Raquel Guiné, Mariana Matos, Carla Henriques and Paula Correia
Bread is one of the most consumed foods in the world, and its main function is to provide nutrients and energy for the body. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to raise awareness…
Bread is one of the most consumed foods in the world, and its main function is to provide nutrients and energy for the body. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to raise awareness about the consumption habits of bread and consumer preferences in the region of Viseu (centre of Portugal), assessing the extent to which the preferences and consumption habits differ based on individual variables.
The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire by direct interviewing. The questionnaire included sections aimed at gathering information about demographics, consumption habits and preferences related to bread. The sample consisted of 500 consented respondents.
The results showed significant differences between genders regarding the type of bread eaten: women consumed less wheat bread (52 per cent against 62 per cent; p = 0.029) and less unsalted bread (0.3 per cent against 3 per cent; p = 0.023), but more whole bread (25 per cent against 11 per cent; p < 0.001) and more bread with cereal grains (23 per cent against 11 per cent; p = 0.001), thus revealing a trend for a nutritionally more adequate choice. Accordingly, women valued more the composition of the bread when purchasing it (p < 0.001). It was also observed a trend for a lower consumption of wheat bread among classes with more advanced studies (47 per cent on university graduates against 60 per cent on nongraduates; p = 0.004).
This work is innovative because it was the first time the preferences and consuming habits of a sample of Portuguese population regarding bread were accessed, altogether. The results hereby obtained may be of importance both to understand the nutritional importance of bread in the diet of the Portuguese and also for the industry and manufacturers to better correspond to the buying preferences.
Mariana Bueno de Andrade Matos and Maria de Lourdes de Azevedo Barbosa
This chapter discusses concepts from and research about experiential marketing and place branding to provide insights for authenticity studies in tourism. In order to offer a…
This chapter discusses concepts from and research about experiential marketing and place branding to provide insights for authenticity studies in tourism. In order to offer a practical perspective, an empirical study was undertaken at a cacao farm in the Brazilian state of Bahia. The locality is known historically for its cacao production, but due to Vassoura-de-Bruxa (witch’s broom) plague diagnosed in 1989, local farmers saw their crops fail and thus sought other alternatives to secure the sustainability of their businesses. Tourism was one of these options. The chapter analyzes the authenticity of tourism experiences and the role marketing plays in this process.
With great relevance of climate change, energy transition, and sustainable development in the global scenario, companies and financial institutions have increased their concern…
With great relevance of climate change, energy transition, and sustainable development in the global scenario, companies and financial institutions have increased their concern with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects. As a result of which, this agenda has gained more importance, being at the center of the international debate. While there are ESG efforts from BRICS countries' companies and institutions, this agenda needs to be addressed collectively within the group. The BRICS Business Council (BBC) and the New Development Bank (NDB) seem to be positioned as actors that could catalyze these issues in this sphere. The Council brings together companies from the five countries, being an appropriate place for discussions on corporate ESG practices. And the Bank operates with a focus on sustainable infrastructure, demonstrating the importance of ESG aspects for the institution's performance. In this sense, the research objective is to understand: in which ways can BBC and NDB expand and strengthen the ESG agenda within the BRICS grouping, particularly with regard to the activities of BRICS companies and the governance of the group's main financial institution? To this end, a detailed mapping of the aspects involving the ESG agenda in both BRICS initiatives will be carried out in order to identify – in the institutional documents and reports – the role of these two mechanisms in ESG aspects.
Mariana Leitão, Ricardo Jorge Correia, Mário Sérgio Teixeira and Susana Campos
This study explores the perception of employees in textile industry firms in Northern Portugal regarding the influence of leadership and reward systems (RS) on their motivation…
This study explores the perception of employees in textile industry firms in Northern Portugal regarding the influence of leadership and reward systems (RS) on their motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and job satisfaction (JS).
A questionnaire was addressed to the employees of 12 firms, obtaining a sample of 256 valid responses, for which a structural equation model was estimated.
