Lian Chiu, Kwong‐Yui Tang, Yu‐Hwa Liu, Woei‐Cherng Shyu and Ta‐Pang Chang
In order to examine the value family caregivers attach to the benefits associated with nursing home services, this contingent survey was designed to investigate the willingness of…
In order to examine the value family caregivers attach to the benefits associated with nursing home services, this contingent survey was designed to investigate the willingness of family caregivers of dementia victims to pay for nursing home care. A total of 136 members of families of dementia patients from the department of neurology and psychiatry of four medical centers in Taiwan were interviewed by phone. These family members provided in‐home care for dementia victims and had expressed the need for nursing home placement. These family caregivers were asked to explicitly state the maximum amount of family income per month they are able to give up to receive nursing home services. The willingness to pay (WTP) for nursing home care ranged from US$185 to $2,407 per month, and 37.5 percent of the family caregivers interviewed indicated a willingness to pay at least 50 percent of the monthly family income for nursing home placement. The amount of monthly family income was strongly associated with the WTP for nursing home care in dollars. Age and education of the caregiver, and accessibility of nursing home care were significantly associated with WTP in both cost range and percentage of monthly family income. Interviewees who were older than 65 years (odds ratio is 3.52), and educated equal to or above senior high school (odds ratio is 5.57) were inclined to pay at least 50 percent of monthly family income for nursing home placement. As other variables were adjusted, respondents older than 65 years were willing to pay US$208.4 per month more than those younger than 65 years for nursing home placement; and the educated equal to or above senior high school were inclined to pay US$171.9 per month more than those with less than a senior high school education. The easier it was to find nursing home agencies near the residence, the more willing the family was to pay at least 50 percent of their monthly family income for nursing home services; with an odds ratio of 16.51. The families with the higher accessibility to nursing home agencies were willing to pay US$174.3 per month more than caregivers with lower accessibility. Family caregivers, who were older than 65 years, educated above the senior high school level, with a higher family income, and easier accessibility to nursing home services, were likely to attach higher economic values to nursing home placement.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
I-Chiu Chang, Chia-Hui Chang, Jiunn-Woei Lian and Ming-Wei Wang
Understanding elders’ experience and knowledge-sharing behaviors online have become significant issues in this aging society. In this study, the purpose of this paper is to…
Understanding elders’ experience and knowledge-sharing behaviors online have become significant issues in this aging society. In this study, the purpose of this paper is to summarize and validate the factors that influence the intention of elders to share knowledge online, and assess whether seniors’ knowledge-sharing behaviors affect their sense of meaning in life.
In total, 49 senior students were invited as participants to join the social networking site (SNS) and share knowledge on the platform. After a month of knowledge-sharing activities, questionnaires were distributed to all the participants. All the 49 participants returned completed questionnaires. To verify the results obtained via the above quantitative data analysis, follow-up interviews were conducted with one popular computer instructor and four seniors (who are experienced users of the SNS). Open-ended questions were employed to understand the motivations for sharing knowledge in a virtual community and the benefits obtained from sharing.
The results indicate that sharing vision, community identification, and social interaction ties are the main factors that influence the sharing of knowledge by seniors on SNSs. In addition, sharing knowledge on SNSs has a positive influence on seniors’ meaning in life. Follow-up interviews conducted also validate the results obtained.
Understanding elders’ experience and knowledge-sharing behaviors online have become significant issues in this aging society. It can not only benefit younger generations but also enable them to age gracefully. Rare SNSs similar to the one used in the study were found on the Facebook during our research.
Ruth Yu‐Li Yeh, Robert Lian‐Huey Liu, Hui‐Mei Chiu and Yung‐Tse Hung
A study to determine the effectiveness of PAC on the removal of CODand colour from dye wastewater. Factors affecting treatment efficiencywere investigated and included PAC…
A study to determine the effectiveness of PAC on the removal of COD and colour from dye wastewater. Factors affecting treatment efficiency were investigated and included PAC particle sizes, initial dye concentration and contact time. The adsorption parameters for Langmuir, Freundlich and Dziubek′s isotherms were determined. Results indicated that a very short contact time of one hour was needed to reach equilibrium of adsorption. A COD (chemical oxygen demand) removal efficiency of 90 per cent for disperse‐red‐60 dye wastewater was obtained with PAC (powdered activated carbon). With PAC dosage of less than 15g/l the adsorption followed both Freundlich′s and Langmuir′s isotherms. The ultimate capacity of the adsorption increased with decreasing PAC particle sizes or the initial dye concentration. The mass transfer coefficient was determined in this study.
