In July 2021, the European Commission has proposed a set of conjunct initiatives to reform the antimoney laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regulatory…
In July 2021, the European Commission has proposed a set of conjunct initiatives to reform the antimoney laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regulatory regime in Europe with the main aims to (i) harmonize the AML/CFT regulation and (ii) centralize the authority to a higher degree at European Union (EU) level. This paper aims to assess the reform in light of the EU subsidiarity principle.
The paper uses a benchmark approach to compare the proposed EU money laundering reform against Article 5(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The paper confirms that more centralized decision-making at EU level in this policy area is justified, mainly because (i) the policy area is not an area where the EU has exclusive competence, (ii) EU centralized action is necessary and (iii) it also adds value, for instance, for level playing field and efficiency considerations as long as local information advantage will not be lost. As such, the subsidiarity principle can be applied and is an adequate tool to legitimize EU centralized action in the field of money laundering combat.
As the EU AML regulatory reform has not yet been sufficiently discussed in light of the subsidiarity principle, the article is of innovative nature.
This paper aims to assess, from an empirical perspective, the research question if public media reports which relate concrete banks to concrete allegations of money laundering…
This paper aims to assess, from an empirical perspective, the research question if public media reports which relate concrete banks to concrete allegations of money laundering have an adverse impact on banks stock prices and what are the drivers of such impact?
The paper makes use of event study methodology and uses the constant mean and the market model. The event window is calibrated towards a five-day window, and the estimation window has a length of 90 days, in line with best academic practices. Drivers are identified by correlation analysis. and the market model uses ordinary least squares regression.
The application of event study methodologies yields the results that stock prices of affected banks generate, at the date of the news appearance, statistically significant negative abnormal returns under both the market model and the constant mean model. As negative abnormal returns have been mainly found at the date of the event itself, the findings confirm that the impacts of money laundering may be severe but short natured. In addition, the paper finds that the identified negative abnormal returns may be driven by the banks’ size in terms of total assets, by the bank’s profitability in terms of return on assets and by the bank’s sustainability risk.
Practical implications
The findings have implications in terms of banking and supervisory practices. In specific, the findings help to argue that banking consolidation is needed to lower the impacts of AML cases, as stock prices of larger banks show less sensitivity. In addition, the findings could be used to determine financial sanctions against banks violating AML regulation. Finally, the findings imply that AML news can have severe and fast-moving financial stability considerations and are, therefore, important in crisis situations.
As there appears to be no substantial research that applies event study methodology to the money laundering context, the combination of research question and methodology has an innovative character. In addition, there is no clear literature on media and money laundering.
Myrel Tiemann, Markus Clemens and Benedikt Schmuelling
This paper aims to present a fast and modular framework implementation for the thermal analyses of foreign metal objects in the context of wireless power transfer (WPT) to…
This paper aims to present a fast and modular framework implementation for the thermal analyses of foreign metal objects in the context of wireless power transfer (WPT) to evaluate whether they pose a hazard to the system. This framework serves as a decision-making tool for determining the necessity of foreign object detection in certain applications and at certain transmitted power levels.
To assess the necessity of implementing foreign object detection, the considered WPT system is modeled, and Arnoldi-Krylov-based model order reduction is applied to generate separate reduced models of the ground and vehicle modules of the WPT system. This enables interoperable evaluations to be conducted. Further discussion on the implementation details of the system-level simulations used to evaluate the electrical and thermal characteristics is provided. The resulting modular implementation allows for efficient evaluation of the thermal behavior of the wireless charging system at various transferred power levels and under various boundary conditions.
Based on the transferred power level, the WPT model, the relative positioning between the vehicle and the charging pad and the charging time, it may be necessary to divide the area of the charging pad into multiple regions for the purpose of implementing foreign object detection.
While the tools and fundamentals of thermal analysis are widely known and used, their application to high-power WPT systems for electric vehicles has not yet been thoroughly discussed in this form in the literature. The approach presented in this paper is not limited to the specific WPT model discussed but rather is directly applicable to other WPT models as well.
Markus Lamprecht, Siegfried Nagel and Hanspeter Stamm
This chapter examines the origins and institutionalization of sport sociology in Germany and Switzerland and provides an overview of the current state of research. It shows how…
This chapter examines the origins and institutionalization of sport sociology in Germany and Switzerland and provides an overview of the current state of research. It shows how academic chairs and research committees were established and how the first textbooks, anthologies, and journals appeared from the 1970s onwards. The institutionalization process of German-speaking sport sociology proceeded parallel to the establishment of sport science. With regard to its theoretical and empirical basis, German-speaking sport sociology is rooted in theories and concepts of general sociology. Studies using a system theory perspective, conceptualizing sport as a societal sub-system and examining its linkage with and dependence on economy, media, or politics are particularly common in the German-speaking region. In addition, actor theoretic perspectives are very popular, and French sociologists such as Bourdieu and Foucault have had a marked influence on German-speaking sport sociology. A large number of sport sociology studies are concerned with the changes in leisure and elite sports. In this context, the emergence of new trends in risk sports as well as the fitness boom and its implications on body perception are of special interest. Further areas of research refer to sport participation and the impact of social inequality, particularly with respect to gender differences and social integration. Finally, organization research focusing on change at the level of sport associations and clubs has a long tradition. Major challenges for the future of German-speaking sport sociology include its internationalization and an enhanced international linkage in order to improve the visibility of research results.
