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Publication date: 13 July 2022

Manimay Ghosh

This paper aims to investigate the effect of factors that inhibit adoption of mobile payments service in India.



This paper aims to investigate the effect of factors that inhibit adoption of mobile payments service in India.


Based on the extant literature on mobile payment service and other related literature, factors were identified that drive consumer resistance toward its adoption. It engaged “innovation resistance theory” framework for understanding consumer resistance. The framework addressed five categories of barriers, namely, usage, value, risk, image and tradition that lead to negative perception of innovation, and therefore, induces positive impact on its resistance. Additionally, the study considered a few lesser investigated barriers (habitual use of cash, surveillance, technology) for the study, thus extending the existing theoretical framework. Hypotheses were framed, field data were collected and then analyzed using multivariate techniques.


Few interesting observations were made from the study. Usage, image and value barriers hindered adoption of mobile payment service. In case of men, usage, value and image were the primary barriers. For women, usage, image, habitual use of cash and technology acted as barriers that curbed mobile payments service adoption. Additionally, except risk, tradition and surveillance barriers, relationships of all other constructs with adoption intention were moderated by gender.

Research limitations/implications

This research was limited to the views of the urban population in India who used mobile payments service. The results may vary across geographical contexts because of culture or socioeconomic differences.

Practical implications

The growth of mobile payment service has remained sluggish in India despite high levels of digitization. The study results will offer valuable insights to the Indian business managers and policymakers to identify what action plan needs to be instituted to make mobile payments service more attractive and acceptable to users.


This empirical study extended and tested the classical innovation resistance theory framework by adding three less studied barriers (surveillance, habitual use of cash and technology) in a developing nation, thus enriching the current literature on consumer resistance toward mobile payments. It also examined the moderating effect of gender on mobile payments service adoption.


Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, vol. 15 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4620


Publication date: 5 February 2018

Manimay Ghosh

The purpose of this paper is to examine the applicability of electronic service quality instrument, E-S-QUAL, in e-commerce industry in India. Additionally, the efficacy of the…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the applicability of electronic service quality instrument, E-S-QUAL, in e-commerce industry in India. Additionally, the efficacy of the instrument is also examined for two sub-groups of users based on frequency of usage.


Field research was conducted with a modified version of the instrument. The data collected were analyzed using multivariate techniques.


The study confirms the validity of the four dimensions (efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy) of E-S-QUAL instrument. All four dimensions were found to be significant predictors of perceived value. Efficiency and fulfillment were significant predictors of overall perceived quality. Perceived value had a positive and significant relationship with loyalty. The two relationships were further examined for two sub-groups of web users based on the frequency of usage. For heavy users of websites, all four dimensions were significant predictors of perceived value. For predicting perceived value in respect of light users of website, efficiency, fulfillment, and privacy were important determinants. The relationships among latent constructs were checked using structural equation modeling and the model was found to be acceptable. The result showed that electronic service quality affected perceived value, which, in turn, affected loyalty toward a website.


This paper makes an attempt to replicate the four dimensions structure of E-S-QUAL instrument on online shopping sites in India thus enhancing its external generalizability. Additionally, the paper investigates the association of the four aforesaid dimensions with perceived value and overall perceived quality for two sub-groups of users: frequent and non-frequent. The cornerstone of this particular study is to examine the frequency of usage as deterministic parameter for perceived value and overall perceived quality.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 35 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


Publication date: 29 July 2020

Manimay Ghosh

The study aimed to examine the antecedents to self-service technology (SST) adoption behavior and the relationships between the constructs using empirical research.



The study aimed to examine the antecedents to self-service technology (SST) adoption behavior and the relationships between the constructs using empirical research.


Based on synthesis of the extant literature, a model was hypothesized, hypotheses were framed. Field data collected were analyzed using structural equation modeling.


Few interesting findings were noted in this research. First, SST service quality had a direct positive linkage with perceived value, but no linkage with e-satisfaction. Second, strong positive linkage existed between perceived value and e-satisfaction. Therefore, the connection between SST service quality and satisfaction was completely mediated by perceived value. Third, no relationship existed between perceived value and behavioral intentions, but a direct positive relationship existed between e-satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Thus, the relationship of perceived value with behavioral intentions was fully mediated by e-satisfaction. Fourth, no direct connection was found between SST service quality and behavioral intentions. Rather, the connection was fully mediated by perceived value and e-satisfaction. Fifth, direct positive association was found between behavioral intentions and actual adoption of SST.

Research limitations/implications

This empirical research was conducted primarily on the young population.

Practical implications

The study will benefit managers in making better decisions on how to make SST work successfully for their organizations.


First, this research further refined the SST adoption process of a customer, thus making a meaningful contribution to the literature on SST. Second, the research validated SSTQUAL scale in a different geographical setting.


The TQM Journal, vol. 33 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1754-2731


Publication date: 22 November 2018

Manimay Ghosh

The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to identify the determinants that influence adoption of green procurement (GP) practices in Indian firms; and second, to investigate…




The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to identify the determinants that influence adoption of green procurement (GP) practices in Indian firms; and second, to investigate the impact of adoption of GP practices on various parameters of firm performance.


