To solve the problem that the traditional methods miss key information in the process of bearing fault identification, this paper aims to apply the phase-space reconstruction…
To solve the problem that the traditional methods miss key information in the process of bearing fault identification, this paper aims to apply the phase-space reconstruction (PSR) theory and intelligent diagnosis techniques to extend the one-dimensional vibration signal to the high-dimensional phase space to reveal the system information implied in the univariate time series of the vibration signal.
In this paper, a new method based on the PSR technique and convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed. First, the delay time and the embedding dimension are determined by the C-C method and the false nearest neighbors method, respectively. Through the coordinate delay reconstruction method, the two-dimensional signal is constructed, and this information is saved in a set of gray images. Then, a simple and efficient convolutional network is proposed. Finally, the phase diagrams of different states are used as samples and input into a two-dimensional CNN for learning modeling to construct a PSR-CNN fault diagnosis model.
The proposed PSR-CNN model is tested on two data sets and compared with support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and Markov transition field methods, and the comparison results showed that the method proposed in this paper has higher accuracy and better generalization performance.
The method proposed in this paper provides a reliable solution in the field of rolling bearing fault diagnosis.
Peer review
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Bifeng Zhu, Yuan Zheng, Manqi Ding, Jie Dai, Gebing Liu and Liting Miao
The application of massive open online courses (MOOCs) helps integrate sustainable development goals (SDGs) into architectural curricula. The essence of MOOC development is…
The application of massive open online courses (MOOCs) helps integrate sustainable development goals (SDGs) into architectural curricula. The essence of MOOC development is building an education platform that promotes the sharing and continuing of global education resources.
This study establishes a four-dimensional evaluation model based on the four characteristics of MOOCs. The quadrilateral area evaluation method is used to create an evaluation radar chart to comprehensively evaluate satisfaction and demand in the traditional teaching model of architectural technology. This study discusses whether the curriculum is suitable for the development of MOOCs and how to optimize the sustainable pedagogical mode according to its characteristics to meet future teaching needs and realize the sustainable development of education.
Satisfaction evaluation found that current education is not open enough from the students' perspective; therefore, MOOCs enhance students' participation and significantly reduce future learning costs. Through demand evaluation, it was found that both teachers and students believed that the lack of direct and effective communication between them and the difficulty in ensuring the learning effect were problems that must be addressed in MOOCs.
This study focused on the sustainability of MOOCs in curriculum development. It emphasizes the combination of MOOCs' teaching modes and the course itself and provides specific guidance and suggestions for improving the course. It uses an evaluation method for objective analysis and visualization.
Talks about the cultural aspects of negotiating in China and compares this with Western approaches. Focuses on cultural factors (and the dominant role of Confucianism), followed…
Talks about the cultural aspects of negotiating in China and compares this with Western approaches. Focuses on cultural factors (and the dominant role of Confucianism), followed by steps in the negotiating process. Explains Confucian ethics and how that translates into everyday behaviour of how to treat and address other people. Points out that the Chinese will only do business with people they know and trust, so the importance of first building good personal relationships cannot be overstated. Suggests ways to make a good first impression, including attending banquets and other social occasions, although that opens up a further behavioural minefield. Recommends viewing doing business with the Chinese as a marriage contract based on old‐fashioned courting, rather than in the West, where entering a business relationship could be deemed the equivalent of a marriage of convenience.
This paper aims to focus on solving the path optimization problem by modifying the probabilistic roadmap (PRM) technique as it suffers from the selection of the optimal number of…
This paper aims to focus on solving the path optimization problem by modifying the probabilistic roadmap (PRM) technique as it suffers from the selection of the optimal number of nodes and deploy in free space for reliable trajectory planning.
Traditional PRM is modified by developing a decision-making strategy for the selection of optimal nodes w.r.t. the complexity of the environment and deploying the optimal number of nodes outside the closed segment. Subsequently, the generated trajectory is made smoother by implementing the modified Bezier curve technique, which selects an optimal number of control points near the sharp turns for the reliable convergence of the trajectory that reduces the sum of the robot’s turning angles.
The proposed technique is compared with state-of-the-art techniques that show the reduction of computational load by 12.46%, the number of sharp turns by 100%, the number of collisions by 100% and increase the velocity parameter by 19.91%.
The proposed adaptive technique provides a better solution for autonomous navigation of unmanned ground vehicles, transportation, warehouse applications, etc.
To propose methods for expressing semantics and operating semantics in largely distributed environment, such as peer‐to‐peer (P2P) based digital libraries (DLs) where…
To propose methods for expressing semantics and operating semantics in largely distributed environment, such as peer‐to‐peer (P2P) based digital libraries (DLs) where heterogeneous schemas may exist and the relationships among them must be explicated for better performance in information searching.
In conventional solutions, a mediator is adopted to create and maintain the matching between relevant terms such that distinct but relevant metadata schemas can be integrated according to the mapping relationships in the mediator. However, such solutions suffer some problems originated from the static matching in mediator. This paper proposes to use facts to express the relationships among heterogeneous schemas and conduct the reasoning dynamically by using inference engines.
It is justified to use facts and inference engines to express and operate the semantics among heterogeneous but relevant information resources. The user can choose to convert only part of the XML document into facts if she can unpeel deeply nested XML tags. Additionally, it is possible for the user to manually edit (assert, update or retract) the facts as needed in the reasoning.