The results showed that leadership and RS influence JS only through the mediating effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
This study makes empirical and theoretical contributions, testing the relationship between leadership and employees' JS and how this relationship can be mediated by RS, and motivation – both intrinsic and extrinsic. Moreover, this study was conducted in Portugal, country where these issues have not been researched jointly before.
This article explores the concept of state entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on its darker aspects when states act as creative destroyers.
This article explores the concept of state entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on its darker aspects when states act as creative destroyers.
This study employs a systems-theoretical approach to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding the nature of statehood and its role in driving disruptive innovation. The research design includes an analysis of cases of state-mandated planned obsolescence, examining the ethical, political and economic implications of these strategies.
The main findings highlight that while state-driven innovation is often justified by noble goals such as climate change mitigation, these strategies may lead to ethically questionable outcomes, particularly when economic benefits for the state or associated entities are involved. The study also demonstrates that several aspects of state entrepreneurship align with established definitions of dark side entrepreneurship. The article concludes by underscoring the need for further research into the social costs incurred as states pursue their entrepreneurial missions.
The article demonstrates that states are organisations that pursue business models that would be considered unethical if adopted by other organisations. These models include strategies of state-mandated forms of planned obsolescence, a strategy commonly regarded as environmentally unsustainable or even criminal if performed by business organisations.
Gui Lohmann, Heros Augusto Santos Lobo, Luiz Gonzaga Godoi Trigo, Vander Valduga, Rafael Castro, Mariana de Freitas Coelho, Marina Wöhlke Cyrillo, Yoná Dalonso, Maria Henriqueta Gimenes-Minasse, Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, Ricardo Lanzarini, Sergio Rodrigues Leal, Osiris Marques, Verônica Feder Mayer, Jasmine Cardozo Moreira, Lauro Almeida de Moraes, Alexandre Panosso Netto, André Riani Costa Perinotto, Ambrozio Queiroz Neto, Fabia Trentin and Sidnei Raimundo
Different from most academic publications about tourism in Brazil, this paper provides an overarching and comprehensive perspective. Analysing key developments, and focusing on…
Different from most academic publications about tourism in Brazil, this paper provides an overarching and comprehensive perspective. Analysing key developments, and focusing on the period 2000–2019, this paper also considers long-standing structural issues that hinder tourism development. Although this viewpoint paper deals with Brazil, very similar issues can be identified for many countries worldwide.
This viewpoint paper is a combination of reflections by leading Brazilian tourism academics; most are members of ABRATUR, the International Academy for the Development of Tourism Research in Brazil. This paper uses secondary data from the grey (e.g. government reports) and academic literature to support this opinion paper. The tourism-related topics covered in this paper include economics, policy and planning, marketing, transport, nature-based tourism, gastronomy, hospitality and education, amongst others.
Brazil has missed several unique opportunities to place it as a destination of international renown. Since the 1990s, efforts to support regional tourism development have achieved only moderate success as political instability, violence and corruption have impacted tourism. A lack of a coordinated approach between the various levels of government, a shortage of tourism data and a long-term supra-government marketing campaign, among other factors, have meant Brazil has missed several critical opportunities in the 2010s to establish itself as a leading tourism destination in the global market.
From leading tourism academic experts in Brazil, a unique opinion paper offers an overview of the critical development issues in 2000–2019. The paper presents matters that have hindered potential tourism contributions to the largest nation in South America. While these matters may be specific to Brazil, many of these challenges are not dissimilar to those in other emerging (democratic) nations. The authors offer several public policies and technical recommendations to scaffold tourism development towards the 2030 agenda.
