The paper aims to examine the relationship between changes and volatility of China's Renminbi (RMB) exchange rates and its agricultural export.
The paper aims to examine the relationship between changes and volatility of China's Renminbi (RMB) exchange rates and its agricultural export.
A GARCH(1, 1) model is specified to measure the exchange rate volatility and autoregressive distributed lag regression with structural break dummy variables is estimated based on the results of unit root test with structural break.
The export supply model reveals that the net trade effect of RMB exchange rate movements relies on the comparison of exchange rate level change (appreciation or depreciation) effect and exchange rate risk effect. The empirical examination results, taking China's agricultural exports to Japan as a case, show RMB depreciation against yen will promote export growth while appreciation hinder export, and exchange rate volatility positively stimulates agricultural exports to Japan. However, the effect of exchange rate volatility on the export is much smaller than that of exchange rate level, which leads to a negative net effect to the export.
The constructed model and applied methodology contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between changes and volatility of China's RMB exchange rates and its agricultural export.
Cuiping Kang, Gang Wang, Min Shi and Fei Sun
This paper aims to explore the developing trend of higher pedagogy, to promote the research of higher pedagogy to be more canonical and scientific and to improve the higher…
This paper aims to explore the developing trend of higher pedagogy, to promote the research of higher pedagogy to be more canonical and scientific and to improve the higher education theory.
The utility research uses a method of quantitative study, namely “content analysis”, to estimate and analyze the higher education theory literature on ten dimensionalities which include theme, author, abstract, keywords, subject, proposing of the issue, definition of key terms, research methods, conclusion, reference and annotations from 1996 to 2006 in China.
The analysis of the selected 250 academic theses and reports in the field of higher education shows that academic research and theoretical standard have been improved, meanwhile academic criterion have been formed by degrees in higher pedagogy within ten years. At the same time, there are still some problems in the papers and reports the authors have selected such as title, key words, proposing of the issue, researching method and conclusion.
This paper sums up the trend of research on higher education in China for the past ten years, and points out the problems in this trend and then proposes ways to improve the research of higher education in China.
Kevin Z Chen, Pramod K Joshi, Enjiang Cheng and Pratap S Birthal
The purpose of this paper is to synthesize lessons from the agricultural value chain models and their associated financing mechanisms in China and India as to provide policy…
The purpose of this paper is to synthesize lessons from the agricultural value chain models and their associated financing mechanisms in China and India as to provide policy recommendations on how best to facilitate development of efficient and inclusive value chains.
The paper builds on a review of the existing literature on agricultural value chains and their financing mechanisms, and draws lessons from it for strengthening interface between product and financial markets in order to enable smallholders capture benefits of the value addition.
From the comparative review of value chain financing mechanisms and current policy contexts the authors find dominance of internal financing of value chains (in terms of provision of inputs, technology and services) in both the countries. Value chain finance from commercial banks and other financial institutions is limited and mainly through tripartite agreements among the financing institutions, lead firms and farmers.
Practical implications
The lessons drawn from various value chain models and their financing mechanisms provide feedback to financial institutions and policymakers to take measures to strengthen value chain finance in smallholder agriculture.
The paper undertakes a rigorous review of the existing value chain models and their financing mechanisms in light of the most recent research on emerging innovations and development strategies, in order to glean key lessons for policy recommendations on strengthening linkages between financial and product markets.
The tender documents, an essential data source for internet-based logistics tendering platforms, incorporate massive fine-grained data, ranging from information on tenderee…
The tender documents, an essential data source for internet-based logistics tendering platforms, incorporate massive fine-grained data, ranging from information on tenderee, shipping location and shipping items. Automated information extraction in this area is, however, under-researched, making the extraction process a time- and effort-consuming one. For Chinese logistics tender entities, in particular, existing named entity recognition (NER) solutions are mostly unsuitable as they involve domain-specific terminologies and possess different semantic features.
To tackle this problem, a novel lattice long short-term memory (LSTM) model, combining a variant contextual feature representation and a conditional random field (CRF) layer, is proposed in this paper for identifying valuable entities from logistic tender documents. Instead of traditional word embedding, the proposed model uses the pretrained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model as input to augment the contextual feature representation. Subsequently, with the Lattice-LSTM model, the information of characters and words is effectively utilized to avoid error segmentation.