Based on the extant literature on green supply chain management practices, an online field survey questionnaire was developed. The primary intent of the survey was to identify and examine the factors behind adoption of GP initiatives and also to study the impact of its adoption on firm performance. The web-survey was sent to several hundred Indian manufacturing firms. The usable responses were then analyzed using multivariate analysis approach.


The results indicate that internal environmental concern, supplier collaboration, customer pressure, competitive pressure and management support had positive influence on GP. The second finding was that GP adoption had positive relationships with all selected parameters of firm performance.

Research limitations/implications

The study was primarily aimed at manufacturing sector and not on the non-manufacturing sector, and therefore, some valuable insights may have been lost.


This paper examines the relationship between the drivers of GP practices and degree of GP; a relatively unexplored area in the developing economy. It further investigates the impact of GP implementation on various dimensions of firm performance, which has also received limited attention in extant literature. Finally, it also adds value to the nascent literature on GP practices in India.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 30 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Publication date: 1 July 2014

Manimay Ghosh

The purpose of this study was to understand the different dimensions patients staying in a hospital perceived as important for satisfaction and how those dimensions affected their…




The purpose of this study was to understand the different dimensions patients staying in a hospital perceived as important for satisfaction and how those dimensions affected their overall satisfaction levels.


A scale comprising 21 items to measure patient experience in a hospital was developed based on literature review. After purification of the scale, a field survey was administered to patients who were discharged in the recent past from a public or a private hospital in the city. The data collected were analyzed using multivariate techniques.


The data analysis highlighted four important dimensions of patient satisfaction. The four dimensions significantly and positively affected patient’s overall satisfaction level.

Research limitations/implications

This research study was conducted in one of the four major metropolitan cities of India. Nonetheless, the study provides valuable insights into the patient satisfaction dimensions in an Indian context and how those dimensions affected patient’s overall satisfaction.

Practical implications

Hospitals, in general, can use the study findings to measure and improve their operational performance.


This study was not limited to one or few hospitals, but covered many hospitals in one of the four metropolitan cities of India. It provides a comprehensive picture of how many hospitals in the city fared in terms of satisfying their patients.


Leadership in Health Services, vol. 27 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1879


Publication date: 9 February 2015

Manimay Ghosh

– The purpose of this paper is to understand the different factors patients consider in choosing a hospital in a major city in India, prior to admission.



The purpose of this paper is to understand the different factors patients consider in choosing a hospital in a major city in India, prior to admission.


A 20-item scale to identify various factors a patient considers in choosing a hospital was developed. A field survey was conducted on patients who were discharged in the recent past from a public or a private hospital. The data collected were analysed using multivariate techniques.


The data analysis highlighted several factors in the hospital choice selection process, namely quality of treatment, referral, transport convenience, cost, and safety and services.

Research limitations/implications

This research study was carried out in one of the four major metropolitan cities of India. Nonetheless, the study provides valuable insights into the hospital selection process in a developing country like India.

Practical implications

Hospital managers, in general, can use the study findings to improve the operating performance of their hospitals so that they are able to attract more patients in the future. Additionally, the information can be useful to the marketing managers for developing appropriate marketing strategies for their hospitals.


Majority of the empirical research on hospital choice process has been conducted in Europe and North America. Limited knowledge exists on the same in a developing nation like India. This research illustrates a comprehensive study to address that concern.


International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol. 28 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0952-6862


Publication date: 1 January 2013

Manimay Ghosh

The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of lean adoption in Indian manufacturing plants and its impact on operational performance.




The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of lean adoption in Indian manufacturing plants and its impact on operational performance.


A survey questionnaire was developed and adapted based on work done in US industries. The survey questionnaire was sent to 400 firms in four geographic regions in India. In total, 79 usable responses were received for the study.


Since lean manufacturing is a multi‐dimensional construct, the results demonstrate that approximately 80 percent of the respondents have implemented many dimensions of lean – focus on customer needs, pull system, setup time reduction, total productive maintenance, supplier performance, statistical process control, and cross‐departmental problem solving. The operational metrics have improved on all accounts: high productivity, reduced lead time, improved first‐pass correct output, reduced inventory and space requirement. Interestingly, respondents have indicated that first‐pass correct output, reduced manufacturing lead time, and increased productivity are the three main drivers of lean implementation.

Research limitations/implications

Since the sample size is not very large, the results need to be considered with caution.


Lean manufacturing is a very popular concept in the developed world and in some countries in the developing world as well. Yet, little is known about its current status in India, except for a few case studies. The study investigates the degree of lean production implementation in Indian manufacturing plants and its impact on operational metrics. The study also indicates the relationship between lean dimensions/practices and operational outcomes.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 24 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Publication date: 13 April 2015

Manimay Ghosh and Durward K Sobek II

– The purpose of this paper is to examine empirically why a systematic problem-solving routine can play an important role in the process improvement efforts of hospitals.




The purpose of this paper is to examine empirically why a systematic problem-solving routine can play an important role in the process improvement efforts of hospitals.


