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1 – 10 of 57M.A. Jerrold and R. Fox
One child in ten needs special educational help, and two in every hundred are very backward and intellectually subnormal. For such children, the transition between school and work…
One child in ten needs special educational help, and two in every hundred are very backward and intellectually subnormal. For such children, the transition between school and work can be very traumatic. In this article M. A. Jerrold and R. Fox, headmaster and industrial training master respectively of Cliffdale Secondary School, Portsmouth, describe an ambitious project designed to help the ESN and educationally immature school leaver over the transition.
Robert W Crandall and Kenneth G Elzinga
While the popular image of the Sherman Act is that of a “trust-busting” statute, conduct remedies have been more common than structural relief. This paper evaluates the effect on…
While the popular image of the Sherman Act is that of a “trust-busting” statute, conduct remedies have been more common than structural relief. This paper evaluates the effect on economic welfare of conduct remedies that have resulted from ten prominent Sherman Act monopolization cases. In general, we find that in some cases the behavioral relief has had no consequence other than the cost of litigation and cost of compliance; in other cases, the remedies probably reduced consumer welfare. Cases studied are United Shoe Machinery, AT&T, Std. Oil of California, IBM, United Fruit, Kodak, Safeway, GM, Jerrold, and Blue Chip Stamp.
AT the very outset of this paper it is necessary to make clear that it is not an attempt to compile an exhaustive bibliography of literature relating to special librarianship…
AT the very outset of this paper it is necessary to make clear that it is not an attempt to compile an exhaustive bibliography of literature relating to special librarianship. Neither space nor time permit this. In fact, the references given can only claim to be a sample of the wealth of material on the subject and this paper is submitted in the hope that it will stimulate others to more scholarly efforts. Reference numbers throughout this paper refer to items in the ‘Select list of references to the literature of special librarianship’, section 2 onwards.
Gamze Güner Kibaroğlu, Bircan Güner and H. Nejat Basım
Research on the relationship between high job satisfaction human resources (HR) practices and work-related outcomes at the individual level rarely focuses on job crafting and…
Research on the relationship between high job satisfaction human resources (HR) practices and work-related outcomes at the individual level rarely focuses on job crafting and levels of job passion. To fill this knowledge gap, we show how the relationships between perceived job passion by employees and the availability of HR practices and job satisfaction can vary in job crafting. Based on the job demands–resources (JD-R) perspective, this study was conducted primarily to test the effect of job crafting on the relationship between job passion and job satisfaction. Within the scope of the study, the mediator and moderator role of job crafting between these variables was investigated. The study was collected from 790 people working as blue collars in companies operating in the field of industry in Turkey by survey method. According to the findings of the study, it was observed that job crafting affects job satisfaction in the same direction. In addition to these, the partial mediator and moderator role of job crafting has been observed in the effect of job passion on job satisfaction. Considering these results, it has been observed that the passion for work of blue-collar employees affects job satisfaction. When job crafting is added to this effect, the intensity, strength, and direction of the effect between two variables can change. As a result of the study findings, it has been shown that managers and especially HR managers will strengthen the effect between job crafting and job satisfaction by ensuring the passion of blue-collar individuals.
David Shani and Sujana Chalasani
Discusses niche and relationship marketing strategies as responsesto fragmentation of the mass market. Considers the differentperspectives of these approaches and how the two may…
Discusses niche and relationship marketing strategies as responses to fragmentation of the mass market. Considers the different perspectives of these approaches and how the two may be integrated into an overall marketing strategy. Concludes that marketers need to move from a top‐down approach of segmentation to a bottom‐up approach of aggregating individual needs, and an integrative relationship marketing system using a customer database is a way of doing so.
WE place this special Conference number in the hands of readers in the hope and belief that it will offer features of distinct interest which will increase the value and enjoyment…
WE place this special Conference number in the hands of readers in the hope and belief that it will offer features of distinct interest which will increase the value and enjoyment of Brighton. There can be no doubt that the organizers of Library Association Conferences have endeavoured to surpass one another in recent years; almost always, it may be said, with success. Brighton, like Blackpool if in a rather different way, is a mistress of the art of welcome, and it will be long before another town can surpass her in the art. She is at her best in September when the great, and to some appalling, crowds of her promenades have thinned out a little. This year, then, librarians have an interesting time ahead; although, as we glance over the programme again, we fear that the outdoor and other pleasures we have subtly suggested will occur only fitfully. There will be so much to do in the way of business.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.
King, A. General Policy of E.P.A. O.E.E.C. European Productivity Agency. Report on the second meeting of technical information officers, 1955, pp. 59–65. [The information…
King, A. General Policy of E.P.A. O.E.E.C. European Productivity Agency. Report on the second meeting of technical information officers, 1955, pp. 59–65. [The information activities of the E.P.A. fall into two categories: the exchange of information and the promotion of new developments through personal contacts. An example of the latter is the study being made of all aspects of automation. It is not enough to exchange technical information between scientists, it must be taken to non‐technical persons, and the small firms must be encouraged to make use of it. In addition there is need of more study of the non‐technical aspects of productivity: production engineering, work study, and the economic, social, and psychological implications. These are best tackled by teams of experts drawn from different disciplines.]
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London…
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London, upon which the new building for the British Library Reference Division has to be erected. Some twenty years of continued negotiation and discussion finally resulted in the choice of this site. The UK and much more of the world awaits with anticipation what could and should be the major building library of the twentieth century. The planning and design of a library building, however large or small, is, relatively speaking, a major operation, and deserves time, care and patience if the best results are to be produced.
The Pagination of Books is important, as the chief guide to their completeness and order. Early books were not paged, and it is usual to collate them by means of watermarks…
The Pagination of Books is important, as the chief guide to their completeness and order. Early books were not paged, and it is usual to collate them by means of watermarks, catchwords, signatures and other features in order to ascertain their perfection or imperfection.