Organizatons arc contrived systems of man, yet theytake a personality of their own. The uniqueness is dueto its climate which is the result of the interactionamong several…
Organizatons arc contrived systems of man, yet they take a personality of their own. The uniqueness is due to its climate which is the result of the interaction among several variables. The characteristics of climate are leadership style, communication pattern, decision making, motivational forces, goal‐setting process, etc. These organizational factors reflect the personality of the organization and affect employees′ performance and attitude. Hence the appropriate climate should be identified which will help the librarian to run the library effectively. Explains about the impact of these variables on personnel management and provides diagrammatic representation of a climate.
The extent to which the various schools of management thought areapplicable in the management styles adopted in university libraries inTamil Nadu is examined. It is concluded that…
The extent to which the various schools of management thought are applicable in the management styles adopted in university libraries in Tamil Nadu is examined. It is concluded that these libraries are ideal bureaucracies and that they lead to a closed “mechanistic climate” which does not provide a healthy environment. Authorities are therefore urged to change their attitude to management style in these university libraries to create an “organismic climate” by adopting new management techniques.
Suggests that the marketing of information can be introduced inuniversity libraries, and provides an overview of the planning processnecessary to implement the marketing strategy…
Suggests that the marketing of information can be introduced in university libraries, and provides an overview of the planning process necessary to implement the marketing strategy successfully. Considers that the concept of marketing information can be successfully adopted in libraries if it is considered as a process of a satisfying the users′ requirements profitably. “Salesmanship” in libraries may sound alien to library professionals in the situation where there is no profit to consider and no competitors to beat, yet this unique situation offers a challenging job situation and a chance to increase the job satisfaction and raise the profile of library professionals. Suggests that the present serious situation, with regard to the close of library schools and declining opportunities, may be considerably improved by introducing a market orientation in libraries.
The term “library management” covers many different aspects of the way that a library is operated and conjures up different concepts in the minds of different people, depending on…
The term “library management” covers many different aspects of the way that a library is operated and conjures up different concepts in the minds of different people, depending on their own interests, agendas and requirements. Research into the subject is even more difficult to define because the application of research in one field can be vital to the development of another. Some researchers would not consider their research central to library matters at all, whereas the practising librarian might well see it as casting new light on a difficult area of understanding or development.
To report on the Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers Golden Jubilee All India Conference Report.
To report on the Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers Golden Jubilee All India Conference Report.
A personal overview of the conference.
The XXVth All India Conference of IASLIC was the last event of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations by the Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC) Kolkata. The main theme of the Conference was the LIS Profession in India: VISION for 2010. Six Special Interest Group Meetings as well as a Panel Discussion on Digital Preservation Strategy were organized and moderated. Over 300 delegates from the entire country participated. A conference volume and souvenir were also released by the Chief Guests.
Provides information of value to library and information science professionals.