When there's a good match between the funds you need and the assets you have available for security, debt financing offers an attractive source of capital. Compared with a stock…
When there's a good match between the funds you need and the assets you have available for security, debt financing offers an attractive source of capital. Compared with a stock issue, bank borrowing has lower transactional costs, provides tax deductions for interest, and does not dilute your ownership. Yet there is a down side. With these benefits comes the high cost of restrictive covenants and of protecting the bank's collateral.
Going public with a new stock issue is a satisfying, perplexing, and complicated process, with an aura of mystery and potential for pitfalls. As a method for capital infusion…
Going public with a new stock issue is a satisfying, perplexing, and complicated process, with an aura of mystery and potential for pitfalls. As a method for capital infusion, however, initial public offerings (IPOs) have emerged as a significant force in allowing small, vigorous companies the growth momentum to become primary players in their marketplaces.
The word “venture” is synonymous with “risk.” Venture capital investment is risk financing. The investor bases his expectations for return on capital on his assessment of measured…
The word “venture” is synonymous with “risk.” Venture capital investment is risk financing. The investor bases his expectations for return on capital on his assessment of measured exposure. Ferdinand and Isabella, and the other rulers of the fifteenth century, may have been the originators of risk investment for high returns.
During the last five years, Safeway and Fairchild Industries sold major divisions to existing management. Carl Icahn acquired a majority interest in TWA. And, entrepreneur Ted…
During the last five years, Safeway and Fairchild Industries sold major divisions to existing management. Carl Icahn acquired a majority interest in TWA. And, entrepreneur Ted Turner attempted unsuccessfully to acquire CBS. The common factor in these transactions? The leveraged buyout (LBO).
If you're a prudent entrepreneur, you'll seek capital using the most efficient, least costly path available. Yet you might find your opportunities blocked. Investment bankers may…
If you're a prudent entrepreneur, you'll seek capital using the most efficient, least costly path available. Yet you might find your opportunities blocked. Investment bankers may consider your capital requirement too small for a public offering. Commercial bankers may say they're not in the venture capital business. And asset based lenders may claim your assets aren't valuable enough to support the need.
What part does gender play in professionalism? How does gender translate into hierarchies in professions? This paper attempts to deal with these questions and to move towards an…
What part does gender play in professionalism? How does gender translate into hierarchies in professions? This paper attempts to deal with these questions and to move towards an embedded approach that can account for paradoxes of gender and professions. It focuses on the notion of context and the hypothesis that gender is both stable and variable. Using empirical material from a multi‐method study of the German dental profession, three main issues are considered: the impact of different structuring modes and diverse actors on gender relations, the relation of gender difference and hierarchy, and differentiation between women as a group. Gender becomes manifest on the symbolic level as well as in structural arrangements. However, its impact on each of these levels varies. Most striking is the empirical proof that gender does not lead to the construction of hierarchies under all conditions. Female symbolism can also favour women. Professionalisation theories help to reconstruct these processes.
The issues at stake in this paper namely concern the changes in the cultural identity representations of territorial landscapes as a result of increasing mobility of which tourism…
The issues at stake in this paper namely concern the changes in the cultural identity representations of territorial landscapes as a result of increasing mobility of which tourism is but one of the numerous forms. The decision to focus on festivals and events is that: 1. Traditionally speaking, festivals and events are both the result and the signifiers of the cultural identity of spaces within which they occur; 2. In more recent years, they have increasingly been instrumented as a marketing tool in the development of tourist spaces as can be attested by the large body of tourist literature; 3. Beyond the emphasis placed by researchers on the economic impacts of events organization, there has been a growing interest in investigating their social impacts. 4. Limited attention has been paid to comparing the strategies of events organization, the way they intervene on cultural identity and the ensuing impacts on territorial development in general. Accordingly, it was decided that an investigation of regularly recurring events, which have become part of the territorial landscapes within which they occur, would be led to try and answer the following questions: 1. How do festivals and events contribute to staging the particularities of cultural identity within different spaces? 2. Are these festivals and events staged simultaneously to encourage greater mobilities to and within the given spaces and to devise better responses to the mobilities that have already modified them? 3. To what extent do festivals and events contribute to re‐interpreting cultural identity?
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields…
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields but who have a common interest in the means by which information may be collected and disseminated to the greatest advantage. Lists of its members have, therefore, a more than ordinary value since they present, in miniature, a cross‐section of institutions and individuals who share this special interest.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
Pawan Budhwar, Andy Crane, Annette Davies, Rick Delbridge, Tim Edwards, Mahmoud Ezzamel, Lloyd Harris, Emmanuel Ogbonna and Robyn Thomas
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce �…
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce – not even, in many cases, describing workers as assets! Describes many studies to back up this claim in theis work based on the 2002 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, in Cardiff, Wales.