Margarita Cruz and Nikolaus Beck
The purpose of this paper is to show how authenticity limits businesses' responses to competition in the food and beverage industry.
The purpose of this paper is to show how authenticity limits businesses' responses to competition in the food and beverage industry.
This paper focuses on a unique dataset of over 300 breweries and more than 1.300 beer drinkers in Franconia (Germany) to test the impact of authenticity on firms' reactions to competition within geographic communities. The paper uses ordinary least squares (OLS) and fractional logit models.
The findings reveal that breweries tend to enlarge their product portfolio by introducing non-authentic products as a response to competition in geographic communities, while reducing their product diversity and engagement in non-authentic segments when preferences for authenticity prevail in the geographic community. The findings further suggest that in geographic communities where both competition and preferences for authenticity are present, firms tend to keep their product portfolios narrow and withdraw non-authentic products even when product proliferation strategies would be more efficient to deal with competition.
This paper offers novel insights on the impact of authenticity on product proliferation strategies for food and beverage businesses. By showing that expectations on authenticity can constrain firms' product portfolio even in the presence of competition, this paper contributes to contemporary discussions in the fields of strategic management and organization theory about the role of authenticity for food and beverage firms. Unlike previous studies focusing on the benefits of authenticity for firms, the present study is one of the first ones to highlight the negative spillovers of authenticity for firms operating in the food and beverage industry.
Steffen Raub, Margarita Cruz, Jens Gorka, Demian Hodari and Lionel Saul
In the wake of COVID-19, the cruise industry is experiencing an unprecedented talent management challenge. Extant research suggests a broad range of work values that may attract…
In the wake of COVID-19, the cruise industry is experiencing an unprecedented talent management challenge. Extant research suggests a broad range of work values that may attract job candidates to the cruise industry. The purpose of this study is to assess whether there are significant differences in the importance ratings of these work values for the millennials, compared to those of the preceding generation X.
With the support of a leading recruitment agency, the authors obtained responses to an online survey of 1,320 job candidates, of whom 830 were millennials. Using a quantitative approach, the authors asked them to assess the importance of eight work value domains. The authors ranked these domains for the millennials and for generation X and compared mean importance ratings using t-tests.
The results of this study reveal that differences between millennials and generation X in the ranking of the eight work value domains do exist. The authors did not find support for any systematic differences in terms of “extrinsic” versus “intrinsic” work values. However, the results show that the importance of “ego-driven” work values (e.g. support, development, compensation, work–life balance and comfort) is significantly higher for millennials. Conversely, for the more “altruistic” factors, there are no significant differences between the two generations.
Based on a very large sample of job candidates from the cruise industry, the results support the predictions of generational theories. The authors show that differences in work value ratings between generation X and the millennials exist. The authors also provide a novel perspective on the dimensions along which these differences materialize.
在一家领先的招聘机构的支持下, 我们对1320名求职者进行了在线调查, 其中830名是千禧一代。利用定量方法定量评估求职者八个工作价值域的重要性。对千禧一代和X一代的这些领域进行了排名, 并使用t检验重要性评分平均值。
新冠肺炎疫情后, 邮轮行业面临着前所未有的人才管理挑战。现有的研究表明, 广泛的工作价值观可能会吸引求职者进入邮轮行业。本研究的目的是评估千禧一代对这些工作价值的重要性评分与上一代X相比是否存在显著差异。
研究结果显示, 千禧一代和X一代在这八个工作价值领域的排名上确实存在差异。在“外在”和“内在”工作价值方面, 没有任何系统差异的证据支持。然而, 研究结果指出, “自我驱动”的工作价值观(如支持、发展、薪酬、工作与生活的平衡和舒适)对千禧一代的重要性明显更高。相反, 对于更“利他”的因素, 两代人之间没有显著差异。
基于邮轮行业的大量求职者样本, 结果支持代际理论的预测。研究表明, X一代和千禧一代在工作价值评价上存在差异。还提供了一个关于这些差异实现维度的新视角。
Con el apoyo de una importante agencia de contratación, se obtuvieron respuestas a una encuesta online de 1.320 candidatos a un puesto de trabajo, de los cuales 830 eran de la generación del milenio (milenials). A partir de un enfoque cuantitativo, se preguntó que evaluaran la importancia de ocho dimensiones sobre valores laborales. Se clasificaron estas dimensiones para los milenials y para la generación X y se compararon las valoraciones medias de su importancia mediante pruebas t.
