MANY and sundry are the worries which fall to the lot of the librarian, and the matter of book‐repair is not the least among them. The very limited book‐fund at the disposal of…
MANY and sundry are the worries which fall to the lot of the librarian, and the matter of book‐repair is not the least among them. The very limited book‐fund at the disposal of most public library authorities makes it imperative on the part of the librarian to keep the books in his charge in circulation as long as possible, and to do this at a comparatively small cost, in spite of poor paper, poor binding, careless repairing, and unqualified assistants. This presents a problem which to some extent can be solved by the establishment of a small bindery or repairing department, under the control of an assistant who understands the technique of bookbinding.
Silvia Elena Gallagher and Timothy Savage
This chapter provides a critical discussion of challenge-based learning (CBL) within future trends in higher education (HE). It explores how CBL may address challenges facing…
This chapter provides a critical discussion of challenge-based learning (CBL) within future trends in higher education (HE). It explores how CBL may address challenges facing higher education institutions (HEIs) in response to these future trends by using a framework of common CBL characteristics. Clear recommendations for CBL practitioners to succeed in CBL implementation within the ever-changing HE landscape are presented. It complements previous chapters on CBL case studies by situating CBL in the broader HE space. A discussion on the interrelationships between these characteristics and predictions on the future integration of CBL in HE concludes this chapter. These macrolevel discussions of CBL will be of interest to government officials, managers, business stakeholders, teachers, policy advisors, and academic teachers. Insights on the future institutional impact of CBL, how it may improve business and academic collaborations, how it aligns with sustainability and transversal skills policies, and where CBL is situated in the post-COVID-19 landscape are discussed. Ultimately, it argues that CBL is part of a pedagogical toolkit to meet future trends in HE.
Thalia Anthony, Juanita Sherwood, Harry Blagg and Kieran Tranter
THE completion of the sixth volume of the Library World may not be a very important or remarkable occurrence in the annals of journalism, but when one considers the meagre and…
THE completion of the sixth volume of the Library World may not be a very important or remarkable occurrence in the annals of journalism, but when one considers the meagre and spasmodic support which is generally accorded to professional magazines, it may be allowable for us to indulge in a little self‐congratulation on having lived so long, on little more than the minimum encouragement usually bestowed on literary ventures connected with librarianship. For some reason, which it is very difficult to understand, librarians will not buy their own professional literature, whether offered as books or magazines. An author may reckon on a possible circle of purchasers ranging between 200 and 300 in England, and perhaps thirty in the United States, for any library book which is not more than 5/‐ or 10/‐ in price; and an editor may be certain of a constituency, perhaps, double those numbers, if his journal is not too dull and overpowering. But this is practically the limit of encouragement which anyone can expect for non‐official library publications. The Colonies, the United States, and all the European countries are collectively hardly worth counting in any estimate of possible supporters of an English literary venture in librarianship, and what is even more discouraging, only a few British libraries, and hardly any library assistants or committee‐men, ever buy professional books of any kind. In these circumstances we may be allowed a little pardonable jubilation at having survived at all under such adverse circumstances.
The method of dealing with the proposed additions varies in different libraries. In the Battersea Library, the librarian makes an author‐entry on a cataloguing slip for each book…
The method of dealing with the proposed additions varies in different libraries. In the Battersea Library, the librarian makes an author‐entry on a cataloguing slip for each book he proposes, with name of publisher, price, and, if necessary, a note as to the review of the work, and its suitability for addition to the library. Before each committee meeting these are arranged in alphabetical order, and at the committee the librarian calls them over and marks on each the decision arrived at. Afterwards the slips can be sorted into “rejected,” “postponed,” and “ordered,” and dealt with accordingly. The “ordered” slips can again be sorted into two lots, one for books to be purchased new, and the other for those whose purchase is deferred until they can be met with second‐hand. When the books are received from the vendors, the number of copies, and the branch libraries to which they are allocated, are marked upon the slips. By this means a rough record is kept of the additions to the library, which is of great use to the librarian.
The purpose of this paper is to give an account of the methods used for the author's project-based doctoral thesis, Hatred and History. The methodology is offered not as an…
The purpose of this paper is to give an account of the methods used for the author's project-based doctoral thesis, Hatred and History. The methodology is offered not as an exemplar, but rather as a case study of an integrated approach where exegesis and creative work are conceived as intertwining explorations of the same research materials.
Hatred and History creatively explores the idea that science and intuition frame our experience of the world in distinct ways, and is expressed across an audio production and a written exegesis. The dyad of scientific and intuitive knowledge is embedded deeply within the production, from the initial choice of subject through the structuring and writing of the script to the techniques employed to write the music. This paper traces the transformation of the dyad from academic construct to creative construct, and should therefore be considered a statement of poetics.
The creative exploration of science and intuition encouraged me to consider the “double articulation” of theory and practice, where poetics ceases to be merely a theory of rhetorical design and is assimilated into a theory of self-knowledge.
This paper is offered in the hope that it will be of value to commencing PhD candidates in the creative arts who must navigate the waters between exegesis and creative output for themselves.
Cristian Raggi, Kiriakos Xenitidis, Maria Moisan, Quinton Deeley and Dene Robertson
Reporting to the police incidents of challenging behaviour displayed by inpatients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and learning disability (LD) represents an important but…
Reporting to the police incidents of challenging behaviour displayed by inpatients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and learning disability (LD) represents an important but often controversial issue. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this topic through a brief literature review and the presentation of a clinical case.
Case study and literature review.
The action of reporting to the police can be a useful tool within the therapeutic input provided to patients with ASD and LD who present with challenging behaviour. This can enable staff to feel legally supported, and can promote patients’ learning of social rules, in respect of their rights and duties. The clinical case highlighted that reporting to the police can be effective when it is part of a comprehensive, multi‐professional therapeutic process. This should aim at directing patients towards rehabilitation rather than incarceration. This should also entail the identification of clear pathways and ongoing involvement of patients and families.
Despite the relevance for clinical practice of the above debate, little has been published on this topic. This paper contributes to this discussion through the presentation of a clinical case and by describing how this issue was addressed within a secure inpatient setting.