Luis E. Solis, T.S. Raghu‐Nathan and S. Subba Rao
Presents the results of a study on quality management infrastructure practices and quality performance in manufacturing companies located in the North and Central regions of…
Presents the results of a study on quality management infrastructure practices and quality performance in manufacturing companies located in the North and Central regions of Mexico and the US Midwest region. Seven quality management infrastructure practices – top management support, strategic quality planning, quality information availability, employee training, supplier quality, customer focus, and quality citizenship – were assessed and compared. The research covered 372 manufacturing companies in both countries. Our findings show significant differences between the three regions. Companies located in the North region of Mexico exhibit significantly better levels of quality management infrastructure practices than companies located in the US Midwest and Central Mexico regions. Implications for decision‐makers for location, outsourcing, and joint ventures are discussed.
Luis E. Solis, Subba Rao, T.S. Raghu‐Nathan, Cho‐Young Chen and Shih‐Chun Pan
In this paper we compare the quality management practices and quality results between Taiwanese manufacturing and service companies, based on a survey of 131 manufacturing and 109…
In this paper we compare the quality management practices and quality results between Taiwanese manufacturing and service companies, based on a survey of 131 manufacturing and 109 service companies. The results presented here are focused on eight critical factors of quality management ‐ quality leadership, strategic quality planning, quality information and analysis, human resources management, quality assurance, supplier quality, customer orientation, quality citizenship ‐ and company quality results. The present study shows significant differences between manufacturing and service companies with manufacturing companies performing better in six critical dimensions of quality management as well as in quality results. Opportunities for improving quality management practices in Taiwanese service companies are identified.
S. Subba Rao, T.S. Raghunathan and Luis E. Solis
Total quality management is imperative for new industrializing countries in order to achieve international competitiveness and economic growth. An empirical research was conducted…
Total quality management is imperative for new industrializing countries in order to achieve international competitiveness and economic growth. An empirical research was conducted in three new industrialized countries (India, China, and Mexico) to assess the practices in the human resource development dimension of quality management. Our findings reveal that companies in these countries score high on quality concepts, training in work related skills, and continuous quality awareness building. It was also found that in all three countries, the level of training in basic and advanced statistical techniques is low, and that the effectiveness of employee involvement and the level of employee participation is low. Our findings have important implications to improve the level of human resource development practices and internal quality performance for companies in these countries.
T.S. Raghunathan, S. Subba Rao and Luis E. Solis
Seeks to compare the quality management practices in three different countries: USA, India and China. For this research various constructs representing quality management…
Seeks to compare the quality management practices in three different countries: USA, India and China. For this research various constructs representing quality management practices and quality results were conceptualized. A questionnaire survey instrument was developed, pre‐tested and the final version of the questionnaire incorporated the results of pre‐testing. The final questionnaire was used to collect data in the USA, India, and China. Analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. Reports the statistical summaries and the results of ANOVA. The ANOVA results point to statistically significant differences among the three countries with respect to quality practices.
Jose Luis Rivas, Erica Salvaj and Miguel Cordova
The purpose of this study is to analyze interlocking directorate (ID) networks of family and nonfamily firms (FFs) in Chile, Mexico and Peru.
The purpose of this study is to analyze interlocking directorate (ID) networks of family and nonfamily firms (FFs) in Chile, Mexico and Peru.
Social network analysis methodology allowed us to analyze the position of FFs within the structure of IDs at the local and transnational levels.
FFs tend to have a higher proportion of board interlocks to other firms, especially FFs. In addition, FFs are more likely to occupy a brokerage position in national IDs structures. Finally, they also have a higher proportion of interlocks to other domestic firms in and nearby geographic areas. Thus, they create transnational networks.
This paper finds evidence that supports three of the premises of interorganizational familiness literature (Lester and Cannella, 2006). FFs are part of national as well as international corporate networks more than other types of firms, through interlocking directorships.
Analizar redes de consejeros de empresas familiares y no familiares en Chile, México y Perú.
