Briefly discusses the origins, history and current working of theThe Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. Notes the computerisedbibliographic database linked to the computerised…
Briefly discusses the origins, history and current working of the The Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. Notes the computerised bibliographic database linked to the computerised national network. Advises that this database, BN OPALE, is to expand very soon as the progressive retrospective loading of old files is made and French libraries enter their own collections.
Notes the recent media attention given to the way in which womenare being wooed back to the workforce. Discusses job‐sharing, parity ofpay, child care provision and deregulation…
Notes the recent media attention given to the way in which women are being wooed back to the workforce. Discusses job‐sharing, parity of pay, child care provision and deregulation of employment laws. Concludes that “flexibility” is, unfortunately, being offered to women for economic not altruistic or social reasons.