A raíz del Covid-19, el sector de los cruceros está experimentando un reto de gestión del talento sin precedentes. La investigación existente sugiere una amplia gama de valores laborales que pueden atraer a los candidatos al sector de los cruceros. El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar si existen diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones sobre la importancia de estos valores laborales para los millenials, en comparación con los de la generación X precedente.
Nuestros resultados revelan que existen diferencias entre los milenials y la generación X en la clasificación de las ocho dimensiones sobre valores laborales. No se encuentra apoyo para ninguna diferencia sistemática en términos de valores laborales “extrínsecos” frente a “intrínsecos”. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados muestran que la importancia de los valores laborales “impulsados por el ego” (por ejemplo, el apoyo, el desarrollo, la retribución, el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal y la comodidad) es significativamente mayor para los milenials. Por el contrario, para los factores más “altruistas” no hay diferencias significativas entre las dos generaciones.
Basándonos en una muestra muy amplia de candidatos a un puesto de trabajo en el sector de los cruceros, nuestros resultados respaldan las predicciones de las teorías generacionales. Se demuestra que existen diferencias en las valoraciones del trabajo entre la generación X y los milenials. También, se aporta una perspectiva novedosa sobre las dimensiones a lo largo de las cuales se materializan estas diferencias.
Enzo Bivona and Margarita Cruz
The purpose of this paper is to show how different business model innovations (BMIs) help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food and beverage industry to navigate…
The purpose of this paper is to show how different business model innovations (BMIs) help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food and beverage industry to navigate turbulent and uncertain environments such as the coronavirus economic crisis (COVID-19).
The paper adopts an in-depth case study approach and uses a dynamic business modeling (DBM) approach to analyze how a pioneer craft brewery in Switzerland implemented innovative actions undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The paper offers a novel framework describing three processes helping SMEs to implement innovations in their business model (BM) to respond in an effective way to crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The first process refers to SMEs' ability to leverage readily available resources and allows SMEs to rapidly use their current knowledge to react to the changing environment amid the crisis. The second process points at SMEs' ability to transform existing resources into novel products or solutions. Finally, by mobilizing distant resources from their network, SMEs can obtain new resources and knowledge that facilitate the implementation of major changes in their BM.
Unlike previous studies, this research adopts a cause-and-effect perspective to make explicit how SMEs' BM changes affect strategic resources, key drivers and processes, thereby impacting performance. The analysis of the multiple reinforcing and balancing feedback loops resulting from the DBM approach can help SME entrepreneurs learn how and what changes are required in their BM to effectively face turbulent times, such as the COVID-19 crisis. From such an analysis, it emerged that the ability of SMEs to effectively implement innovations amid a crisis depends in large part on their collaborations with business partners and their ability to use and transform internal and external knowledge. In addition, as the future evolution of the COVID-19 crisis is still ongoing and uncertain, this study offers a unique perspective for SMEs in the food and beverage industry as the situation unfolds rather than after the fact.
Jorge Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge Guadalupe-Lanas, Ekaterina Zabelina, Andrés Palacio-Fierro, Margarita Velín-Fárez and Marcin Waldemar Staniewski
The purpose of this paper is to understand in-depth how consumers create value in their lives using WhatsApp, the leading mobile instant messaging (MIM) application.
The purpose of this paper is to understand in-depth how consumers create value in their lives using WhatsApp, the leading mobile instant messaging (MIM) application.
The study adopts the perspective of customer-dominant logic (CDL) and uses a qualitative multimethod design involving 3 focus groups and 25 subsequent in-depth interviews. The research setting was Ecuador, a Latin American country.
Analysis and interpretation of the participants’ stories made it possible to identify and understand the creation of four types of value: maintaining and strengthening relationships; improving role performance; emotional support; and entertainment and fun. In addition, the present study proposes a conceptual model of consumer value creation as it applies to MIM.