Yan-Kwang Chen, Chih-Teng Chen, Fei-Rung Chiu and Jiunn-Woei Lian
Group buying (GB) is a shopping strategy through which customers obtain volume discounts on the products they purchase, whereas retailers obtain quick turnover. In the scenario of…
Group buying (GB) is a shopping strategy through which customers obtain volume discounts on the products they purchase, whereas retailers obtain quick turnover. In the scenario of GB, the optimal discount strategy is a key issue because it affects the profit of sellers. Previous research has focused on exploring the price discount and order quantity with a fixed selling price of the product assuming that customer demand is uncertain (but follows a known distribution). This study aims to look at the same problem but goes further to examine the case where not only customer demand is certain but also the demand distribution is unknown.
In this study, optimal price discount and order quantity of a GB problem cast as a price-setting newsvendor problem were obtained assuming that the distribution of customer demand is unknown. The price–demand relationship is considered in addition form and product form, respectively. The bootstrap sampling technique is used to develop a solution procedure for the problem. To validate the usefulness of the proposed method, a simulated comparison of the proposed model and the existing one was conducted. The effects of sample size, demand form and parameters of the demand form on the performance of the proposed model are presented and discussed.
It is revealed from the numerical results that the proposed model is appropriate to the problem at hand, and it becomes more effective as sample size increases. Because the two forms of demand indicate restrictive assumptions about the effect of price on the variance of demand, it is found that the proposed model seems to be more suitable for addition form of demand.
This study contributes to the growing literature on GB models by developing a bootstrap-based newsvendor model to determine an optimal discount price and order quantity for a fixed-price GB website. This model can assist the sellers in making decisions on optimal discount price and order quantity without knowing the form of customer demand distribution.
Kisha Chantelle Krishna and Habibul Haque Khondker
Argues taht the idea of global and national/international categories being inherently opposed, is a fallacy of the globalization debate. Seeks to illustrate how “international”…
Argues taht the idea of global and national/international categories being inherently opposed, is a fallacy of the globalization debate. Seeks to illustrate how “international” co‐operation can have favourable national consdequences. Explores the implications of international volunteerism for nation‐building in Singapore.
Citra Kusuma Dewi, Zurina Mohaidin and Mohsen Ali Murshid
The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting consumers' online purchase intention and to explore whether there was any significant difference between the path…
The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting consumers' online purchase intention and to explore whether there was any significant difference between the path coefficients for males and females.
Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 668 Indonesian consumers who were actively using the internet. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and multi-group analysis (MGA) in SmartPLS 3.0 software.
Results show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy and personal innovativeness are three influential factors and have a higher path coefficient in both the male and female groups. Anxiety shows a negative and significant relationship with online purchase intention for female consumers than for male consumers. Furthermore, the results of MGA analysis indicate that most factor coefficients in the determinants of online purchase intentions are not significantly different between males and females.
Practical implications
These results help the web retailers to consider the important factors in their strategies when they make strategic decisions as key factors affecting online buying intention. Besides this, the strong relationship between anxiety and intention for females has important implications for managers and designers should pay attention to this factor when designing the content on their business website.
Even though several marketing scholars discuss the factors influencing online shopping behavior, a few studies have shown the role of anxiety and personal innovativeness and their effect on online purchasing that fitted as supplements into the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). In addition, so far, no studies have effectively made a comparative analysis across gender, i.e. are personal and UTAUT factors in the determinants of online purchase intention significantly different across gender?
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of perceived brand leadership of an e-commerce website on satisfaction and repurchase intention. Moreover, the different…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of perceived brand leadership of an e-commerce website on satisfaction and repurchase intention. Moreover, the different roles of gender and age were explored in the proposed model.
