Specific chemical environments step out in the industry objects. Portland cement composites (concrete and mortar) were impregnated by using the special polymerized sulfur and…
Specific chemical environments step out in the industry objects. Portland cement composites (concrete and mortar) were impregnated by using the special polymerized sulfur and technical soot as a filler (polymer sulfur composite). Sulfur and technical soot were applied as the industrial waste. Portland cement composites were made of the same aggregate, cement and water. The durability of prepared cement composite samples was tested in 5 per cent solution of HCl and 5 per cent solution of H2SO4 as a function of immersion time. The changes in mechanical strength and mass of the samples were periodically measured. Cement composites impregnated with sulfur composite exhibited limited mechanical strength and mass loss, whereas physico-mechanical properties of Portland cement concrete regressed rapidly. The loss in weight of ordinary concrete impregnated with sulfur composite, kept in aqueous solutions of acids, hydroxides, salts and in water for a year was determined using 100 × 100 × 100 mm samples. The same samples were then used in compressive strength tests.
Specific chemical environments affect industrial objects. Portland cement composites (concrete and mortar) were impregnated with a special polymerized sulfur and technical soot as a filler (polymer sulfur composite). Sulfur and technical soot were applied as industrial waste. Portland cement composites were made of the same aggregate, cement and water. The durability of the prepared cement composite samples was tested in 5 per cent solution of HCl and 5 per cent solution of H2SO4 as a function of immersion time. The changes in mechanical strength and mass of the samples were periodically measured. Cement composites impregnated with sulfur composite exhibited limited mechanical strength and mass loss, whereas the physico-mechanical properties of the Portland cement concrete regressed rapidly. The loss in weight of ordinary concrete impregnated with sulfur composite, kept in aqueous solutions of acids, hydroxides, salts and in water for a year was determined using 100 × 100 × 100 mm samples. The same samples were then used in compressive strength tests. The image analysis used for surface destruction monitoring, performed by scanning microscopy for the determination of damaged surface area and the original surface area before acid resistance testing, showed similar results. Based on the image analysis results, a model for predicting the degradation of mechanical strength during durability testing was established. The fact that the calculated and experimental strength values were not vastly different proved the validity of the proposed model. A brief summary of new products related to the special sulfur composite is given as follows: impregnation, repair, overlays and precast polymer concrete will be presented. Sulfur composite as a polymer coating impregnation, which has received little attention in recent years, currently has some very interesting applications.
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Author comments: 1. The article is original. 2. The article has been written by the stated authors who are all aware of its content and approve its submission. 3. The article has not been published previously. 4. The article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 5. No conflict of interest exists, or if such conflict exists, the exact nature must be declared. 6. If accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the written consent of the publisher.