本篇观点论文是巴西前沿旅游学者们思考的集合, 其中大多数的学者是巴西旅游发展国际研究院ABRATUR的成员。这篇论文使用了诸如政府工作报告的二手数据和学术文献来支撑文章观点。其中涉及的与旅游相关的主题包括经济学, 政策和规划, 市场营销, 交通, 自然旅游, 烹饪学, 酒店, 教育等等。
与巴西大多数旅游研究的出版物不同, 本文提供了一个重要且全面的视角。文章重点分析了从2000-2009年的旅游业主要发展状况, 同时考虑了阻碍旅游业发展的长期结构性问题。尽管此观点论文涉及巴西, 但在世界许多国家都可以发现非常相似的问题。
巴西已经错失了作为国际知名旅游目的地的几个独特机会。二十世纪九十年代以来, 因为政治动荡, 暴力和腐败对旅游业的影响, 支持区域旅游业发展的努力仅仅取得了有限的成功。各级政府之间缺乏协调方式, 旅游数据短缺和长期的跨政府营销活动等因素, 已经意味着巴西在二十一世纪前十年已经错失了将自己在全球市场中确立为领先旅游目的地的几个重要机会。
这篇来源于一些巴西学术旅游届的领头羊的独特观点论文概述了从2000年到2019年巴西旅游业发展的关键问题。本文介绍了那些已经阻碍南美洲最大旅游国家潜在旅游业贡献的重要事项。尽管这些事项可能是巴西独有的, 但是其中许多问题与其他新兴的(民主的)国家也没有什么不同。我们提供了一些公共政策和技术建议, 以支持旅游业向2030年议程迈进。
Este artículo de opinión es una combinación de reflexiones de destacados académicos brasileños del turismo, la mayoría miembros de ABRATUR, la Academia Internacional para el Desarrollo de la Investigación en Turismo en Brasil. Se utilizan fuentes secundarias (por ejemplo, informes gubernamentales) y literatura académica para respaldar este artículo. Los temas relacionados con el turismo que se tratan en este documento incluyen economía, política y planificación, marketing, transporte, turismo basado en la naturaleza, gastronomía, hotelería, y educación, entre otros.
A diferencia de la mayoría de las publicaciones académicas sobre el turismo en Brasil, este artículo ofrece una perspectiva global e integral. Al analizar los desarrollos clave y centrarse en 2000–2019, este documento también considera problemas estructurales de larga data que obstaculizan el desarrollo del turismo. Aunque este documento trata de Brasil, se pueden identificar problemas muy similares en muchos otros países del mundo.
Brasil ha perdido varias oportunidades únicas para colocarse como un destino de renombre internacional. Los esfuerzos realizados desde la década de 1990 para apoyar el desarrollo del turismo regional solo han logrado un éxito moderado debido a que la inestabilidad política, la violencia y la corrupción han impactado al turismo. La falta de un enfoque coordinado entre los distintos niveles de gobierno, la escasez de datos turísticos, una campaña de marketing supra gubernamental a largo plazo, entre otros factores, han significado que Brasil haya perdido varias oportunidades críticas en la década de 2010 para establecerse como un destino turístico líder en el mercado global.
Un artículo de opinión único de destacados expertos académicos en turismo en Brasil, que ofrece por primera vez una visión general de los problemas críticos del desarrollo desde la década del 2000. El documento presenta asuntos que han obstaculizado las posibles contribuciones del turismo a la nación más grande de América del Sur. Si bien estos asuntos pueden ser específicos de Brasil, muchos de estos desafíos no son diferentes a los de otras naciones (democráticas) emergentes. Ofrecemos diversas recomendaciones técnicas y de políticas públicas para impulsar el desarrollo turístico hacia la agenda 2030.
Thiago Aguiar Jesuino, Mariana Camelier-Mascarenhas, Thaiane Santos Ferreira, Júlia Barreto de Farias, Leticia de Oliveira Lima and Ivete Maria Santos Oliveira
Physicians worldwide need to be able to identify and assess suicide risk or behavior in their consults. The proper training of medical staff is an important form of suicide…
Physicians worldwide need to be able to identify and assess suicide risk or behavior in their consults. The proper training of medical staff is an important form of suicide prevention, especially because 80% of the patients who died by suicide were in contact with a health-care service in the year of their death. The purpose of this study is to verify if some of the most important Brazilian medical schools includes discussions regarding suicide in their curricula, and describe them.
