Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
The effect of diet on coronary heart disease has been the subject of much research and controversy in recent years. In 1970 a panel was set up by the Committee on Medical Aspects…
The effect of diet on coronary heart disease has been the subject of much research and controversy in recent years. In 1970 a panel was set up by the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (Nutrition) to advise on the significance of any relationships and on any indications for future action and for the formulation of a United Kingdom food policy. The panel's report was published in June 1974. The panel's members studied and discussed an enormous volume of published work from all over the world, and had meetings with a number of experienced investigators. The report's bibliography contains almost 400 papers, both published and unpublished. The report is almost entirely confined to an interpretation of the evidence as it applies to man; although atherosclerotic thickening of arterial walls occurs in other species, thrombotic obstruction appears to be found only in man.
A working party set up by the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) Panel on Child Nutrition to review and advise on infant feeding published its report in October…
A working party set up by the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) Panel on Child Nutrition to review and advise on infant feeding published its report in October 19741. It contains factual information and recommendations which should be of interest and value to those responsible for the training of doctors, dietitians, nurses, midwives and health visitors as well as to food technologists and manufacturers of infant foods. It includes many references to research on infant feeding and tables giving the composition of the wide variety of ‘artificial’ milk feeds at present available compared with cows' and breast milk. It is hoped that the report will enable practical and consistent advice on infant feeding to be given to mothers.
CANADA, until the last generation or two, has been basically a pioneer country but two world wars have changed all this and the economy has moved from an agricultural to a…
CANADA, until the last generation or two, has been basically a pioneer country but two world wars have changed all this and the economy has moved from an agricultural to a manufacturing community able to provide a standard of living second to that of the United States. (At the present time only 10.8 per cent of Canadians live on farms according to the 1961 census.) Natural resources, such as timber, wheat and mining, continue to play, however, an important role in the life of the nation. As in most developing and pioneer countries, learning has had to assume a secondary role compared with other enterprises and activities. This is gradually beginning to change as more people continue in school and the percentage of individuals attending university increases. Established organizations, like the National Film Board and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, catering to mass culture, have been strengthened and enlarged and new establishments, like the Canada Council and the Stratford Shakespearean Festival, of narrower function and appeal, have been set up. The Library movement, not the least of learning agencies, is gaining strength every day. In this paper some of the interesting new developments of the last ten years in the latter field will be discussed. Of necessity, much is abbreviated; a lot is ignored. Data selected has been based on the most recent sources; hence the variety in dates.
BEFORE everyone gets too excited over reports of declining attendances at the national museums since the introduction of entrance charges at the beginning of January, allowances…
BEFORE everyone gets too excited over reports of declining attendances at the national museums since the introduction of entrance charges at the beginning of January, allowances should be made for the Victoria & Albert Museum's former and now discontinued habit of counting to‐and fro‐ing staff among its visitors, and the National Gallery's inclusion of the cognoscenti who were aware that it has the only public lavatories on the northern side of Trafalgar Square. Culture‐hunting has not hitherto accounted for all who passed through the portals of our national museums.
One of the arguments used against British entry to the EEC was the loss of sovereignty; that Parliament would not be able to fully control all the statutory measures which would…
One of the arguments used against British entry to the EEC was the loss of sovereignty; that Parliament would not be able to fully control all the statutory measures which would be applied to the people. EEC regulations apply without implementation by national governments, but since member‐states, through their representatives on Council and Commission, have participated, it is considered that national governments have in effect enacted them. EEC Directives as the name implies requires national governments to apply the provisions of the EEC measure; transitional exemptions up to five years are usually included for individual provisions, where internal adjustment is required. MAFF food regulations, implementing EEC Directives, have been made after this pattern for a number of food additives. The statutory measures are unlikely to present any greater difficulties than usual, but in interpretation, courts in this country have to consider EEC law above that of English and Scottish courts. The Court at Luxemburg exists mainly for interpretation, but courts and litigants have been advised against reference owing to the lengthy delays and the high court or court of sessions should make is interpretation based on EEC law.
The purpose of this short paper is to comment on the powerful contribution researchers have made to the emerging field of Indigenous O&M scholarship.
The purpose of this short paper is to comment on the powerful contribution researchers have made to the emerging field of Indigenous O&M scholarship.
The paper reviews the work in the field of Indigenous O&M.
Indigenous O&M research, first, has been driven by the effects of colonization and the attempts to reclaim traditional ways of researching, organizing and managing, second; has sought asylum in established critical and alternative fields of scholarship to create research legitimacy in the mainstream, and; third, produced novel methodological processes.
Several observations of the field will be made and some considerations are put forward to promote research within the tight – almost impenetrable – boundaries of the academy and its institutions.
Justin B. Hollander and Eric C. Anderson
Much of the current literature on streetscape design emphasizes a need for well-articulated edge conditions to enhance pedestrian-orientation and the reason appears to lie in…
Much of the current literature on streetscape design emphasizes a need for well-articulated edge conditions to enhance pedestrian-orientation and the reason appears to lie in evolutionary biology: humans have a psychological preference for wall-hugging due to a well-established trait in other species: thigmotaxis.
This study seeks to explore the relationship between urban facades and affective feelings through an empirical study, which asks: how do people perceive edge conditions in urban environments? Through a study of affect relative to edge conditions, greater insight can be generated as to the human experience in the built environment. We conducted a laboratory experiment with 76 subjects who each viewed 40 images of urban facades and rated each based on their emotional reaction.
Each subject also completed two validated individual trait difference measures. We found that those images depicting thigmotaxic facades were more highly rated than other facades.
High quality edge environment resulted in people feeling more pleasant than low quality edges.