Marcel Lacroix and Antoine Joyeux
A numerical study has been conducted for natural convection heattransfer for air around two vertically separated horizontal heated cylindersplaced inside an isothermal rectangular…
A numerical study has been conducted for natural convection heat transfer for air around two vertically separated horizontal heated cylinders placed inside an isothermal rectangular enclosure having finite wall conductances. The interaction between convection in the fluid filled cavity and conduction in the walls surrounding the cavity is investigated. Results have been obtained for Rayleigh numbers (Ra) between 103 and 106, dimensionless wall thickness (W) between 0.5 and 1.375 and dimensionless wall‐fluid thermal conductivity ratio (α) between 0.01 and 5.0. The results indicate that wall heat conduction reduces the average temperature differences across the cavity, partially stabilizes the flow, and decreases natural convection heat transfer. The overall heat transfer coefficient for both cylinders is correlated with CRan for different W and α.
Gaelynn P. Wolf Bordonaro, Laura Cherry and Jessica Stallings
The relationship between learning and mental health, as well as a growing body of literature, underscores the need for art therapy in educational settings. This is particularly…
The relationship between learning and mental health, as well as a growing body of literature, underscores the need for art therapy in educational settings. This is particularly true for learners with special needs. Shostak et al. (1985) affirmed that “for children with special needs, art therapy in a school setting can offer opportunities to work through obstacles that impede educational success” (p. 19). School art therapy facilitates improved social interaction, increased learning behaviors, appropriate affective development, and increased empathy and personal well-being. It can be adapted to meet the specific developmental needs of individual students and to parallel students’ developmental, learning, and behavioral objectives. This chapter introduces the reader to the history and basic constructs of art therapy as a psychoeducational therapeutic intervention in schools. Model programs are identified, as well as the role of the art therapist within the context of K-12 education settings. Additionally, examples of special populations who benefit from art therapy intervention within school systems are provided, along with considerations for school-wide art therapy.
A numerical study is reported of melting from a horizontal heated wall with vertically oriented fins embedded in the phase change material. This work is motivated by the need to…
A numerical study is reported of melting from a horizontal heated wall with vertically oriented fins embedded in the phase change material. This work is motivated by the need to improve the heat transfer rates during the charge and discharge cycles in latent heat thermal energy storage systems. A computational methodology based on a fixed‐grid enthalpy method is first presented for handling the complex problem of natural convection dominated melting from a finned wall. The model is validated with experimental data and next a parametric study is conducted to examine the effect of the heated wall (top or bottom), of the number of fins and of the Rayleigh number RaH on the melting process. Results show that melting is enhanced with a bottom finned heated wall and increasing Rayleigh number. They also indicate that, for a given Rayleigh number, the melting time is minimized for an optimal distance W between the fins. This optimal distance was correlated with W= a RaH + b for 2.10 × 106 ≤ RaH ≤ 8.57 × 106.
I. Raspo, J. Ouazzani and R. Peyret
This paper presents a spectral multidomain method for solving theNavier‐Stokes equations in the vorticity‐stream function formulation. Thealgorithm is based on an extensive use of…
This paper presents a spectral multidomain method for solving the Navier‐Stokes equations in the vorticity‐stream function formulation. The algorithm is based on an extensive use of the influence matrix technique and so leads to a direct method without any iterative process. Numerical results concerning the Czochralski melt configuration are reported and compared with spectral monodomain solutions to show the advantage of the domain decomposition for such a problem which solution presents a singular behaviour.
Moataz Alosaimi, Daniel Lesnic and Jitse Niesen
This study aims to at numerically retrieve five constant dimensional thermo-physical properties of a biological tissue from dimensionless boundary temperature measurements.
This study aims to at numerically retrieve five constant dimensional thermo-physical properties of a biological tissue from dimensionless boundary temperature measurements.
The thermal-wave model of bio-heat transfer is used as an appropriate model because of its realism in situations in which the heat flux is extremely high or low and imposed over a short duration of time. For the numerical discretization, an unconditionally stable finite difference scheme used as a direct solver is developed. The sensitivity coefficients of the dimensionless boundary temperature measurements with respect to five constant dimensionless parameters appearing in a non-dimensionalised version of the governing hyperbolic model are computed. The retrieval of those dimensionless parameters, from both exact and noisy measurements, is successfully achieved by using a minimization procedure based on the MATLAB optimization toolbox routine lsqnonlin. The values of the five-dimensional parameters are recovered by inverting a nonlinear system of algebraic equations connecting those parameters to the dimensionless parameters whose values have already been recovered.
Accurate and stable numerical solutions for the unknown thermo-physical properties of a biological tissue from dimensionless boundary temperature measurements are obtained using the proposed numerical procedure.
Research limitations/implications
The current investigation is limited to the retrieval of constant physical properties, but future work will investigate the reconstruction of the space-dependent blood perfusion coefficient.
Practical implications
As noise inherently present in practical measurements is inverted, the paper is of practical significance and models a real-world situation.
Social implications
The findings of the present paper are of considerable significance and interest to practitioners in the biomedical engineering and medical physics sectors.