The proposed model is then verified by the Chinese logistic tender named entity corpus. Moreover, the results suggest that the proposed model excels in the logistics tender corpus over other mainstream NER models. The proposed model underpins the automatic extraction of logistics tender information, enabling logistic companies to perceive the ever-changing market trends and make far-sighted logistic decisions.
(1) A practical model for logistic tender NER is proposed in the manuscript. By employing and fine-tuning BERT into the downstream task with a small amount of data, the experiment results show that the model has a better performance than other existing models. This is the first study, to the best of the authors' knowledge, to extract named entities from Chinese logistic tender documents. (2) A real logistic tender corpus for practical use is constructed and a program of the model for online-processing real logistic tender documents is developed in this work. The authors believe that the model will facilitate logistic companies in converting unstructured documents to structured data and further perceive the ever-changing market trends to make far-sighted logistic decisions.
Chaoliang Han, Xu Sun and Mingyu Liu
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of digital technology on promoting the equalization of basic regional public services based on measuring the level of digital…
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of digital technology on promoting the equalization of basic regional public services based on measuring the level of digital technology and the equalization level of regional basic public services.
Based on the inter-provincial panel data from 2013 to 2021, this article utilizes the method of replacing digital technology to verify the robustness of the conclusion, evaluating the impact of digital technology on promoting the equalization of basic regional public services, while carrying out an extended analysis of government intervention, population density and regional heterogeneity.
According to our findings, digital technology has significantly promoted the equalization of basic public services in the region. According to the result of the heterogeneity test, digital technology has a better effect on promoting the equalization of public services in regions with moderate government intervention and relatively low population density. Moreover, the development of digital technology can significantly promote the equalization of public services in China’s eastern region.
This article elaborates on the impact of digital technology on the equalization of basic regional public services from three perspectives: reducing the cost of public services, increasing the degree of marketization of public services and realizing the sharing of public service resources. Thus, it enriches the empirical research literature on digital technology and the equalization of regional public services.
Wei‐wei Wu, Da‐peng Liang, Bo Yu and Ying Yang
The objective of this paper is to explore, describe, and explicate the processes which are related to the strategic planning for technology management, and to provide beneficial…
The objective of this paper is to explore, describe, and explicate the processes which are related to the strategic planning for technology management, and to provide beneficial suggestions for China's high technology enterprises to promote technology management capability.
In this paper, a model for strategic planning for management of technology is developed, which is expected to be used to provide effective processes of articulating strategic planning. The model involves several key points including defining the current situations of technology management, determining the objectives of managing technology, and designing the approaches for the promotion of technology management capability. Capability maturity model (CMM) and fitness landscape theory are applied in this model to construct useful analysis tools. The model is used to make the strategic planning for management of technology of China's high technology enterprises. A survey of 43 high technology companies in China is conducted. Technology management maturity model (TMMM) is employed to assess the technology management maturity level, and fitness landscape of technology management is developed to explore the routines of promoting technology management capability.
The authors find that there is still much room for China's high technology enterprises to improve their technology management capability, since the average technology management maturity is only in the managed level. And the maturity of quality management is lower than that of organization management and resource management, and so quality management should have more importance attached to it, promoting holistic technology management capability. All such findings imply that our research makes theoretical contributions to technology management and strategy related literature with significant managerial implications.
The paper contributes to technology management literature by constructing the model of strategic planning for technology management, viewing it as the roadmap of the development of technology management, explaining three interrelated points and illustrating three processes. Second, the paper uses fitness landscape and NK model to explore the routines of promoting technology management capability.
Lean Yu, Ling Li, Ling Tang, Wei Dai and Chihab Hanachi
The purpose of this paper is to develop a multi-agent-based simulation model for the online opinion dissemination during hazardous chemical leakage emergencies into rivers in…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a multi-agent-based simulation model for the online opinion dissemination during hazardous chemical leakage emergencies into rivers in China, to explore an appropriate crisis information release policy of China’s government for controlling public panic.