Practical implications
Understanding the way consumers create value in their lives using MIM is important not only for organizations that offer MIM applications, but also for those companies that develop other applications for mobile phones or for those who wish to use MIM as an electronic word-of-mouth vehicle.
The current study is one of the first to address the topic of consumer behavior in the use of technologies from the perspective of CDL; this perspective enables an integrated qualitative vision of value creation in which the consumer is the protagonist.
El presente estudio busca comprender a profundidad la forma en que los consumidores crean valor en sus vidas usando WhatsApp, la aplicación líder de mensajería instantánea basada en móviles (MIM).
El estudio adopta la perspectiva de la lógica dominante del cliente y utiliza un diseño cualitativo multimétodo que involucra 3 grupos focales seguidos de 25 entrevistas a profundidad. El escenario de estudio es Ecuador, un país Latinoamericano.
El análisis e interpretación de los relatos de los participantes hace posible identificar y comprender la creación de cuatro tipos de valor: Mantener y fortalecer relaciones, mejorar el desempeño de roles, apoyo emocional y, diversión y entretenimiento. Adicionalmente, el estudio propone un modelo conceptual de creación de valor aplicado a MIM.
Implicaciones prácticas
La comprensión de la forma en que los consumidores crean valor en sus vidas usando MIM, es importante no solo para las empresas que ofrecen aplicaciones MIM, sino también para las empresas que desarrollan otras aplicaciones para móviles o para aquellas que desean usar MIM como canal electrónico para estrategias boca a boca.
El presente estudio es uno de los primeros en abordar el área del comportamiento del consumidor en el uso de tecnologías desde una perspectiva de la lógica dominante del cliente. Esta perspectiva permite presentar una visión cualitativa integrada de la creación de valor, en la cual el consumidor es el protagonista.
José Carlos Vázquez-Parra, Isolda Margarita Castillo-Martínez, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Juan Alberto Amézquita-Zamora and Marco Cruz-Sandoval
The study aims to assess students' perceived mastery of reasoning-for-complexity competency and its sub-competencies in a sample of students in a Latin American university. The…
The study aims to assess students' perceived mastery of reasoning-for-complexity competency and its sub-competencies in a sample of students in a Latin American university. The intention was to identify statistically significant differences between a population of men and women with similar sociocultural characteristics, assessing whether gender could be a factor for educational institutions to consider when implementing strategies to develop this competency.
The eComplexity instrument was applied to 370 undergraduate students in their first to ninth semesters in a private university in Western Mexico. Descriptive statistics were analyzed to determine the mean and standard deviation indicators and were tested for statistical significance. The convenience sampling methodology ensured that there were students from all semesters and a diversity of majors. The sampling aimed for a balance of men and women, resulting in 189 women and 181 men.
The results confirmed no statistically significant evidence to indicate differences between men and women in their perceived mastery of the reasoning-for-complexity competency in general. However, statistically significant differences were found in the perceived achievements of the sub-competencies of systems, critical and scientific thinking, which comprise the overall competency. Women presented a higher average perception of systemic and critical thinking achievement, and men had a higher perception of scientific thinking. The authors concluded that social and cultural elements influence the perception of achievement that men and women develop in thinking and solving problems.
Practical implications
Governments and educational institutions must establish training programs that do not follow gender stereotypes and promote reasoning-for-complexity skills equitably in men and women. It is necessary to create more scientific and academic spaces and projects involving women in the sciences; countries must emphasize this to improve their scientific competency. Only in this way will it be possible to reverse the perception that men and women have of their problem-solving skills and abilities, which, as this study shows, are more a matter of culture than capabilities.
Unlike previous studies, which analyze the competency of complex thinking in a particular way among its sub-competencies, this research sought comprehensive measurement. Furthermore, beyond measuring competency development, this study aimed to measure the perception of achievement. The authors believe this is the first step towards identifying elements of the social imagination that limit the formation of scientific thinking among women in Latin America.