In comparison to Alkhwaji et al. (2012), the novelty and contribution of this work are as follows: considering the more general and realistic thermal-wave model of bio-heat transfer, accounting for a relaxation time; allowing for the tissue to have a finite size; and reconstructing five thermally significant dimensional parameters.
Bruno Binet and Marcel Lacroix
A numerical study is conducted for natural convection dominated melting inside discretely heated rectangular enclosures. This study finds applications in the design and operation…
A numerical study is conducted for natural convection dominated melting inside discretely heated rectangular enclosures. This study finds applications in the design and operation of thermal energy storage units and the cooling of electric equipment. Results show the benefits of discrete heating over uniform heating for optimizing the melting process. For enclosures of high aspect ratios (A ∼> 4), configurations leading to well controlled heat source temperatures and long melting times are obtained. For cavities of low aspect ratios (A ∼< 4), it is found that the source span η is the most influential parameter. For η ∼ < 0.45, the melting times are shorter and the heat source temperatures remain equal and moderate during the entire melting process. A map for determining the cavity size and the source distribution that optimizes the melting process is presented.
Melting of pure metal in presence of turbulent natural convection with Rayleigh number ranging from 106 to 109 has been studied numerically. The governing equations are formulated…
Melting of pure metal in presence of turbulent natural convection with Rayleigh number ranging from 106 to 109 has been studied numerically. The governing equations are formulated in terms of stream function—vorticity—temperature and the moving distorted solid/liquid interface is tracked using body‐fitted coordinates. The turbulent flow is taken into account using an algebraic eddy‐viscosity model with Prandtl's mixing length. Results indicate that turbulent natural convection plays a more significant role than laminar flow in the process of melting. Heat transfer and melting rates are significantly increased and a correlation for the average Nusselt number at the heated wall in the quasi‐steady melting regime is proposed.
Nishant Kumar and Neeraj
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of functional properties of the polysaccharide-based component and their application in developing edible film and coating for…
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of functional properties of the polysaccharide-based component and their application in developing edible film and coating for the food processing sector.
In this review study, approximately 271 research and review articles focusing on studies related to polysaccharide-based components and their film-forming properties. This article also focused on the application of polysaccharide-based edible film in the food sector.
From the literature reviewed, polysaccharide components and components-based edible film/coating is the biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging of the materials and directly consumed by the consumer with food. It has been reported that the polysaccharide components have excellent properties such as being nontoxic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal and with good nutrients. The polysaccharide-based edible film has lipid and gas barrier properties with excellent transparency and mechanical strength. In various studies, researchers worked on the development of polysaccharide-based edible film and coating by incorporating plant based natural antioxidants. This was primarily done for obtaining improved physical and chemical properties of the edible film and coating. In future, the technology of developing polysaccharide-based edible film and coating could be used for extending the shelf life and preserving the quality of fruits and vegetables at a commercial level. There is more need to understand the role of edible packaging and sustainability in the food and environment sector.
Through this review paper, possible applications of polysaccharide-based components and their function property in the formation of the edible film and their effect on fruits, vegetables and other food products are discussed after detailed studies of literature from thesis and journal article.
Harrison C.D. Boss, Clara S. Lee, Joshua S. Bourdage and Leah K. Hamilton
This article outlines the development of the Refugee Job Search Process Framework (RJSPF), which was created to help identify barriers that refugees face when trying to find…
This article outlines the development of the Refugee Job Search Process Framework (RJSPF), which was created to help identify barriers that refugees face when trying to find employment. The framework incorporates an interdisciplinary, multi-level approach to the job search, delving into research from migration studies and Industrial/Organizational psychology to outline factors that exist on both the side of the refugee applicant and the organization at each stage of the RJSPF. The authors also tested the RJSPF with Syrian refugees and service providers in Canada to examine the validity of each component of the model.
The authors used a semi-structured format to interview refugees and service providers on their experiences in either trying to find employment or helping their refugee clients with the job search process. After transcribing the interviews, the data were independently coded, quantified, and analysed using Nvivo software to validate the RJSPF.
The majority of the RJSPF either had high or moderate support from the interviews. The authors also identified 6 broader themes using thematic analysis, which include language fluency, credential recognition, Canadian experience “catch 22”, cultural incongruencies, employer exploitation, and mental health for successful employment.
The RJSPF is a new integration of disparate theories of job search experiences in a literature that lacks an organizing framework and perspective on the unique challenges refugees face in this area compared to other newcomers. In doing so, the authors use an interdisciplinary, multi-level approach that extends the nomological network of barriers facing refugees, therefore informing future research and practice.
Philippe Belley, Nathalie Havet and Guy Lacroix
This paper investigates the links between statistical discrimination, mobility, tenure, and wage profiles in the early career of workers. The model assumes that female workers’…
This paper investigates the links between statistical discrimination, mobility, tenure, and wage profiles in the early career of workers. The model assumes that female workers’ productivity is noisier and that the noise/signal ratio tapers off more rapidly for male workers. These two assumptions yield numerous theoretical predictions pertaining to gender wage gaps. These predictions are tested using data from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. As predicted, we find that men and women have the same wage at the start of their career, but that female wages grow at a slower rate thus generating a gender wage gap.