A management summary of the theory andpropositions with regard to the engineering ofvision and culture in “corporate entities” isprovided. It has been based on a book of the…
A management summary of the theory and propositions with regard to the engineering of vision and culture in “corporate entities” is provided. It has been based on a book of the same title by the author, published in 1989 by Heinemann in the United Kingdom. In addition, a number of considerations and suggestions have been included in support of further research. The proposed diagnostic management model on organisational and possibly national dynamics emerged in a corporate rather than an “academic” campus. Its particular relevance therefore is both a reflection of an inductive reasoning process on corporate and national events, and of the practitioner′s need to cope with the continuous challenge of structural change.
The situation with Enron illustrates that leaders have been tempted to stretch their company's image of growth and success beyond acceptable limits. Even with the best intentions…
The situation with Enron illustrates that leaders have been tempted to stretch their company's image of growth and success beyond acceptable limits. Even with the best intentions, leaders keep their organization in a stranglehold by reinforcing behaviors that match their comfort zone. However, when these behaviors no longer respond to the needs of an organization, leaders should face up to the limits of their rule. In fact, leadership should become much more sensitive to the temporal (time‐related) needs of companies and their organizations. How does this affect the qualities of leaders? Does leadership style bring resolve or is it something else? And, what kind of a leader are you? A conceptual framework is needed as much as a practical approach. In a holistically learning organization, leadership, in its broadest sense, must accept the existence and limits of so‐called temporal comfort zones. In fact, an adequate management process requires the adoption of a triple‐loop learning process.
The following list is a first attempt to catalogue and describe systematically the British Museum's extensive holdings of early opera librettos and related plays. The great…
The following list is a first attempt to catalogue and describe systematically the British Museum's extensive holdings of early opera librettos and related plays. The great importance of these unpretentious booklets as supplementary and, more often than not, even primary sources for the history and bibliography of dramatic music, besides or instead of the scores, was already clearly recognized in the eighteenth century by Dr. Burney and other scholars. But it is only since 1914, the year in which O. G. T. Sonneck's Library of Congress Catalogue of opera librettos printed before 1800 appeared, that their documentary value could to any greater extent be put to general use in international musicological research. A similar bibliography of the British Museum librettos, while naturally duplicating many Washington entries, would produce a great number of additional tides, not a few of them otherwise unrecorded; it would provide the musical scholar with the key to a collection unequalled elsewhere in Europe, which owing to the peculiar nature of the material is not easily accessible by means of the General Catalogue.