G.J. Stanley, F.H. Stanley, CEng, FIMechE and Les Pratt
Since the days of Lilienthal and the Wright Brothers, aircraft structural design and materials have changed dramatically. The early wire braced wooden frames have given way to…
Since the days of Lilienthal and the Wright Brothers, aircraft structural design and materials have changed dramatically. The early wire braced wooden frames have given way to stressed skin, all metal, glass and carbon fibre, and more recently composite structures. Each method of manufacture has its place either by replacing earlier techniques as newer technology has become available or being best suited for particular applications.
Although the importance of the problem of corrosion of tar stills has diminished over the past 20 years with the replacement of mild‐steel pot‐stills by continuous tube stills, it…
Although the importance of the problem of corrosion of tar stills has diminished over the past 20 years with the replacement of mild‐steel pot‐stills by continuous tube stills, it remains a problem of some magnitude. In 1934, Mann and Parkes estimated that the average cost per ton of tar distilled due to corrosion was 4d. Considering the rise in costs of both materials and labour over the past two decades, this figure will be nearer 1s. a ton today and since, at present, rather more than a million tons p.a. are processed in pot‐stills, the cost to the industry on this score alone is of the order of £50,000 p.a. When one adds to this the cost of stoppages and plant replacements due to wastage of continuous pipe stills, which have their own corrosion problems, and the cost of alkali addition which is almost universally practised on continuous plant as a corrosion prevention measure, the total cost to the tar distilling industry almost certainly runs into six figures.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how crises impact overall tourist behaviour and travel preferences in times of crisis events, both man-made and natural disasters. In doing…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how crises impact overall tourist behaviour and travel preferences in times of crisis events, both man-made and natural disasters. In doing so, the present paper has been designed to provide a new conceptualization of travellers’ shifting preferences in terms of the selection of holiday destinations through the new concept of tourophobia and to classify this as a new type of tourist behaviour.
The present study uses a literature review as a qualitative deductive content analysis of 58 field studies published by major hospitality and tourism journals. By using a deductive content analysis approach, the current paper is designed to delineate tourist behaviour through a generic review of relevant literature detailing travellers’ preferences in times of crisis.
The developed concept of tourophobia and the suggested model, which proposes two possible scenarios, shows that traveller behaviour is heterogeneous in terms of the destination selection process; this finding is based on a content analysis of the articles chosen. Further, by using the developed model, the decline in travel and tourism can also be explained by an increase in what is termed in this paper “tourophobia”, which results from the various devastating effects of crises.
Research limitations/implications
The proposed model is expected to help destination managers and marketers to segment and forecast the future market demand of tourist travel preferences, thereby enabling them to form effective marketing strategies and increase their responsiveness during difficult times. Only articles from hospitality and tourism journals were subjected to content analysis; this is a major limitation of the study.
The present research contributes to current knowledge by describing the concept of tourophobia as a tourist behaviour in times of crisis. As an emerging phenomenon, it is also introduced as being one criterion for the selection of destinations and, therefore, is regarded as a driver for tourist behaviour, thus generating the originality of the paper. This study strives to provide a new direction for future studies on tourist behaviour, rather than offering new empirical data.
本文旨在研究在人为和自然灾害的危机事件中, 危机是如何影响旅游者的整体行为和旅游偏好的。在此过程中, 本论文旨在通过旅游恐惧症的概念, 对旅游者在选择度假目的地方面的偏好变化提供一个新的概念化过程, 并将其归类为一种新的旅游行为类型。
本研究采用文献回顾的方法, 对发表在主流酒店和旅游学术期刊上的58个实地研究进行定性演绎分析。本文运用演绎内容分析法, 通过对危机时期旅游者偏好的相关文献的综述, 勾勒出旅游者的行为特征。
旅游恐惧症的发展概念和假设模型提出了两种可能的情况, 表明旅行者的行为在目的地选择过程中是异质的;这一发现是基于对所选文章的内容分析。此外, 通过使用已开发的模型, 旅游业和旅游业的衰退也可以用本文所称的“旅游恐惧症”的增加来解释, 这是由危机的各种破坏性影响造成的。
该模型有望帮助旅游目的地管理者和营销者对旅游偏好的未来市场需求进行细分和预测, 从而形成有效的营销策略, 增强他们在困难时期的反应能力。本文的一个主要局限是, 仅对酒店和旅游期刊的文章进行了内容分析。
本研究通过将旅游恐惧症的概念描述为危机时期的一种旅游行为, 为当前的知识做出了贡献。旅游恐惧症作为一种新出现的现象, 也是旅游目的地选择的一个标准, 因此它被认为是旅游行为的驱动因素, 从而体现了本文的独创性。本研究旨在为未来的旅游行为研究提供一个新的方向, 而不是提供新的实证数据。
El objetivo del presente documento es examinar cómo las crisis impactan el comportamiento turístico general y las preferencias de viaje en tiempos de crisis, relacionadas con desastres naturales, así como, provocadas por el hombre. Al hacerlo, el presente documento ha sido diseñado para proporcionar una nueva conceptualización de las preferencias cambiantes de los viajeros en términos de la selección de destinos de vacaciones a través del nuevo concepto de “tourophobia”, y para clasificar esto como un nuevo tipo de comportamiento turístico.
