Alberto De Toni and Luca Zipponi
The reasons which make an integrated product‐process approachnecessary are described: also indicated are the aim of simultaneousproduct‐process design, attainment of flexibility…
The reasons which make an integrated product‐process approach necessary are described: also indicated are the aim of simultaneous product‐process design, attainment of flexibility in stable operating conditions, and variables connected with integrated design, i.e. the degree of product standardisation and the degree of process similitude, concur in determining the applicative fields of the various automation typologies (CNC machines, FMS, flexible transfers, rigid transfers, etc.).
Alberto De Toni and Luca Zipponi
An interpretative chart is proposed on several levels, which on theone hand acts as a key to the actions aimed at revision of simultaneousdesign criteria, and on the other is a…
An interpretative chart is proposed on several levels, which on the one hand acts as a key to the actions aimed at revision of simultaneous design criteria, and on the other is a methodological indication of how to articulate simultaneous actions on the product and the process. For each level the action levers and objectives are further described in an attempt to distinguish both single and multiple lever‐objective relationships. Finally, ways of carrying out simultaneous actions on the product and the process, together with the problems involved are discussed.