Research limitations/implications
The study assumes that peers are clustered according to shared topics or interest. An exhaust evaluation has not been conducted.
Practical implications
Each node can publish its schema to the involved peer community such that other peers can automatically discover the specific schema. A local matchmaking engine is adopted as well in order to automatically generate the relations between its own schema and the retrieved ones.
This paper provides a framework for semantic data integration in P2P networks.
Hao Ding and Ingeborg Sølvberg
The purpose of this research is to describe a system to support querying across distributed digital libraries created in heterogeneous metadata schemas, without requiring the…
The purpose of this research is to describe a system to support querying across distributed digital libraries created in heterogeneous metadata schemas, without requiring the availability of a global schema.
The advantages and weaknesses of ontology based applications were investigated and have justified the utility of inferential rules in expressing complex relations between metadata terms in different metadata schemas. A process for combining ontologies and rules for specifying complex relations between metadata schemas were designed. The process was collapsed into a set of working phases and provides examples to illustrate how to interrelate two similar bibliographic ontology fragments for further query reformulation.
Equipping ontologies with inferencing power can help describe more complex relations between metadata terms. This approach is critical for properly interpreting queries from one ontology to another.
Research limitations/implications
A prototype system was built based on examples instead of practical experience.
Practical implications
The approach assumes that relations between metadata sets, or ontologies in the approach, are provided by domain experts with/without ontology tools.
A new approach has been proposed for facilitating heterogeneous metadata interoperation in digital libraries as a way of empowering ontologies with rich reasoning capabilities. The traditional approach assumes a global schema controlled by a central or virtual server to provide mapping between local and external metadata schemas. A more flexible and dynamic environment was studied, i.e. P2P‐based digital libraries, where peers may join and leave freely.
The purpose of this monograph is to examine the main elements of the Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988 which received the Royal Assent on the 15th November 1988. The Act…
The purpose of this monograph is to examine the main elements of the Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988 which received the Royal Assent on the 15th November 1988. The Act provided for a major overhaul of the law on copyright and on registered designs, as well as certain adjustments to patent and trademark law and two major new regimes on performers' rights and design rights. While this is a major domestic reform the law is unlikely to remain unaltered for long because of the move towards a single market within the E.E.C. by 1992. This will lead to the introduction of harmonised regimes on the various elements of intellectual property law such as copyright and industrial design which will no doubt require some readjustment to U.K. domestic law. Recently the E.E.C. Commission published a Green Paper on “Copyright and the Challenge of Technology” which suggests solutions to some questions such as the vexed problem of illegal home taping which are different to those adopted by the U.K. in the new Act. [On 21/12/88 a draft directive on Copyright & Computer Software which proposes a harmonised regime for the protection of computer programs and related matters was published]. It also has to be borne in mind that while Article 222 of the Treaty of Rome states that the treaty does not affect the existence of national intellectual property right regimes the “exercise” of these national rights may be found to infringe the provisions of the Treaty on free movement of goods (Arts. 30–36) or on competition law (Arts. 85–86).
Yejun Wu, Xiaxian Wang, Peilin Yu and YongKai Huang
The purpose of this research is to achieve automatic and accurate book purchase forecasts for the university libraries and improve efficiency of manual book purchase.
The purpose of this research is to achieve automatic and accurate book purchase forecasts for the university libraries and improve efficiency of manual book purchase.
The authors presented a Book Purchase Forecast model with A Lite BERT(ALBERT-BPF) to achieve their goals. First, the authors process all the book data to unify format of books' features, such as ISBN, title, authors, brief introduction and so on. Second, they exploit the book order data to label all books supplied by booksellers with “purchased” or “non-purchased”. The labelled data will be used for model training. Last, the authors regard the book purchase task as a text classification problem and present a model named ALBERT-BPF, which applies ALBERT to extract text features of books and BPF classification layer to forecast purchased books, to solve the problem.
The application of deep learning in book purchase task is effective. The data the authors exploited are the historical book purchase data from their university library. The authors’ experiments on the data show that ALBERT-BPF can seek out the books that need to be purchased with an accuracy of over 82%. And the highest accuracy reached is 88.06%. These indicate that the deep learning model is sufficient to assist the traditional manual book purchase way.
This research applies ALBERT, which is based on the latest Natural Language Processing (NLP) architecture Transformer, to library book purchase task.
Suggests that misunderstandings frequently occur when trying to understand Chinese language and culture, and so gives the implied meaning of various Chinese expressions and…
Suggests that misunderstandings frequently occur when trying to understand Chinese language and culture, and so gives the implied meaning of various Chinese expressions and sayings such as greetings, thanks, respect, age, congratulations and taboo subjects.
Considers the effects on the mass media of China’s transition to a more open economy and the strategies which advertisers might use to overcome the problems it presents. Describes…
Considers the effects on the mass media of China’s transition to a more open economy and the strategies which advertisers might use to overcome the problems it presents. Describes the media available (including the unofficial “black route”, the official but restricted private sector “white route”, and the state “red route”) and lists the challenges which advertisers face in using them. Suggests some strategies and practices which can help to overcome them and some hypotheses on future media use. Calls for further research in this area.