Hugo Carlos Dornfeld, Adrislaine da Silva Mansano, Eduardo Polloni-Silva, Herick Fernando Moralles and Luiz Fernando de Oriani e Paulillo
This study investigates why different governance structures have been adopted to organize similar operations in sugarcane transport transactions, resulting in the plural forms of…
This study investigates why different governance structures have been adopted to organize similar operations in sugarcane transport transactions, resulting in the plural forms of governance.
Based on a panel of 10 Brazilian mills, covering the 2009–2019 period and employing an econometric strategy grounded mainly on the count data and traditional panel-regression models, this study used the Transaction Cost Economics perspective to investigate how the frequency of transactions, uncertainty and asset specificity influence the decision to adopt the Plural Forms of governance. Moreover, we employed two distinct measures of these Plural Forms and included governance alterations over time.
The results suggest that Transaction Cost Economics is a valid theoretical background for studying the plural forms of governance and that the interviewed Brazilian mills seemed to use these plural forms in their strategic transport planning, thus generating lower transaction costs and reducing issues, such as market uncertainties and opportunistic risks. We also found that the plural forms are gradually maintained but are not being adopted as a transitory management solution because they are aligned with the characteristics of price, the quality of service, contractual clauses and fidelity in negotiations.
The plural forms of governance are strategies for efficiently managing transport, promoting the security of supply and financial benefits related to transaction costs and improving environmental sustainability. Analyzing the plural forms of governance with two different measures (absolute and entropy-related), this study contributes to the ever-growing debate on governance, which is particularly important for the sugar-energy sector.
Cristiane Feltre and Luiz Fernando de Oriani e Paulillo
The purpose of this paper is to show the motivations for the existence of plural forms in the sugarcane agribusiness in the western region of São Paulo state, Brazil, particularly…
The purpose of this paper is to show the motivations for the existence of plural forms in the sugarcane agribusiness in the western region of São Paulo state, Brazil, particularly in the supply of sugarcane to sugar and/or alcohol plants.
This research was conducted by applying interviews with the individuals in charge of the supply from a group of ten plants in this region that compete both for land for planting and for sugarcane itself.
The findings show that plurality was observed in different levels of analysis (clusters): first, the plurality of transactions of sugarcane with different agents; second, plurality in hybrid arrangements or contracts; and finally, plurality in the same transaction. The reasons for the maintenance at Level 1 are various but, balancing the risks of the structures was an important motivator for this decision, while at Levels 2 and 3, the plural forms proved transitory, given the time of the contract and payment methods.
One of the contributions of this study is to determine that generalizations about the transience or stability of plural forms are not appropriate. Another contribution of the research is the observation that in São Paulo’s western region the singular forms of governance in sugarcane supply are not the most common for entrepreneurs who wish to work in sugar and/or alcohol production. Plural forms, as previously postulated in the literature, are more common.
Selene de Souza Siqueira Soares, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes and Luiz Fernando de Oriani Paulillo
The purpose of this paper shows and analyzes recent changes undergone by the Brazilian ethanol industry, comparing two specific years (2000 and 2012) to evaluate the performance…
The purpose of this paper shows and analyzes recent changes undergone by the Brazilian ethanol industry, comparing two specific years (2000 and 2012) to evaluate the performance of governance structures adopted by fuel distributors in the resale of ethanol in Brazil in this period.
In this work, the analysis is restricted to the ethanol trade, using survey data from Soares (2012), who mapped the governance structures in the sector and its control mechanisms. Next, a temporal analysis of governance structures in 2000 and 2012 is conducted to identify recent changes in the transactions between distributors and stations.
The paper concludes that there has been a significant change in the ethanol negotiation models, highlighting the contractual hybrid governances of large distributors, such as which governance structure presented more robust results in terms of gaining market share and increasing average sales per unit of fuel resold in the period analyzed.
This paper is a review of innovative organizational dynamics distributor sector of ethanol in Brazil after deregulation in the late nineties and after the insertion of hybrid vehicles in the domestic market in 2003 (automobiles powered by gasoline and ethanol). The paper makes a comparison of the strategies of firms between the years 2000 and 2012 bring important explanations for the functioning of this market and righligths the advantages and limitations of the public regulatory model chosen by the Brazilian government.