Examines issues related to the integration of children with specialneeds into regular classrooms. A clear definition of integration iscrucial before it can be considered on a…
Examines issues related to the integration of children with special needs into regular classrooms. A clear definition of integration is crucial before it can be considered on a system, school, or individual basis, so that all stakeholders can operate within a common frame of reference. Details the Regular Educational Initiative in the United States and the Alberta movement towards a provincial integration policy which offer insight into the need for these matters: (1) clear principles and practices for identifying children′s special needs and determining the best teaching environments for meeting those individual needs; (2) systematic research on service delivery models, and educational change based on demonstrated programme effectiveness; (3) adequate preparation for all classroom teachers on individualizing student educational programmes; and (4) development of adequate school and community support systems for children with special needs and their families.