Lori Baker-Eveleth, Robert Stone and Daniel Eveleth
This study aims to identify the roles that privacy experiences and social media use play in influencing privacy-protection behaviors. As social media use expands in terms of the…
This study aims to identify the roles that privacy experiences and social media use play in influencing privacy-protection behaviors. As social media use expands in terms of the number of users and functionality; it is important to understand social media user privacy-protection behaviors and the users’ psychological underpinnings driving those behaviors. Among these, perceptions are the users’ evaluation of their privacy concerns and data sharing benefits inherent in social media use which influence the users’ behaviors to protect their privacy.
To research these issues, a theoretical model and hypotheses were developed, based on self-efficacy theory. The theoretical model was empirically tested using 193 questionnaire responses collected from students enrolled in business courses at a medium-sized university in the western USA. All the respondents reported that they routinely use social media. The empirical analysis was performed using structural equations modeling in PC SAS version 9.4, procedure Calis.
The estimation of the paths in the structural model indicates that privacy concerns positively influence social media users’ protection behaviors while the perceived benefits of data sharing negatively influence protection behaviors. Privacy experience positively influences privacy concerns. Alternatively, social media use positively influences social media self-efficacy and perceived usefulness, which, in turn, have meaningful influences on data sharing benefits.
Previous findings about the effect of self-efficacy on protection behaviors has been inconclusive. This study adds some clarity. Specifically, the findings suggest that the effect depends upon the foci of self-efficacy. While higher self-efficacy with respect to using privacy-related features of a specific technology tends to lead to greater privacy concerns, higher self-efficacy with respect to the more general technology (e.g. social media, computer) seems to affect protection behaviors through perceived benefits. Further, the results of this study offer conclusions about the roles that privacy experiences, social media use and perceived social media benefits play in affecting protection behaviors.