The electronics assembly industry has experienced many changes in recent years and continues to meet new challenges on technical, economic and environmental fronts. Throughout its…
The electronics assembly industry has experienced many changes in recent years and continues to meet new challenges on technical, economic and environmental fronts. Throughout its history, however, one aspect of assembly has remained constant — the joining medium. Tin‐lead alloys have been used for joining at least since Roman times, and not without good reason. Their excellent soldering efficiency, proven reliability and relatively low cost have meant that tin‐lead solders have remained unchallenged as the industry standard. This situation, however, is coming under increasing threat from the ‘green’ lobby.
The annual Autumn Conference of the British Association for Brazing and Soldering offers a forum for discussions between scientists and engineers involved with two technologies…
The annual Autumn Conference of the British Association for Brazing and Soldering offers a forum for discussions between scientists and engineers involved with two technologies which, because of their obvious similarities, would be expected to be of mutual benefit and learning. In reality both the science and the practice of brazing and soldering are quite different. I suspect, with some regret, the BABS Management Committee decided that for the first time this division be formally recognised by offering soldering as the subject of the first day and brazing and diffusion bonding the subjects of the second. This report covers the soldering day only, during which seven papers were presented:
This February meeting began in somewhat dramatic fashion—not with the actor's usual injunction to ’break a leg‘ but with the Chairman's announcement that Stuart Briggs, the fourth…
This February meeting began in somewhat dramatic fashion—not with the actor's usual injunction to ’break a leg‘ but with the Chairman's announcement that Stuart Briggs, the fourth of the seven presenters, had broken an ankle. It subsequently transpired that he had evidently ’only‘ torn the ligaments, but his presence at the seminar was sorely missed and I know all will wish him a speedy recovery.
The title of this review may be slightly misleading because Lannion is really a few kilometres from Finisterre, but it certainly seemed as if we were getting to the end of the…
The title of this review may be slightly misleading because Lannion is really a few kilometres from Finisterre, but it certainly seemed as if we were getting to the end of the world travelling there in a fierce equinoctial tempest, one of the worst for several years! Fortunately, the weather cleared up for the opening of the conference the following day and revealed the beauty of the Britanny landscape. Nevertheless, the remark must be made that Lannion was a peculiar choice for an International Conference in view of the fact that it is 500 km from the nearest international airport. A number of participants complained of the difficulty of communications and it is known that others abstained from participating purely because of the difficulties of reaching such an isolated spot. However, some 210 delegates arrived by all possible means. Let it nevertheless be said that the organisation was impeccable — one of the best conferences I have ever attended from that point of view. As just one example, Lannion is essentially a small, mediaeval market town that has outgrown its clothes by the advent of modern technology and the enterprises that surround it. The result is a severe lack of modern hostelries capable of lodging an influx of a couple of hundred or more persons. However, there are an adequate number a few kilometres away, in Perros‐Guirec, a small town situated over three picturesque coves on the Pink Granite Coast. The organisers had the forethought to ensure coaches were always available to shuttle the delegates between their hotels and the various events. They also engaged the services of a caterer to produce lunch and dinner each day, probably otherwise impossible if the delegates had to make their own arrangements.
Elham Ali Shammar and Ammar Thabit Zahary
Internet has changed radically in the way people interact in the virtual world, in their careers or social relationships. IoT technology has added a new vision to this process by…
Internet has changed radically in the way people interact in the virtual world, in their careers or social relationships. IoT technology has added a new vision to this process by enabling connections between smart objects and humans, and also between smart objects themselves, which leads to anything, anytime, anywhere, and any media communications. IoT allows objects to physically see, hear, think, and perform tasks by making them talk to each other, share information and coordinate decisions. To enable the vision of IoT, it utilizes technologies such as ubiquitous computing, context awareness, RFID, WSN, embedded devices, CPS, communication technologies, and internet protocols. IoT is considered to be the future internet, which is significantly different from the Internet we use today. The purpose of this paper is to provide up-to-date literature on trends of IoT research which is driven by the need for convergence of several interdisciplinary technologies and new applications.
A comprehensive IoT literature review has been performed in this paper as a survey. The survey starts by providing an overview of IoT concepts, visions and evolutions. IoT architectures are also explored. Then, the most important components of IoT are discussed including a thorough discussion of IoT operating systems such as Tiny OS, Contiki OS, FreeRTOS, and RIOT. A review of IoT applications is also presented in this paper and finally, IoT challenges that can be recently encountered by researchers are introduced.
