Maria-Angeles Revilla-Camacho, Carlos Rodriguez-Rad, Dolores Garzon, María-Elena Sánchez del Río-Vázquez, Camilo Prado-Roman and Beatriz Palacios-Florencio
The main objective of this study is to identify some of the variables that affect the perception of Brazil country brand, as well as the knowledge of the relationships between…
The main objective of this study is to identify some of the variables that affect the perception of Brazil country brand, as well as the knowledge of the relationships between them.
The proposed model aims to find out the influence of the affective image, the cognitive image, the identity and the reputation on the country brand. Partial Least Squares (PLS) is the method used to test the proposed model.
According to the results obtained, it seems that both identity and reputation have a positive and significant effect on the country brand. On the other hand, the cognitive image is positively related to identity and the affective image, while it is surprising that the affective image itself shows no significant influence on identity.
The study is of particular interest to the policy makers of territories, explaining the factors they must influence in order to successfully enhance the country brand. It also contributes to theoretical development by proposing a conceptual model that highlights the importance of the cognitive image in the country brand, due to its effect on the affective image and identity.
El principal objetivo de este estudio es identificar algunas de las variables que inciden en la percepción de la marca país Brasil, así como el conocimiento de las relaciones entre ellos.
El modelo propuesto tiene como objetivo conocer la influencia de la imagen afectiva, la imagen cognitiva, la identidad y reputación en la marca país. El PLS (Partial Least Squares) es el método utilizado para probar el modelo propuesto.
Según los resultados obtenidos, parece que tanto la identidad como la reputación tienen un efecto positivo y significativo en la marca país. Por otro lado, la imagen cognitiva se relaciona positivamente con la identidad y la imagen afectiva, mientras que sorprende que la imagen afectiva en sí misma no muestra una influencia significativa sobre la identidad.
El estudio es de especial interés para los responsables políticos, ya que explica los factores que debe influir para potenciar con éxito la marca país. También contribuye al desarrollo teórico proponiendo un modelo conceptual que resalte la importancia de la imagen cognitiva en la marca país, por su efecto sobre la imagen e identidad afectiva.
Manuela Vega-Vazquez, María Ángeles Revilla-Camacho and Francisco J. Cossío-Silva
The greater part of the academic literature coincides in highlighting the positive influence that consumer participation has on the value created in service delivery. In this…
The greater part of the academic literature coincides in highlighting the positive influence that consumer participation has on the value created in service delivery. In this sense, research stands out which studies the consumer's role as a value co-creator in the service. However, there are few studies which analyze the consequences of co-creation behavior from the customer perspective. This research aims to fill this gap. To do so, it sets out from the measuring of co-creation from the perspective of the customers themselves and proposes that there is a direct relationship between value co-creation behavior and customer satisfaction with the service experience.
To verify the hypothesis proposed, adults over 18 were personally interviewed. They had to be regular users of firms in the beauty parlor and personal care sector. The data collection finished with 547 duly-completed questionnaires. The SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 statistical programs were used for the data analysis.
Regarding the causal model proposed, the data confirm the relationship set out in the hypothesis. It can therefore be stated that there is a positive relation between value co-creation and customer satisfaction. It allows a greater comprehension of the value creation process, analyzing the consequences for customer satisfaction. In this sense, the findings of the study suggest that service firms dedicated to personal care should foster the customers' active participation in the value creation process.
The analysis highlights the positive influence which taking part in the value co-creation has on satisfaction. This is the first study that clearly shows this relationship from the empirical point-of-view.
Juan-José Nájera-Sánchez, Ricardo Martinez-Cañas, María-Ángeles García-Haro and María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz
Given the growing importance of the relationship between customer value co-creation and customer satisfaction, it is essential to assess the implications of this connection from…
Given the growing importance of the relationship between customer value co-creation and customer satisfaction, it is essential to assess the implications of this connection from both a managerial and an academic perspective. The literature on this link has grown enormously in recent years. However, there lacks an integrative framework to improve its understanding. Based on the use of bibliometric techniques, the purpose of this article is threefold: firstly, to shed light on the relationship's knowledge structure by identifying the main clusters of topics; secondly, to propose an integrative conceptual framework and finally, to identify future avenues of research.
The authors analyze a database of 133 recent documents dealing with this pairing to address this gap. A bibliometric coupling methodology was used. Additionally, an in-depth analysis of centrality, density and citations for the different clusters identified in the last years was performed. The authors characterize each group in the knowledge map of the relationship.
This bibliometric analysis identified seven thematic clusters. Three of these, with a more transversal nature, have fostered the growth of this literature. The subsequent clusters used theoretical frameworks present in the first three clusters, adapting them to the specific circumstances analyzed, following different patterns of evolution. The authors present the behavior of the citations in each cluster over recent years, analyzing their intellectual base, trends and development potential.
Derived from their findings, an integrative conceptual framework for explaining the knowledge structure of research in value co-creation and the customer satisfaction literature is proposed. The authors identify main topics by clusters and then detect research gaps and propose new research avenues for the future.