The debate on the ethics of advertising and marketing to kids regularly throws up new information and industry opinions. Logistix Kids Worldwide discusses the two key issues…
The debate on the ethics of advertising and marketing to kids regularly throws up new information and industry opinions. Logistix Kids Worldwide discusses the two key issues involved in this circular political arena — Sweden's proposals to ban TV advertising to kids when they come into presidency, and the myths surrounding ‘pester power’. The Swedes' reasoning and foundation for their proposals were recently quashed during a conference held by the Advertising Association in London, and Logistix's own recent research study, carried out in conjunction with Hauck Research International, has demonstrated that pester power is not all it seems. This paper discusses how the two subjects have been turned on their heads, and provides a true insight into the background knowledge and information necessary to move forward towards a sensible conclusion. The authors also explore the many other considerations essential when building a rounded picture of this emotive subject, such as the dramatic infiltration of technology; and then asks what will happen to today's younger generation if they are cut off from technological advancements in an effort to ‘protect’ them.
Within the past few years, responsible educators, librarians, parents, counselors, social workers, therapists, and religious groups of all sexual persuasions and lifestyles have…
Within the past few years, responsible educators, librarians, parents, counselors, social workers, therapists, and religious groups of all sexual persuasions and lifestyles have recognized the need for readily available reading material for lesbian and gay youth. Unfortunately, this material is often buried, because it is embedded in larger works. To meet this need, I have compiled and annotated 100 of the best works for young homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals. I have also included a few of the best works currently available on heterosexuality as a much needed source of knowledge for all young adults whether they are gay or straight, whether they remain childless or eventually become parents.
S. Westwood and A. Batey
This review examines the complementary roles of nurse counselling and psychotherapy. Nurse counselling is essential to ‘hold’ severe personality disordered patients between…
This review examines the complementary roles of nurse counselling and psychotherapy. Nurse counselling is essential to ‘hold’ severe personality disordered patients between psychotherapy sessions. The psychotherapist assists nurses in making sense of the impact of psycho‐pathology on nurse‐patient relationships. Good communication is important for effective team‐working. Successful working results from nurses and psychotherapists valuing their respective roles.
I RECALL a seminar on the problems of teaching history where one speaker began by saying that until he was asked to prepare a paper, he had been cheerfully unaware any problems…
Angela Schofield and Norma Raynes
Reports evaluation of the Trent Regional Health Authority′s “Providing a Personal Service” initiative, one of the first major quality management strategies in the NHS. The…
Reports evaluation of the Trent Regional Health Authority′s “Providing a Personal Service” initiative, one of the first major quality management strategies in the NHS. The evaluation highlights the key elements which supported this initiative and suggests some ways in which its progress can be sustained. Many of the comments are applicable to other approaches to quality management.
Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, Allan Bunch and Edwin Fleming
National issues included: (1) a resolution from the Intellectual Freedom Committee calling on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to expunge the files maintained on their…
National issues included: (1) a resolution from the Intellectual Freedom Committee calling on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to expunge the files maintained on their FBI Library Awareness program after giving any individuals involved an opportunity to request their records; (2) another resolution which would subject television news services with commercials being marketed to schools to the same selection guidelines as other materials considered for school media collections; (3) a national policy on permanent paper; and (4) encouraging libraries to celebrate Earth Day in April 1990 to provide information on environmental concerns to their communities.
Almost all libraries collect fiction. Of course the nature, scope, and organization of the collection varies with the type of library and its clientele. In this column scholars…
Almost all libraries collect fiction. Of course the nature, scope, and organization of the collection varies with the type of library and its clientele. In this column scholars, fans, and just plain readers of diverse fiction formats, types, and genres will explore their specialty with a view to the collection building needs of various types of libraries. In addition to lists of “good reads,” authors not to be missed, rising stars, and rediscovered geniuses, columnists will cover major critics, bibliographies, relevant journals and organizations, publishers, and trends. Each column will include a genre overview, a discussion of access to published works, and a core collection of recommended books and authors. Janice M. Bogstad leads off with a discussion of science fiction. In the next issue of Collection Building, Ian will focus her discussion on the growing body of feminist science fiction with an article entitled, “Redressing an Interval Balance: Women and Science Fiction, 1965–1983.” Issues to follow will feature Kathleen Heim on thrillers, and Rhea Rubin reviewing short story collection building. Should you care to suggest an area or aspect of fiction collection building for discussion or try your hand as a columnist contact the column editor through Neal‐Schuman Publishers.