Norman Haussmann, Steven Stroka, Benedikt Schmuelling and Markus Clemens
High resolution simulations of body-internal electric field strengths induced by magneto-quasistatic fields from wireless power transfer systems are computationally expensive. The…
High resolution simulations of body-internal electric field strengths induced by magneto-quasistatic fields from wireless power transfer systems are computationally expensive. The exposure simulation can be split into two separate simulation steps allowing the calculation of the magnetic flux density distribution, which serves as input into the second simulation step to calculate the body-internal electric fields. In this work, the magnetic flux density is interpolated from in situ measurements in combination with the scalar-potential finite difference scheme to calculate the resulting body-internal field. These calculations are supposed to take less than 5 s to achieve a near real-time visualization of these fields on mobile devices. The purpose of this work is to present an implementation of the simulation on graphics processing units (GPUs), allowing for the calculation of the body-internal field strength in about 3 s.
This work uses the co-simulation scalar-potential finite difference scheme to determine the body-internal electric field strength of human models with a voxel resolution of 2 × 2 × 2 mm3. The scheme is implemented on GPUs. This simulation scheme requires the magnetic flux density distribution as input, determined from radial basis functions.
Using NVIDIA A100 GPUs, the body-internal electric field strength with high-resolution models and 8.9 million degrees of freedom can be determined in about 2.3 s.
This paper describes in detail the used scheme and its implementation to make use of the computational performance of modern GPUs.
Lena Ansmann, Vera Vennedey, Hendrik Ansgar Hillen, Stephanie Stock, Ludwig Kuntz, Holger Pfaff, Russell Mannion and Kira Isabel Hower
Healthcare systems are under pressure to improve their performance, while at the same time facing severe resource constraints, particularly workforce shortages. By applying…
Healthcare systems are under pressure to improve their performance, while at the same time facing severe resource constraints, particularly workforce shortages. By applying resource-dependency-theory (RDT), we explore how healthcare organizations in different settings perceive pressure arising from uncertain access to resources and examine organizational strategies they deploy to secure resources.
A cross-sectional survey of key decision-makers in different healthcare settings in the metropolitan area of Cologne, Germany, on perceptions of pressure arising from the environment and respective strategies was conducted. For comparisons between settings radar charts, Kruskal–Wallis test and Fisher–Yates test were applied. Additionally, correlation analyses were conducted.
A sample of n = 237(13%) key informants participated and reported high pressure caused by bureaucracy, time constraints and recruiting qualified staff. Hospitals, inpatient and outpatient nursing care organizations felt most pressurized. As suggested by RDT, organizations in highly pressurized settings deployed the most vociferous strategies to secure resources, particularly in relation to personnel development.
This study is one of the few studies that focuses on the environment's impact on healthcare organizations across a variety of settings. RDT is a helpful theoretical foundation for understanding the environment's impact on organizational strategies. The substantial variations found between healthcare settings indicate that those settings potentially require specific strategies when seeking to address scarce resources and high demands. The results draw attention to the high level of pressure on healthcare organizations which presumably is passed down to managers, healthcare professionals, patients and relatives.
Chiara Acciarini, Fernando Borelli, Francesca Capo, Francesco Cappa and Chiara Sarrocco
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of the digitalization phenomenon in the development of innovative business models that are sustainability oriented. Thus, the…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of the digitalization phenomenon in the development of innovative business models that are sustainability oriented. Thus, the authors aim to understand whether the presence of digitalization forces companies to create, capture and deliver value in new ways, focusing on their social impact.
Through the analysis of a case study in the automotive sector, the authors provide evidence that both digitalization and sustainability need to be considered to adequately innovate business models. Moreover, these two dimensions are interrelated, and therefore digitalization sustains sustainability and vice versa.
By inductively investigating the evolutionary path along which companies tend to adapt their business models to digitalization and sustainability trends, the authors found that this innovative transformation needs to be as sustainable as possible in order to offer benefits to organizations, customers and society at large. Furthermore, the authors revealed that, at least in the automotive sector, companies and customers are aware of the remarkable consequences of digitalization; however, they are still uncertain regarding the actual adoption of new technologies.
The literature on business model innovation is quite extensive. However, the role of digitalization in developing sustainable business models to achieve a competitive advantage has been overlooked. This study suggests that, within a specific context, forging a value network of stakeholders is helpful when innovating a business model with a sustainability orientation.