Data on 18 process improvement cases were collected through semi-structured interviews, reports and other documents, and artifacts associated with the cases. The data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach.


Adherence to all the steps of the problem-solving routine correlated to greater degrees of improvement across the sample. Analysis resulted in two models. The first partially explains why hospital workers tended to enact short-term solutions when faced with process-related problems; and tended not seek longer-term solutions that prevent problems from recurring. The second model highlights a set of self-reinforcing behaviors that are more likely to address problem recurrence and result in sustained process improvement.

Research limitations/implications

The study was conducted in one hospital setting.

Practical implications

Hospital managers can improve patient care and increase operational efficiency by adopting and diffusing problem-solving routines that embody three key characteristics.


This paper offers new insights on why caregivers adopt short-term approaches to problem solving. Three characteristics of an effective problem-solving routine in a healthcare setting are proposed.


Journal of Health Organization and Management, vol. 29 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-7266


Publication date: 14 November 2024

Manisha Sudhir Lande and Sudhir Lande

In the era of the circular economy, the economic growth of a country is highly dependent on the sustainable performance of the manufacturing sector. In today’s increasingly…



In the era of the circular economy, the economic growth of a country is highly dependent on the sustainable performance of the manufacturing sector. In today’s increasingly competitive world, it is important to constantly improve the manufacturing or service industry. Quality with quantity is a main characteristic, which helps a company stay in the competition. Flexibility and responsiveness to customer demands are very important for success. Generally, additional time is needed for setup caused by poor design of equipment. At this point, the terms continuous process improvement and single-minute exchange of dies (SMED) as an approach of lean manufacturing come into play. Lean manufacturing system has been identified as an approach for improving the performance of the process and product.


In this paper, high setup time is considered as major problem in the industry and a major cause and effect for high setup time was found. On the basis of the literature review and experts’ opinions, four categories of barriers, namely method, manpower, machine and tools are identified. In this study, a hybrid approach comprising of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and graph theoretic approach (GTA) has been used. First, prioritization of different categories of barriers by AHP has been done, and second, GTA has been applied for finding the barriers' intensity index. Based on this study, machine and manpower barriers have emerged as major hurdles in the high setup time of machine. The proposed framework will help organizations quantify barriers in high setup time in different manufacturing processes, thereby developing effective strategies for sustainable production.


Findings of this research will contribute to ensuring sustainable competitive advantages, but it has some limitations. Development of the permanent matrix equation for barriers of high setup time is complex and lengthy when barriers are more in number. Absolute and relative values considered while quantifying the intensity of barriers are based on experts’ opinions, which may be inconsistent. In spite of these limitations, organizations can use an illustrated approach to quantify the barriers, thereby developing strategies for successful implementation of high setup time for making them sustainable in the global market. Organizations can also benchmark their sustainability preparedness with the best in the industry. As a future scope of study, high setup time can be reduced by using SMDE technology can be further validated through an empirical and case-based approach to generalize the findings.

Research limitations/implications

Authors remain confined only to setup time. The approach is generalizable and can be extended in other areas. As a future scope of study, high setup time can be reduced by using single minute die exchange technology and can be further validated through an empirical and case-based approach to generalize the findings.

Practical implications

The study guides and facilitates researchers and practitioners in using the most appropriate techniques such as AHP and GTA for empirical studies and in developing, modifying and/or reviewing application frameworks for production. It also guides implementation experience regarding high setup time by using advanced techniques such as single point die exchange (SMDE), which can be beneficiary for both developing and developed country contexts. Industries can accelerate implementation by understanding and using most important AHP, GTA and SMDE techniques.


Lean manufacturing system has been identified as an approach for improving the performance of the process and product. A lean manufacturing system is part of corporate culture, like tools and approaches. High setup time can be classified as waste for the company. Reduction in time is a direct way to increase the productivity and profit. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the time by using some new lean methodology. In global industry, different techniques are used for reduction of time.

Publication date: 29 May 2020

Manimay Dev, Dinesh Kumar and Dharmendra Patel

The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that influence hospitals’ selection by health-care insurers in India and to establish a hierarchical model representing the…



The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that influence hospitals’ selection by health-care insurers in India and to establish a hierarchical model representing the relationship among different factors and their influence on the entire scenario.


A survey with a set of questionnaires was conducted with different health-care insurer executives of reputed health insurance companies. The data has been gathered by using a five-point Likert scale. Their opinions were converted into a reachability matrix and an interpretive structural modeling was constructed. The final results obtained were verified by using fuzzy Matriced Impacts Croises-Multiplication Applique and Classement analysis.


The results suggested three key driving factors, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers accreditation of the hospital, purchasing power of people in the region and national and international recognition of the hospital among the eleven factors selected for the study.

Research limitations/implications

The research mainly focuses on the health insurance benefits provided by privately owned insurance companies and do not comment on any government’s mass health insurance scheme.

Practical implications

With a small proportion of people under the umbrella of health insurance in India, these factors will assist and expedite insurer’s effort to penetrate deep into rural and urban areas enhancing availability and escalating affordability.


This paper presents key factors responsible for better coordination between health-care systems and insurance companies.


International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, vol. 14 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1750-6123


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