The purpose of this paper is to present an algorithm of real estate mass appraisal in which the impact of attributes (real estate features) is estimated by inequality restricted…
The purpose of this paper is to present an algorithm of real estate mass appraisal in which the impact of attributes (real estate features) is estimated by inequality restricted least squares (IRLS) model.
This paper presents the algorithm of real estate mass appraisal, which was also presented in the form of an econometric model. Vital problem related to econometric models of mass appraisal is multicollinearity. In this paper, a priori knowledge about parameters is used by imposing restrictions in the form of inequalities. IRLS model is therefore used to limit negative consequences of multicollinearity. In ordinary least squares (OLS) models, estimator variances might be inflated by multicollinearity, which could lead to wrong signs of estimates. In IRLS models, estimators efficiency is higher (estimator variances are lower), which could result in better appraisals.
The final effect of the analysis is a vector of the impact of real estate attributes on their value in the mass appraisal algorithm. After making expert corrections, the algorithm was used to evaluate 318 properties from the test set. Valuation errors were also discussed.
Restrictions in the form of inequalities were imposed on the parameters of the econometric model, ensuring the non-negativity and monotonicity of real estate attribute impact. In case of real estate, variables are usually correlated. OLS estimators are then inflated and inefficient. Imposing restrictions in form of inequalities could improve results because IRLS estimators are more efficient. In the case of results inconsistent with theoretical assumptions, the real estate mass appraisal algorithm enables having the obtained results adjusted by an expert. This can be important for low quality databases, which is often the case in underdeveloped real estate markets. Another reason for expert correction may be the low efficiency of a given real estate market.
The purpose of this paper is to present how prior knowledge about the impact of real estate features on value might be utilised in the econometric models of real estate appraisal…
The purpose of this paper is to present how prior knowledge about the impact of real estate features on value might be utilised in the econometric models of real estate appraisal. In these models, price is a dependent variable and real estate features are explanatory variables. Moreover, these kinds of models might support individual and mass appraisals.
A mixed estimation procedure was discussed in the research. It enables using sample and prior information in an estimation process. Prior information was provided by real estate experts in the form of parameter intervals. Also, sample information about the prices and features of undeveloped land for low-residential purposes was used. Then, mixed estimation results were compared with ordinary least squares (OLS) outcomes. Finally, the estimated econometric models were assessed with regard to both formal criteria and valuation accuracy.
The OLS results were unacceptable, mostly because of the low quality of the database, which is often the case on local, undeveloped real estate markets. The mixed results are much more consistent with formal expectations and the real estate valuations are also better for a mixed model. In a mixed model, the impact of each real estate feature could be estimated, even if there is no variability in the sample information. Valuations are also more precise in terms of their consistency with market prices. The mean error (ME) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) are lower for a mixed model.
The crucial problem in econometric property valuation is that it involves the unreliability of databases, especially on undeveloped, local markets. The applied mixed estimation procedure might support sample information with prior knowledge, in the form of stochastic restrictions imposed on parameters. Thus, that kind of knowledge might be obtained from real estate experts, practitioners, etc.