El análisis de redes sociales nos permitió analizar la posición de empresas familiares dentro de la estructura de redes a nivel local y transnacional.
Las empresas familiares tienen un nivel más alto de entrecruzamientos con otras empresas, especialmente con las familiares. Además, las empresas familiares son mas propensas a ocupar posiciones de intermediación en las estructuras nacionales de redes. Finalmente, también tienen más entrecruzamientos con otras empresas nacionales y en regiones geográficas cercanas por lo que crean redes transnacionales.
Encontramos evidencia que apoya los tres pilares de la literatura de familiaridad interorganizacional (Lester y Cannella 2006). Las empresas familiares son parte de una red nacional e internacional más que otros tipos de empresas a través de las interconexiones de posiciones en consejos.
Analisar redes de diretores de empresas familiares e não familiares no Chile, México e Peru.
A análise das redes sociais permitiu analisar a posição das empresas familiares na estrutura das redes a nível local e transnacional.
As empresas familiares têm um nível mais elevado de ligações cruzadas com outras empresas, especialmente as empresas familiares. Além disso, é mais provável que as empresas familiares ocupem posições intermediárias nas estruturas das redes nacionais. Por último, têm também mais referências cruzadas com outras empresas nacionais e em regiões geográficas próximas, pelo que criam redes transnacionais.
Encontramos evidências que sustentam os três pilares da literatura sobre familiaridade interorganizacional (Lester e Cannella 2006). As empresas familiares fazem parte de uma rede nacional e internacional mais do que outros tipos de empresas através do interconexões de cargos nos conselhos de administração.
Merlin N. Johnson, Ioannis N. Kallianatis, Krishna Moorti Kasibhatla, John Malindretos and Luis Eduardo Rivera‐Solis
This note reports the results of a survey sent to chief financial officers of the 250 largest U.S.‐based multinational types of exchange risk exposures concern CFOs and the…
This note reports the results of a survey sent to chief financial officers of the 250 largest U.S.‐based multinational types of exchange risk exposures concern CFOs and the techniques they use for hedging exchange rate risks.
Gustavo Adolfo Yepes-López, José Luis Camarena, Julián Mauricio Cruz-Pulido, Luz Jeannette Quintero-Campos, Virginia Lasio, Jorge Rodriguez, Jack Zambrano-Vera, Consuelo Adelaida García de la Torre, María Matilde Schwalb-Helguero, María Ángela Prialé, José Solís-Sierra, Maruzella Rossi-Undurraga, Roberto Carvajal-Ramos, Pedro Javier Martinez, Victoria González-Gutiérrez, Rogelio Sánchez-Reyna, Griselda Lassaga and Nicolás Beltramino
This article aims to report on the development and validation of a bribery measurement index for the business sector, which, based on institutional theory, seeks to overcome the…
This article aims to report on the development and validation of a bribery measurement index for the business sector, which, based on institutional theory, seeks to overcome the limitations of traditional measurements, recognizing the dynamics that originate the phenomenon and identifying process components.
To construct the index, correlational and principal component analysis techniques were used, as well as rigorous statistical tests, validating the instrument in a sample of 2,963 companies in Latin America, including Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
The result was an instrument composed of two dimensions: (1) anti-bribery game rules, composed of regulations knowledge and anti-bribery efforts, and (2) bribery as a perceived habit, allowing an objective representation of reality due to its internal consistency, concurrent and discriminant validity.
Practical implications
This instrument is one of the few that focuses on measuring bribery in the business sector in terms of corrupt practices, applicable for both public and private institutions to promote game rules against bribery. Additionally, the proposed theoretical model can be used to measure other phenomena with similar characteristics.
This article empirically highlights different variables that make bribery possible. The results can be helpful in the design of strategies to prevent this type of behavior. It also highlights the importance of designing mechanisms to record information related to bribery and the different expressions of corruption in order to explain its different nuances.
