Cristina Cabras, Roberta Tumatis, Marina Mondo and Cristina Sechi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of sexual objectification on the attribution processes of the guilt of a defendant – and also on the level of guilt. It…
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of sexual objectification on the attribution processes of the guilt of a defendant – and also on the level of guilt. It was also hypothesized that legal expertise could be a protective factor in countering the influence of sexual objectification.
Sexual objectification can be defined as the perspective in which a person is evaluated solely in terms of his or her body parts or sexual function. As yet, no studies have assessed the influence of sexual objectification on guilt assessment in the legal system; this paper aims to explore whether sexual objectification has an influence on the attribution processes of a defendant's guilt.
The statistical analysis revealed that the sexually objectified defendant received a guilty verdict more often than a non-sexually objectified defendant; additionally, legal experts were more likely to identify the defendant as not guilty than non-legal experts. The findings support the hypothesis that sexual objectification is indeed one of the common stereotypes that lead to discrimination.
The present study provides novel findings regarding sexual objectification in the forensic context in which the defendant is viewed and evaluated.
1. Indicazioni generali L'indagine (1) sulle leggi ha fornito le seguenti indicazioni:
Il ministro italiano dei Lavori Pubblici, ing. Romita, ha dichiarato recentemente che i danni di guerra subiti dall'Italia ammontano all'astronomica cifra di 3 000 miliardi di…
Il ministro italiano dei Lavori Pubblici, ing. Romita, ha dichiarato recentemente che i danni di guerra subiti dall'Italia ammontano all'astronomica cifra di 3 000 miliardi di lire, secondo dati non ancora del tutto completi e al valore attuale della lire: se tale valore continuerà a declinare andremo naturalmente più su.
Nel riprendere come Libero Docente le mie lezioni presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dopo un lungo intervallo di anni in cui il Corso è stato impartito per Incarico, cioè a…
Nel riprendere come Libero Docente le mie lezioni presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dopo un lungo intervallo di anni in cui il Corso è stato impartito per Incarico, cioè a titolo ufficiale, prima nella facoltà di Scienze Politiche e poi in quella di Economia e Commercie, ritengo opportuno accennare alle vicende di questo insegnamento che ha segnato in certo modo il punto di partenza ed insieme il banco di prova del primo tentativo di sistematica scientifica della trattazione del turismo dal punto di vista economico e statistico. E mancherei ad un preciso dovere e ad un impulso spontaneo del mio animo se in questa occasione non rivolgessi un memore e devoto pensiero al mio grande ed indimenticabile maestro, Augusto Graziani, che seppe inculcarmi la passione per gli studi di economia politica: debbo anzi a lui anche lo specifico orientamento verso l'indagine turistica, perchè il primo tema che egli mi propose nelle esercitazioni di seminario degli Istituti Giuridici dell'Università di Napoli (oh magnifica palestra per noi giovanissimi studenti appena usciti dal Liceo!) fu quello della bilancia dei pagamenti internazionali con particolare riguardo alle cosidette partite «invisibili».
This paper aims to build on Fred Beard’s study of the world’s archives to identity historical advertising and marketing ephemera, published in this journal in 2018, by focussing…
This paper aims to build on Fred Beard’s study of the world’s archives to identity historical advertising and marketing ephemera, published in this journal in 2018, by focussing on resources available in Europe to augment his survey.
Online searching, supplemented by literature emanating from the business archive sector, led to the identification of 177 repositories or online sites in Europe holding advertising and marketing archives of significance for researchers. These are set out in two accompanying tables.
A wide diversity of European archives that are open to researchers is revealed in this paper. Many are the archives of the business themselves, but a number of collecting repositories are also listed, brought together for the first time.
Research limitations/implications
This paper focusses solely on Europe but does not claim to be comprehensive, as the study was time-limited and readers will, no doubt, know of resources that the author has missed. The findings relate mostly to Western Europe, so there is scope for further study to encompass archives in the former eastern bloc. Exploration of sources in Africa, Asia and Latin America would further supplement Beard’s original study.
This research brings together the broadest list of advertising and marketing sources open to researchers in Europe published to date. As Beard’s focus was more on the Americas, this examination redresses the balance with an array of European sources which, it is hoped, will contribute to the greater use of many little-known or under-researched resources by researchers across the world.