Studies of IoT literature and projects show the disproportionate importance of technology in IoT projects, which are often driven by technological interventions rather than innovation in the business model. There are a number of serious concerns about the dangers of IoT growth, particularly in the areas of privacy and security; hence, industry and government began addressing these concerns. At the end, what makes IoT exciting is that we do not yet know the exact use cases which would have the ability to significantly influence our lives.
This survey provides a comprehensive literature review on IoT techniques, operating systems and trends.
Securing the managerial and executive talent that organizations need is a hot topic in the contemporary business community, but it is also an old challenge with a long and varied…
Securing the managerial and executive talent that organizations need is a hot topic in the contemporary business community, but it is also an old challenge with a long and varied history. Contemporary observers are typically surprised to discover first how much the practices from the 1920s look like those that are dominate in the more innovative industries a century later and second how much more sophisticated the plans and systems for managing talent in corporations were in the 1950s than now. The research community interested in human resources often sees the 1950s practices as something like a dominant paradigm; they have in fact already been in sharp decline for almost a generation. For researchers and instructors interested in the practices of “talent management” at the managerial and executive level considered broadly – including subtopics like management development, career planning, succession planning, etc. – it is important to see the roots of contemporary practices and how they have and are changing over time as doing so reinforces the basic notion from contingency theory: practices respond to changes in context. The important aspects of context that drove changes in the design and execution of managerial careers over time has to do with the structure of corporations and how they responded to their competitive environment. The fact that changing business needs led to different corporate structures, business models, and, in turn, different approaches for managing the leaders of corporations also gives us perhaps the best guidance as to where practices in these areas will be in the future. For researchers, starting with this historical perspective is also the best way to develop a macro perspective on the more micro practices and outcomes associated with these talent management questions.
The visit to Aberdeen of Her Majesty The Queen on June 27 confirmed what had been obvious for a little time—that the epidemic of typhoid fever in the city is over, notwithstanding…
The visit to Aberdeen of Her Majesty The Queen on June 27 confirmed what had been obvious for a little time—that the epidemic of typhoid fever in the city is over, notwithstanding that sporadic “secondaries” may continue to occur from time to time. The number of confirmed cases admitted to hospital exceed 400 and the outbreak is among the largest of this century in Britain. The largest number of cases on any one day was 64 on June 1, but by the second week in June, cases had begun to fall and the outbreak was on the decline. The total included about 90 children and there were 38 suspected cases which proved not to be typhoid fever. The infection spread beyond Aberdeen and on June 8, the Secretary of State for Scotland said in the House of Commons that 31 patients (29 in Scotland and two in (England) were in hospital with typhoid contracted in Aberdeen and that 40 other cases were under investigation.
P.G. Harris, M.A. Whitmore, B. Fairweather and B.D. Dunn
Electronic materials, particularly tin‐lead coated component leads, may degrade and acquire a poor solderability as a result of long‐term storage or prolonged periods at elevated…
Electronic materials, particularly tin‐lead coated component leads, may degrade and acquire a poor solderability as a result of long‐term storage or prolonged periods at elevated temperatures (during burn‐in). This paper presents the results of studies on the surface chemistry and microstructure of such coatings together with a technique for stripping degraded coatings and replacing them with pristine finishes having excellent solderability.
ONE area of business to which Work Study could profitably devote some attention is that of planned printing. Even in the second half of the twentieth‐century it is a subject of…
ONE area of business to which Work Study could profitably devote some attention is that of planned printing. Even in the second half of the twentieth‐century it is a subject of which many people seem quite unaware, although efficiency‐conscious companies could well find it to be a source of productivity and profit.
A.C. Chilton, M.A. Whitmore and W.B. Hampshire
A model SMD test‐piece has been developed which permits mechanical stressing of a solder joint in a similar mode to that occurring in the process of thermal fatigue. The failure…
A model SMD test‐piece has been developed which permits mechanical stressing of a solder joint in a similar mode to that occurring in the process of thermal fatigue. The failure mechanisms in the 60Sn40Pb alloy studied have been in agreement with those frequently observed in thermal fatigue. Further, the fatigue life of model joints was found to increase with increasing solder volume whilst, upon ageing at room temperature, fatigue resistance decreased. These effects were attributed to microstructural changes occurring within the solder.