Este artículo informa sobre el desarrollo y validación de un índice de medición de soborno para el sector empresarial, que, basado en la teoría institucional, busca superar las limitaciones de las mediciones tradicionales, reconociendo las dinámicas que originan el fenómeno e identificando los componentes del proceso.
Para la construcción del índice se utilizaron técnicas de análisis correlacional y de componentes principales, así como rigurosas pruebas estadísticas, validando el instrumento en una muestra de 2.963 empresas de América Latina, entre ellas Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, México y Perú.
El resultado fue un instrumento compuesto por dos dimensiones: (1) reglas de juego antisoborno, compuestas por conocimiento normativo y esfuerzo antisoborno (2) soborno como hábito percibido, permitiendo una representación objetiva de la realidad debido a su consistencia interna, validez concurrente y discriminante.
Este artículo pone en evidencia empírica diferentes variables que hacen posible el soborno. Los resultados pueden ser útiles en el diseño de estrategias para prevenir este tipo comportamiento, también destaca la importancia de diseñar mecanismos para registrar la información relacionada con la lucha contra el soborno.
Implicaciones prácticas
Este instrumento es uno de los pocos que se enfoca en medir el soborno en el sector empresarial en términos de prácticas de corrupción, útil para instituciones tanto públicas como privadas para promover mejores reglas de juego en contra del soborno. Adicionalmente el modelo teórico propuesto puede ser utilizado para medir otros fenómenos con características similares.
José Gerardo Ignacio Gómez Romero, Francisco Martín Villarreal Solís and Xochitl Escamilla Arango
The confinement resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all human activities. With technology, many of these activities such as business processes are being…
The confinement resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all human activities. With technology, many of these activities such as business processes are being transformed. As such it is important to understand how these transformations are taking place and how to address the new challenges with equally innovative strategies.
The purpose of this chapter is to analyse and explain the influence of e-commerce as an independent variable, in consumption habits, and as a dependent variable, in times of COVID-19, for consumers in Durango Mexico. To do so, a quantitative methodology was adopted, in which each of the variables is diagnosed, followed by ANOVA and regression tests to determine the proposed relationship.
The findings show that e-commerce does have an impact on consumer buying habits in the city of Durango, that the ‘surf the internet’ dimension is the one that occurs most frequently and that price is the factor most highly valued by consumers.
Oscar Espinoza, Luis Gonzalez, Luis Sandoval, Bruno Corradi, Yahira Larrondo and Noel McGinn
This study analyzed the impact on the persistence of Chilean university students who had received a government-guaranteed loan (CAE).
This study analyzed the impact on the persistence of Chilean university students who had received a government-guaranteed loan (CAE).
Using academic and administrative data from 2016 to 2019, provided by 11 Chilean universities, a discrete-time survival model was constructed. The model was based on data of 5,276 students in the 2016 cohort and included sociodemographic variables, academic background prior to entering university and academic performance once in university. As a robustness check of our results to observable confounding, the analysis was repeated using a control group constructed using propensity score matching (PSM).
The results reveal that students who receive a bank loan (CAE) were more likely to remain in undergraduate studies for at least the first two years of university, as opposed to their peers who did not receive financial aid. In addition, they show the importance of academic performance in retention.
The article advances in the identification of the impact of bank loans on permanence. Although previous research has evaluated the impact of the CAE, it has been conducted on small samples of students. These studies also lacked student records associated with their academic performance at the university. The present research overcomes both weaknesses, allowing us to estimate the impact of the CAE on a larger population of students that is representative of the system.
This chapter analyses, from the perspective of inclusion, the possibilities of participation for families in basic education schools in Mexico. Based on the analysis of articles…
This chapter analyses, from the perspective of inclusion, the possibilities of participation for families in basic education schools in Mexico. Based on the analysis of articles published between 2012 and 2022, complemented by an analysis of normative instruments, the main patterns related to policies, practices and cultures were explored. The outcomes highlight a lack of recognition and appreciation of the diversity of families, restricted spaces and forms for their participation and cultural patterns that hinder their inclusion. The bases to favour inclusion are recognised and four key axes are proposed for its strengthening.