THE NEED FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT TRAINING FILMS THE IMMEDIATE ROAD AHEAD IN THE TRAINING FIELD is becoming very clearly defined. There is great satisfaction with the progress made…
THE NEED FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT TRAINING FILMS THE IMMEDIATE ROAD AHEAD IN THE TRAINING FIELD is becoming very clearly defined. There is great satisfaction with the progress made over the past four years or so with operator training and manual skills training generally. Now well on the way, this training activity will continue, becoming in the process both more widespread and more refined.
‘Perhaps the biggest failure by employers, and one of the greatest importance, is the failure to demonstrate to workers the identity of interest between management and employees �…
‘Perhaps the biggest failure by employers, and one of the greatest importance, is the failure to demonstrate to workers the identity of interest between management and employees … They want to be told more of what is happening and why; they want to be given incentives to improve productivity and efficiency; they want better pay and they want a bigger say in the everyday running of the company, particularly as it affects themselves … They do not want to get involved in the financial and other management decisions they do not understand … It is at least possible that both the employers and the union leaders are underestimating the intelligence of the workers to a serious degree for it is difficult to fault a desire for more pay in return for higher efficiency or an urge to be treated as adults and told more of what is going on’.