MICHEL ROEGIERS is Managing Director of Societe des Huiles de Gavel & Roegiers, Elektrion Oil Laboratories, Ghent, Belgium, and has carried considerable research in the subject of…
MICHEL ROEGIERS is Managing Director of Societe des Huiles de Gavel & Roegiers, Elektrion Oil Laboratories, Ghent, Belgium, and has carried considerable research in the subject of this paper. In former work, referred to in this paper, he has derived, by physicomathematical reasoning from the Boltzmann‐formula, a set of isothermal laws applying to the macroscopic properties of normal fluids and their mixtures. Those of our readers who are interested in Physico‐Chemistry and Rheology, and who are competenl to do so, may like to discuss this paper in our columns, and we invite them to do so, with particular emphasis upon its ultimate value to practical lubrication.
In these days of additive‐containing lubricating oils, it is becoming usual to think that the additives are more important than the base oil, in fact it is possible that we shall…
In these days of additive‐containing lubricating oils, it is becoming usual to think that the additives are more important than the base oil, in fact it is possible that we shall eventually lubricate with additives whilst the ‘Lubricating Oil’ may only be a carrier to take the additives to the bearings. Temperatures which may be reached by bearings operating in the immediate vicinity of atomic power reactors and subjected to temperatures almost beyond imagination today, as well as to atomic radiation, may well need to be ‘tailor‐made’ for the job and may not resemble present oils and greases in any way.
WE were pleased to be present on the 10th October at the official opening of the new South Wales Offices and Works of Messrs. James Arnott & Sons Ltd., at Roath Basin Docks…
WE were pleased to be present on the 10th October at the official opening of the new South Wales Offices and Works of Messrs. James Arnott & Sons Ltd., at Roath Basin Docks, Cardiff. The ceremony was performed by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor W. H. J. Muston, who was introduced by Mr. N. K. Worters (Joint Managing Director), in the presence of directors and executives from Newcastle‐on‐TyneHead Office, those responsible for this work at Cardiff, customers and many friends. After the unveiling of a commemorative plaque, Mr. G. M. I. Stanley, Director at Cardiff, spoke highly of his staff and the effort made by them to make this day possible.
Two committees have been working for several years on the standardisation of Cutting Fluid nomenclature and summarised symbols which can be used by both the oil chemist and…
Two committees have been working for several years on the standardisation of Cutting Fluid nomenclature and summarised symbols which can be used by both the oil chemist and production men to avoid misunderstandings and yet present the clear simple truth of the subject matter. The material given below has been approved both by the Research Committee on Cutting Fluids of the ASTM and the ASME, and they are presented here for the purpose of bringing them to the attention of more people interested and inviting comments from those wishing to improve this standard.