El presente estudio emplea una revisión de la literatura basado en un análisis de contenido deductivo cualitativo de 58 estudios de campo publicados por las principales revistas de hotelería y turismo. Al utilizar un enfoque de análisis de contenido deductivo, el documento actual está diseñado para delinear el comportamiento turístico a través de una revisión genérica de literatura relevante que detalla las preferencias de los viajeros en tiempos de crisis.
El concepto desarrollado de “tourophobia” y el modelo sugerido, que propone dos escenarios posibles, muestra que el comportamiento del viajero es heterogéneo en términos del proceso de selección del destino; Este hallazgo se basa en un análisis de contenido de los artículos elegidos. Además, mediante el uso del modelo desarrollado, la disminución de los viajes y el turismo también puede explicarse por un aumento en lo que se denomina en este documento “tourophobia”, que resulta de los diversos efectos devastadores de las crisis.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Se espera que el modelo propuesto ayude a los directores de planificación turística de destinos, así como a los de marketing a segmentar y pronosticar la demanda futura del mercado con respecto a las preferencias de viajes turísticos, lo que les permite formar estrategias de marketing efectivas y aumentar su capacidad de respuesta en tiempos difíciles. Solo los artículos de revistas de hotelería y turismo fueron sometidas al análisis de contenido; ésta constituye una limitación importante del estudio.
La presente investigación contribuye al conocimiento actual al describir el concepto de “tourophobia” como un comportamiento turístico en tiempos de crisis. Como fenómeno emergente, también se presenta como un criterio para la selección de destinos y, por lo tanto, se considera un motor del comportamiento turístico, generando así la originalidad del documento. Este estudio se esfuerza por proporcionar una nueva dirección para futuros estudios sobre el comportamiento turístico, en lugar de ofrecer nuevos datos empíricos.
- Tourist behaviour
- Tourist typology
- Crisis and Disaster
- Socio-Psychology of Travellers
- Touristic avoidance behaviour
- Tourophobia
- 旅游回避行为
- 旅游恐惧症
- 旅游者行为
- 旅游类型学
- 危机与灾难
- 旅游者社会心理
- Comportamiento de evitación turística
- “Tourophobia”
- Comportamiento turístico
- Tipología turística
- Crisis y desastres
- Psicología social del viajero
∗ Indicates books which are especially recommended.
There is a common misconception that entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries can be characterised by the tension between artistic aspirations and the economic…
There is a common misconception that entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries can be characterised by the tension between artistic aspirations and the economic sustainability of the enterprise. The image of a bohemian artist, associated with Paris of the twentieth century, remains a significant aspect of the contemporary creative worker’s identity. Yet, a more nuanced understanding of creative entrepreneurship situates creative practices in a relational environment and allows us to analyse diverse non-economic values and motivations. Through qualitative research, this chapter explores the distinctive practices of a small group of cultural and creative industry entrepreneurs based in studios in a post-industrial heritage building. Framed by the impact of COVID-19, this research situates entrepreneurs within social communities: a milieu for developing their creative entrepreneurial identities. The research suggests that workspaces and personal values play a significant role in shaping entrepreneurial practices, and that these are entangled with a sense of responsibility to locality and community.
This paper explores questions of value and the just price for two groups of farming families in southern Tuscany. As sharecroppers or small-holders they experienced the slow shift…
This paper explores questions of value and the just price for two groups of farming families in southern Tuscany. As sharecroppers or small-holders they experienced the slow shift from subsistence farming to creating most of their livelihoods by selling the products or their labour. This created a complicated legacy in their views about the relationship between use-value and monetary value since the interaction of different spheres of the economy (what Gudeman calls mutuality and the market) continued to impact significantly on their material well-being and cultural values. This emerges in many contexts, from decisions to continue producing food for home consumption, to abandoning the investments of previous generations. In each case the quantitative questions (what does it cost? what is it worth?) play out alongside qualitative questions about use-values, values which are embedded in issues about the continuation of social and cultural relations. Two main points then emerge from this ethnography. First that in many circumstances local views about the just price cannot be understood by restricting the account to the market sphere. Even the innovative farming households who have moved to the production of high-quality foodstuffs find themselves in a market which eulogizes non-commercial values. Second, views about the just price mostly arise as part of a critique of the powerful forces shaping markets, and often draw on older political traditions concerned with social justice.
Les Coleman and R. Mitch Casselman
The paper aims to focus on a strategic approach for making trade-offs between knowledge and risk.
The paper aims to focus on a strategic approach for making trade-offs between knowledge and risk.
Knowledge and risk are viewed as organizational resources that have an inherent trade-off between them, so that optimal firm performance does not necessarily arise through greater accumulation of knowledge nor from reduced risk. This trade-off is represented as an efficient knowledge-risk frontier. The paper examines the dynamics of this frontier on organizational performance.
The concept of knowledge-risk strategy is presented which contends that non-probabilistic risk or uncertainty originates from gaps in knowledge.
Research limitations implications
The paper proposes a new line of research to understand decision-making in organizations, particularly those which focus on knowledge intensive products and services.
Practical implications
The paper proposes managerial approaches to improve organizational positioning relative to the efficient knowledge-risk frontier through greater awareness of contributors to knowledge gaps and risk in decision situations, as well as traditional strategic tools such as outsourcing.
The postulated link between risk and knowledge gaps establishes a knowledge-based view of firm risk and recognizes trade-offs for decisions regarding knowledge accumulation.