Marilyn Davidson and Margaret Ferrario
An examination of styles of management with comparisons of 124female and 95 male managers. Shows that there are two defined parts ofleadership behaviour. Investigates the findings…
An examination of styles of management with comparisons of 124 female and 95 male managers. Shows that there are two defined parts of leadership behaviour. Investigates the findings of a Leader Behaviour Questionnaire on management styles and shows the six major differences between genders. Concludes that more research is needed to explore and confirm the study results, which at present show that women, rather than men, managers are more likely to exhibit an effective team management style suited to today′s pace and style.
The article examines the literature on research into leadershipstyles and gender: the results are conflicting and do not support theassumption that there are stereotypical…
The article examines the literature on research into leadership styles and gender: the results are conflicting and do not support the assumption that there are stereotypical masculine and feminine styles. What has emerged is that women managers are likely to possess both task‐ and relations‐oriented leadership behaviours. It is argued that the “androgynous” leadership style is effective in the management of change.
Career Orientations in Women Volume 44 No. 9 of Human Relations includes an article by Millicent E. Poole, Janice Langan‐Fox and Mary Omodel entitled “Career Orientations in Women…
Career Orientations in Women Volume 44 No. 9 of Human Relations includes an article by Millicent E. Poole, Janice Langan‐Fox and Mary Omodel entitled “Career Orientations in Women from Rural and Urban Backgrounds.”
This is the title of an article by Sheila Rothwell in Vol. 91 No. 1 of the European Business Review. The developments in working trends, problems, legislation, and research in the…
This is the title of an article by Sheila Rothwell in Vol. 91 No. 1 of the European Business Review. The developments in working trends, problems, legislation, and research in the context of equal opportunities in employment in the 1980s are examined. Attempted policy changes are detailed in the following areas: education, training, employment, trade unions, and social policy. There is discussion of three themes which have been the subject of debate: conforming to the male career model; obtaining greater recognition for “female” qualities, skills and attributes; and emphasis on a common humanity and maximising choices for both women and men. The likelihood of the success of each is discussed, and the third approach is supported. The implications for management development specialists are examined.
José Luis Santos, Kenneth R. Roth, Adrian H. Huerta and Zachary S. Ritter
As demand for access to colleges and universities prompts higher education systems for creative and efficient solutions, we examine technology-centric approaches to education…
As demand for access to colleges and universities prompts higher education systems for creative and efficient solutions, we examine technology-centric approaches to education delivery and their implications for policy, student outcomes, and resource allocation. Our work is framed by Kingdon’s adapted multiple streams theory of national policymaking. However, the real elephant in the room may be the skyrocketing costs of administration that may need wrangling before resources can be directed to the future potential savings obtained through developing infrastructure for, and delivery of, tech-centric teaching approaches. We provide examples and strategies, policy implications, and recommendations for research and practice.