Manimore Makri, Leo Themjung Makan and Kailash Chandra Kabra
This paper aims to examine the influence of board characteristics on the integrated reporting quality (IRQ) of Indian-listed companies.
This paper aims to examine the influence of board characteristics on the integrated reporting quality (IRQ) of Indian-listed companies.
The study uses a sample of 197 firms from the BSE 500 for the years 2017–2018 to 2019–2020. The proposed hypotheses are tested using two-stage least squares regression.
The study documents a positive influence of board size, board independence and gender diversity on IRQ. The study also finds that board activity and role duality are insignificant with IRQ. Among the firm-specific characteristics, variables such as firm size, profitability and capital intensity positively influence IRQ.
The current study presents the first investigation in the context of India on the various board characteristics influencing IRQ. The study reiterates the role that gender-diverse boards have in improving information transparency. Policymakers can therefore drive adoption by recommending changes in board characteristics and increasing the quota for women on boards.