An online survey was administered to Chinese consumers (n=476) who have purchased products on e-commerce websites. Using SmartPLS 3.0 software, a partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis was conducted in this study.
The results showed that all factors of perceived brand leadership (i.e. quality, value, innovativeness and popularity) have positive influences on satisfaction, and in turn satisfaction significantly affects repurchase intention. Also, value and popularity have positive influences on repurchase intention. In addition, gender differences were found in the proposed model. More specifically, the influence of quality on satisfaction was stronger for male consumers, while the impact of popularity on satisfaction was stronger for female. In terms of age differences, the influence of quality on satisfaction was stronger for the consumers over 40 years old as compared to the younger consumers (i.e. the 20s). Moreover, the influence of innovativeness on satisfaction and repurchase intention was stronger for the 20s consumers as compared to the consumers who are over 40 years old.
This study attempts to apply the concept of brand leadership to the e-commerce setting by addressing differential consumption decision-making process. In addition, different gender and age groups reveal unique preferences and consumption patterns.
Weisheng Chiu, Taejung Kim and Doyeon Won
The purpose of this paper is to apply the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) as a research framework to investigate consumers’ behavioral intention to purchase sporting goods…
The purpose of this paper is to apply the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) as a research framework to investigate consumers’ behavioral intention to purchase sporting goods online.
Mall intercept sampling was used to collect data from Korean consumers who have the experience of purchasing sporting goods online. After the elimination of invalid responses, total 314 valid questionnaires were used for further analysis.
The results revealed that attitude, subjective norm, positive and negative anticipated emotions had significant influences on consumers’ desire to buy sporting goods online. Moreover, the frequency of past behavior and desire played significant roles in influencing on Korean consumers’ intention. Further analysis revealed that male consumers had higher levels of positive attitude, subjective norm, positive and negative anticipated emotions, desire, intention, frequency of past behavior toward the online purchase of sporting goods than female consumers did. It also found that male consumers’ desire had a significantly stronger influence on behavioral than female consumers did.
Research limitations/implications
The study suggests the benefit and gender-based targeting strategies in marketing sporting goods online. The primary limitation of this study was that respondents were all Korean online consumers of buying sporting goods. Future research should apply MGB to different countries or regions to generalize the results of this study.
The findings of this study provide a better understanding of Korean consumers’ intention to purchase sporting goods online and gender differences in their decision-making process.
Guilin Zhang and Nicole Wilson
This study aims to examine the relationship between organizational justice and employee retaliation. By incorporating psychological contract violation (PCV) as a mediating…
This study aims to examine the relationship between organizational justice and employee retaliation. By incorporating psychological contract violation (PCV) as a mediating variable, this study uncovers the underlying psychological pathways through which perceptions of unfairness lead to employees’ decisions to retaliate. Furthermore, this study examines individual power distance orientation as a moderating factor, offering insights into how cultural values influence individual perceptions of and reactions to perceived injustice.
Through a two-wave survey design, the authors screened for full-time employees through Qualtrics. The authors have used confirmatory factor analysis to examine the measurement model fit. In addition, the authors have performed regression-based path analysis using Mplus to test their hypotheses.
This study has found that PCV fully mediates the impact of organizational justice on employee retention. The results also revealed two distinct mechanisms through which power distance orientation affects individual reactions to perceived unfairness. Specifically, it was also found that cognitive and motivational effects occur simultaneously yet in the opposite direction, such that power distance orientation weakens the impact of procedural justice on PCV but exacerbates the relationship between PCV and retaliation directed at supervisors and coworkers.
The analysis of the mediating role of PCV enables the authors to tease apart the cognitive and motivational impacts of power distance orientation, shedding light on existing mixed empirical findings. In addition, this study advances the understanding of psychological contract development by illustrating the impact of cultural orientation, such that it not only aligns individuals’ expectations with prevailing cultural norms but also influences the significance attributed to these expectations. Lastly, the study contributes to cross-cultural research on organizational justice and retaliation by showing individual perceptions of and reactions to lack of justice depending on cultural orientations.