Ping Gu, Heleen Dyserinck, Marjan Loep and José Frijns
The aim of this article is to clarify for users the differences between the information resources Cochrane Library (online version), SUMSearch, TRIP (Turning Research into…
The aim of this article is to clarify for users the differences between the information resources Cochrane Library (online version), SUMSearch, TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) and UpToDate (online version), and to understand fully to what extent these four resources can answer therapeutic PICO (Patient/Population‐Intervention/Exposure‐Comparison‐Outcome) questions. We chose ten therapeutic PICO questions from the text “PDQ Evidence‐Based Principles and Practice” and from some evidence‐based medicine (EBM) related Web sites. We then looked for systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), RCTs, practice guidelines or reviews for them on the four electronic resources, respectively. All the resources are completely appropriate to answer therapeutic questions.