Due to the constituent nitrogen atom of the amino group, amines have been extensively used as inhibitors of metallic corrosion. This article reviews the reported uses of aniline…
Due to the constituent nitrogen atom of the amino group, amines have been extensively used as inhibitors of metallic corrosion. This article reviews the reported uses of aniline and related aromatic amines as corrosion inhibitors.
A new hybrid method based on three‐dimensional finite element idealization in the near field and a semi‐analytic scheme using the principles of wave propagation in multilayered…
A new hybrid method based on three‐dimensional finite element idealization in the near field and a semi‐analytic scheme using the principles of wave propagation in multilayered half space in the far field is proposed for the dynamic soil‐structure interaction analysis. The distinguishing feature of this technique from direct or indirect boundary integral techniques is that in boundary integral techniques a distribution of sources are considered at the near field boundary. Strengths of these sources are then adjusted to satisfy the continuity conditions across the near‐field/far‐field interface. In the proposed method unknown sources are placed not at the near field boundary but at the location of the structure. Then the Saint‐Venant's principle is utilized to justify that at a distant point the effect of the structure's vibration can be effectively modelled by an equivalent vibrating point force and vibrating moment at the structure's position. Thus the number of unknowns can be greatly reduced here. For soil‐structure interaction analysis by this method one needs to consider only three unknowns (two force components and one in‐plane moment) for a general two‐dimensional problem and six unknowns (three force components and three moment components) for a general three‐dimensional problem. When a vertically propagating elastic wave strikes a structure which is symmetric about two mutually perpendicular vertical planes the structure can only vibrate vertically for dilatational waves and horizontally for shear waves. Under this situation the number of unknowns is reduced to only one whereas in boundary integral and boundary element techniques the number of unknowns is dependent on the number of nodes at the near field boundary, which is generally much greater than six. Several example problems are solved in this paper using this technique for both flexible and rigid structures in multilayered soil media.
M.N. Desai, S.S. Rana and M.H. Gandhi
COPPER is by far the most important non‐ferrous metal used in industry. By virtue of its valuable physical and mechanical properties, long life, comparative cheapness and high…
COPPER is by far the most important non‐ferrous metal used in industry. By virtue of its valuable physical and mechanical properties, long life, comparative cheapness and high scrap value, it occupies a position next only to iron and steel in commercial importance.
M.N. Desai and R.P. Patel
The present paper deals with chloroanilines and anisidines as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium‐3S in hydrochloric acid solutions. Some of these compounds have previously been…
The present paper deals with chloroanilines and anisidines as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium‐3S in hydrochloric acid solutions. Some of these compounds have previously been investigated as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium‐2S1 57S2 and 65S3 in hydraulic acid. However, it is well known that the behaviour of inhibitors changes with the metal or even with a change in the composition of the alloy.
M.N. Desai, S.M. Desai, M.H. Gandhi and C.B. Shah
The discovery of the Hall‐Herqult process for the manufacture of aluminium made it possible to obtain the metal in large quantities. Soon it attained the position of a major…
The discovery of the Hall‐Herqult process for the manufacture of aluminium made it possible to obtain the metal in large quantities. Soon it attained the position of a major industrial metal due to its lightness combined with strength, capacity to take up a high polish, excellent conductivity of heat and electricity. Moreover it gives a wide range of extremely valuable alloys with diverse elements such as copper, magnesium, nickel, silicon, zinc, etc.
M.N. Desai, S.M. Desai, M.H. Gandhi and C.B. Shah
This concluding part reviews the actions of inhibitors to acidic, ammonical, organic, atmospheric and miscellaneous product corrosion on aluminium. The comprehensive reference…
This concluding part reviews the actions of inhibitors to acidic, ammonical, organic, atmospheric and miscellaneous product corrosion on aluminium. The comprehensive reference list is also concluded.
M.N. Desai, G.H. Thanki and D.K. Shah
2: Aminobenzoic acids as inhibitors in nitric acid Ortho, meta and para aminobenzoic acids have been studied as corrosion inhibitors for 60/40 brass in nitric acid. Ortho and para…
2: Aminobenzoic acids as inhibitors in nitric acid Ortho, meta and para aminobenzoic acids have been studied as corrosion inhibitors for 60/40 brass in nitric acid. Ortho and para aminobenzoic acids are cathodic in action whereas meta aminobenzoic acid acts by influencing both the cathodic and anodic reactions.
Using the case of women home-based workers in India and the aspirations they have for their children, this chapter argues that aspirations across generations can reveal…
Using the case of women home-based workers in India and the aspirations they have for their children, this chapter argues that aspirations across generations can reveal constraints and conflicts of current social positions. As workers in the informal economy, women’s work experiences are shaped by a matrix of oppression shaped by gender, class, caste, and religion. Yet, resistance to this work only became apparent when discussing hopes for their children’s future. It was in these articulations of aspirations that women stressed the exploitative characteristics of their work and their wish for their children to avoid these same experiences.
M.N. Desai and S.M. Desai
Mann, Antonucci, Nathan, Hackerman and Antropov investigated aniline and N — substituted methyl and ethylamines as corrosion inhibitors for iron in acidic media. The present study…
Mann, Antonucci, Nathan, Hackerman and Antropov investigated aniline and N — substituted methyl and ethylamines as corrosion inhibitors for iron in acidic media. The present study was therefore undertaken to investigate the retardation of corrosion of aluminium 65S in hydrochloric acid.