the research studies carried out in the field of the magnetorheological (MR) damper were concentrated. In smart materials, MR fluids possess some disadvantages because of their sedimentation of iron particles, leakage and slow response time. To overcome these drawbacks, new MR materials such as MR foam, MR elastomers, MR gels and MR plastomers have been recommended and suggested. This review intents to throw light into available literature which exclusively deals with controlling chatter in metal cutting with the help of MR damping methods.
Using an MR damper popularly known for its semi-active damping characteristics is very adaptable and flexible in controlling chatter by providing damping to real-time amplitudes of tool vibration. In the past, many researchers have attempted to implement MR damper in metal cutting to control vibration and were successful. Various methods with the help of MR fluid are illustrated.
Research limitations/implications
A new cutting tool is always well-defined and sharp at the onset of metal cutting process and gradually losses these properties as the machining process advances. Similarly, at the beginning of the machining process, amplitude of tool vibrations is considerably low and it increases gradually and peaks at the end of service period of cutting tool while machining. Application of MR damper along with the working methodology in metal cutting is presented, challenges met are analyzed and a scope for development is reviewed.
Practical implications
This study provides corresponding real-time varying damping to control tool vibration which directly influences accuracy and quality of productivity. Using an MR damper popularly known for its semi-active damping characteristics is very adaptable and flexible in controlling chatter by providing damping to real-time amplitudes of tool vibration.
Social implications
This study attempts to implement smart damper in metal cutting to control vibrations.
It is significant to provide corresponding real-time varying damping to control tool vibration which directly influences accuracy and quality of productivity.
Chee-Hua Chin, Winnie Poh Ming Wong, Tat-Huei Cham, Jun Zhou Thong and Jill Pei-Wah Ling
This study aims to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI)-powered smart home devices affect young consumers' requirements for convenience, support, security and monitoring…
This study aims to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI)-powered smart home devices affect young consumers' requirements for convenience, support, security and monitoring, as well as their ability to advance environmental sustainability. This study also examines the variables that impact users' motivation to use AI-powered smart home devices, such as perceived value, ease of use, social presence, identity, technology security and the moderating impact of trust.
The responses from residents of Sarawak, Malaysia, were collected through online questionnaires. This study aimed to examine the perceptions of millennials and zillennials towards their trust and adoption of AI-powered devices. This study used a quantitative approach, and the relationships among the study constructs were analysed using partial least squares - structural equation modelling.
The present study found that perceived usefulness, ease of use and social presence were the main motivators among actual and potential users of smart home devices, especially in determining their intentions to use and actual usage. Additionally, there was a moderating effect of trust on the relationship between perceived ease of use, social presence, social identity and intention to use AI-powered devices in smart homes.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first studies to examine the factors influencing smart technology adoption. This study provided meaningful insights on the development of strategies for the key stakeholders to enhance the adoption and usage of AI-powered smart home devices in Sarawak, one of the promising Borneo states. Additionally, this study contributed to the growing body of knowledge on the associations between technology acceptance model dimensions, intention and actual usage of smart technology, with the moderating impact of trust.
Jeremy D. Moeller, Erica D. Culler, Mallori D. Hamilton, Keith R. Aronson and Daniel F. Perkins
Military-connected students experience a high rate of parental absence due to their parents’ military obligations. Military work-related parental absences can affect school-aged…
Military-connected students experience a high rate of parental absence due to their parents’ military obligations. Military work-related parental absences can affect school-aged children’s emotional and behavioural health and overall academic functioning. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
The current review identified research studies that explored the effects of military-connected parental absence on school-aged children. Specifically, quantitative and qualitative research studies that examine the impact of military parental absences on dependent variables related to internalising and externalising behaviours and academic functioning were of interest. In all, 26 studies were identified for inclusion in the review.
Overall, military-connected students who experience a parental absence due to military service are more likely to exhibit an increase in problem behaviours and a decrease in academic functioning compared to civilian peers or military-connected peers who were not experiencing parental absence.
The current review elucidates parental absence within the military context, highlighting key factors that may contribute to increased and decreased behavioural and academic functioning of military-connected students. Results from the review in relation to risk and protective factors for military-connected students, future research and school programming directions are discussed.
This study aims to propose and test a model that examines the potential connections between two teacher situational variables (teacher immediacy and credibility) and three learner…
This study aims to propose and test a model that examines the potential connections between two teacher situational variables (teacher immediacy and credibility) and three learner affective factors (motivation, attitudes and communication confidence) and to examine how such associations predict learners’ L2WTC (Foreign/second language willingness to communicate) in a language class via a comprehensive communication model to structurally verify the theoretically based associations among these variables.
In total, 214 females and 198 males took part in the study with age range between 19 and 38 years. Participants filled in a verified, translated Arabic version of the questionnaires using an online questionnaire. Data were gathered using questionnaires and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis and sequential mediation analysis using bootstrapping methods to identify and verify direct and indirect paths in the model.
The initial L2 communication structural model showed acceptable goodness of model fit. Teacher credibility and immediacy behaviors only indirectly predicted L2WTC through the mediation of affective variables. Motivation and communication confidence mediated the relationship between credibility and L2WTC, while the association between immediacy and L2WTC was mediated by communication confidence.
The findings of this study have important pedagogical implications globally for professions related to communication instruction, especially with regard to teacher credibility behaviors and particularly for practitioners and beneficiaries in EFL contexts where learners are widely acknowledged for their unwillingness to communicate in foreign language classes.