In the proposed model, two fundamental attributes of crisis information, i.e., truthfulness (for true or false news) and attitude (for positive, neutral or negative opinion), are considered. Four major agents in the online community system, i.e., citizens, the government, media and opinion leaders, are included. Using four typical accidents of hazardous chemical leakage into rivers in China as case studies, insightful policy implications can be obtained for crisis management and panic control.
The news about the terrible potential damages from such a type of accidents will instantly arise wide-ranging public panic; therefore, the corresponding crisis information release policy should be carefully designed. It is strongly advised against publishing false news to temporarily conceal the accidents, which will seriously hurt the government’s reputation and agitate much larger-scale public panic in terms of degree and duration. To mitigate public panic, the true news especially about treatment measurements should be published immediately. If the government does nothing and releases no crisis information, the public panic will go out of control.
Research limitations/implications
This paper only focuses on the crisis information release policies from the perspectives of the government. Furthermore, this study especially focuses on the cases in China, and extending the proposed model study for general contexts is an important direction to improve this study. Finally, the proposed model should be extended to other types of emergencies to further justify its generalization and universality, especially various natural catastrophes like storms, floods, tsunamis, etc.
This paper develops a multi-agent-based model for online public opinion dissemination in emergency to explore an appropriate crisis information release policy for controlling public panic stemming from hazardous chemicals leakage accidents into rivers. The proposed model makes major contributions to the literature from two perspectives. First, the crisis information about emergency accidents are divided into true and false news based on the truthfulness attribute, and into neutral, positive and negative emotions based on the attitude attribute. Second, the proposed model covers the main agents in the online virtual community.
Fang Hu, Jenny Stewart and Weiqiang Tan
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether audit opinions of listed firms in China vary systematically with the political connections of the firm’s chief executive…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether audit opinions of listed firms in China vary systematically with the political connections of the firm’s chief executive officer (CEO). Prior literature only shows the importance of political influence to auditor choice and audit quality.
A politically connected firm is defined as a firm in which the CEO has a political background. The authors use a “difference-in-difference” model to control for self-selection problems.
The authors find that the likelihood of receiving a favourable opinion in the subsequent period is positively associated with a CEO’s political connections. This positive association is stronger with CEOs connected to local government within the same region. The authors further find that the CEO’s political connections have more influence on favourable audit opinions in non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) in a less developed and lower investor protection region. The influence is also less significant in the regions where there are more non-state-owned or foreign banks and where there are greater penalties for political corruption and relationship-based contracting.
The study complements and extends the existing literature on the role of political connections in the economy by providing evidence on the effect of a CEO’s political connections on audit opinions. The authors extend the research on auditing in emerging markets by explicitly accounting for unique institutional and market factors in China. They explore audit quality by observing how audit opinions are directly shaped by political and institutional factors.
Weihua Liu, Xinyun Liu and Tsan-Ming Choi
This study aims to explore the impact of supply chain quality event (SCQE) announcements on enterprises’ stock market value.
This study aims to explore the impact of supply chain quality event (SCQE) announcements on enterprises’ stock market value.
This study adopts the event study approach and analyzes the changes in shareholder value of companies listed in China based on data from 118 SCQE announcements. In the event study, the market, market-adjusted and Carhart four-factor models are used to estimate abnormal stock market returns, and a cross-sectional regression model is performed to examine the effects of SCQE announcements on enterprises’ stock market value.
SCQE announcements have a negative impact on shareholder value. From the perspective of the supply chain network structure, the market reacts more negatively to SCQE announcements issued by the enterprises with higher supply chain concentration. From the perspective of companies’ characteristics, announcements that do not reflect the establishment of supply chain quality cooperation have a more negative effect on stock market value, which indicates that the supply chain network structure and firm-level characteristic can moderate the market reaction.
Practical implications
The findings demonstrate a quantitative evaluation of how SCQE announcements affect the stock market value of listed companies and provide guidance for managers to enhance the value of SCQE announcements.
This study fills the research gap on the impact of SCQE announcements on stock market value by using secondary data and first explores the relationship between SCQE announcements and stock market value from the perspective of supply chain network. Furthermore, this study contributes to the literature on SCQE using an empirical study in China.