Cinco de Mayo celebrations have become more popular in the United States than in Mexico. In the past few decades, this historic day has changed from a regional celebration of…
Cinco de Mayo celebrations have become more popular in the United States than in Mexico. In the past few decades, this historic day has changed from a regional celebration of Mexican American culture into nationwide Latino/a holiday hijacked by the alcohol industry and other commercial interests. This chapter closely examines the varied ways in which Cinco de Mayo has been represented by U.S. advertisers, marketers, and restaurant owners. Using content analysis of Cinco de Mayo advertisements in magazines, billboards, liquor ads, and store displays from 2000 to 2006, five mediated representations emerged: Mexico's Fourth of July, Mexican St. Patrick's Day, Drinko de Mayo, Sexism in a Bottle, and Mexican Otherness. These representations are anchored in a new racism ideology that emphasizes cultural difference, individualism, liberalism, and colorblindness, which reinforce existing racial inequalities. The implications of the alcohol industry's Cinco de Mayo advertisements is the increased targeting of Latino/a youth from working-class communities with high rates of alcohol-related violent deaths and illnesses.
These will include investment in exploration and exploitation in environmentally sensitive national parks. Export agreements to Brazil and Argentina, plus increased domestic…
DOI: 10.1108/OXAN-DB200516
ISSN: 2633-304X
Cristina Alvarado-Alvarez and Martin C. Euwema
Through this exploration, this article seeks to contribute to facilitate a greater female participation in power and leadership positions in the context of succession by…
Through this exploration, this article seeks to contribute to facilitate a greater female participation in power and leadership positions in the context of succession by presenting perspectives in research and practical implications for both family firms and business families.
Literature review of seminal work on women’s involvement in the leadership succession of family firms and systematic reviews related to the topic published in the last 15 years.
Past research shows that the landscape of gender inclusion in the context of succession has evolved, offering women more access to leadership positions in family firms. Perceptions of women as invisible in business or playing emotional roles in the family, shifted to leaders, managing family business. However, access to leadership positions is not equitable to all regions and women leaders still face significant challenges to achieve legitimacy and recognition inside and outside the organisation. Future research should contribute to the enhancement of gender inclusion in leadership of family firms. Action research and interventions in both family firms and business families are ways to achieve this.
This paper elaborates on new research avenues and provides practical insights into how to enhance gender inclusion in the context of succession at both business family and family firm’s realms.
Margarita Billon, Rocío Marco and Fernando Lera-Lopez
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of patterns that combine innovation and information and communication technologies (ICT) use, and the factors explaining…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of patterns that combine innovation and information and communication technologies (ICT) use, and the factors explaining them in the European Union.
The authors use data for firms and households at the regional level in the EU-27. Factorial and cluster analyses are used to the determine combined patterns for both dimensions and to elaborate a taxonomy of the European regions, respectively. Finally, the multiple discriminant analysis serves to identify the factors that characterize the patterns detected.
The results show the existence of three regional clusters that capture different combinations of patenting and ICT use. Research and development (R&D) expenditure in the business sector, government quality, gross domestic product per capita, the number of researchers, and employment by the highest level of education attained are the key variables explaining the disparities in innovation and ICT use in the European regions.
Research limitations/implications
The conclusions point to the key role played by business R&D and knowledge resources within an institutional framework that facilitates actions oriented to benefiting regions through both knowledge creation and knowledge diffusion derived from the combined activities of innovation and ICT use.
The paper provides for the first time a characterization of the European regions that jointly considers innovation and ICT use. It also contributes to the literature by exploring differences in ICT use by households and firms, and the factors explaining them. The study can provide new insights into the design of public policies that may consider the common factors that explain combinations of innovation and technology use.
This chapter analyzes the evolution and impact of the sociology of sport in Chile. From a socio-historical perspective and considering the different sociological perspectives used…
This chapter analyzes the evolution and impact of the sociology of sport in Chile. From a socio-historical perspective and considering the different sociological perspectives used to study national sport phenomena, the sociology of sport remains a relatively new field of study within general sociology. Chile’s recent hosting of international conferences, such as the Latin American Association of Sociology (ALAS) and the Latin American Association of Sociocultural Studies in Sports (ALESDE), has catalyzed the field by bringing together researchers and promoting academic collaboration. To date, most research in Chile has focused on soccer. However, changes in Chilean society demand that other social aspects of sport as a socio-cultural phenomenon be studied. In future years, it is expected that the sociology of sport will assume a level of importance equal to that of other fields of social research.