The study performed a documentary analysis of all Brazilian federal higher education institutions. The analysis involved selecting the institutions that approached the topic of suicide in their curricula, and sorting it by keywords. The curricula that contained such keywords were then entirely read, analyzed and all components found were described regarding course period, workload and approach.
Within the 68 analyzed institutions, 19 (28%) included suicide in their curricula with a total of 31 components approaching suicide among them. Those components belonged to different stages of the course and had different workloads and approaches. A total of seven different approaches were identified: Clinical (54.8%); Emergency (16.1%); Medical Psychology (9.7%); Ethics (6.5%); Social (6.5%); Occupational (3.2%) and Forensic (3.2%).
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the study is the first to address medical education regarding suicide in a large number of Brazilian institutions. It is also one of the few studies worldwide to quantify suicide discussion on a large number of institutions using documentary analysis.
Emilia Mary Bălan, Cristina Georgiana Zeldea and Laura Mariana Cismaş
Introduction: The bioeconomy is a cross-sectoral domain set out in the dedicated European Commission Strategy 2018, which includes those sectors and systems that are based on…
Introduction: The bioeconomy is a cross-sectoral domain set out in the dedicated European Commission Strategy 2018, which includes those sectors and systems that are based on biological resources.
Purpose: An understanding of the bioeconomy’s significance within the EU and the variations in its performance across Member States (MS), thereby informing policymakers and supporting strategic planning efforts to foster sustainable economic growth and resource utilisation within the bioeconomy.
Methodology: Quantitative analysis: the value added at factor cost (VAFC), turnover (TRN), and the number of employed persons (NEP). The research used the database of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). The period evaluated was 2008–2021 for the 27 EU MS.
Findings: The bioeconomy contributes to the generation of community GDP by approximately 5%, and the sectoral analysis shows that agriculture, hunting, and related services and the food industry are the most relevant from an economic and social point of view. Of the EU MS, those in the Western part of the continent have the most significant contribution to the Community bioeconomy for the bioeconomy component sectors that are focused on value creation, efficient use of resources, and environmentally friendly activities.
Limitation: The EU’s lack of harmonised statistical data causes difficulties making detailed comparisons between the countries with developed bioeconomies.
Further Research: Advanced research could help strengthen the scientific basis for creating national bioeconomy strategies. Other indicators, such as indicators related to agricultural practices in an ecological system, could bring new and valuable insights.
Philipe Lira de Carvalho, Mariana Lima Bandeira and Airton Cardoso Cançado
Community-based tourism (CBT) is a management model that prioritises the sustainable use of natural resources while valuing local history and culture in the tourism…
Community-based tourism (CBT) is a management model that prioritises the sustainable use of natural resources while valuing local history and culture in the tourism entrepreneurship business. It has received attention from academics and society worldwide due to its potential to contribute to sustainability frameworks but has some gaps and challenges that need addressing. Studies have highlighted weaknesses in projects, risks of losing community essence through partnerships with the tourism industry and a lack of preparation for community governance. This chapter presents findings from bibliometric studies of publications on CBT and its impact on sustainable regional development indexed by Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus databases over 5 years (2018–2022). The study uses Lotka and Bradford's Laws to review the frequency of citations, the experience and background of cited authors, main subjects, concerns and the most used methodological design. The findings revealed three major concern areas: sustainable development, CBT and the development of tourism. These clusters were further categorised into four subcategories: community participation, sustainability, sustainable tourism and governance. The research papers were published in high-impact factor journals, indicating their relevance and significance in the scientific community. Qualitative results suggest CBT is closely linked to local development issues. There remain challenges that need to be addressed, including the need to associate economic, social and cultural aspects with sustainability issues. It is also essential to improve participation of the local community in governance aspects and expand communication and public policies to motivate and ensure the success of CBT.