Discusses the North London mentoring programme for black students.Identifies the reasons for this initiative, explaining the issues theprogramme aimed to address and how. Outlines…
Discusses the North London mentoring programme for black students. Identifies the reasons for this initiative, explaining the issues the programme aimed to address and how. Outlines the aims, structure, purpose and method of the programme, indicating the target group. Profiles the actual groups and indicates outcomes. Discusses issues which have arisen in implementing the programme, commenting on the programme′s effectiveness. Makes specific reference to research material which is relevant to the needs of the target group and has informed the programme philosophy, design and implementation. Highlights issues emerging from the programme.
Employment of Urban Chinese Women Volume Lll, Number 1 of theReview of Social Economy includes an article by Gale Summerfield enrided “Effects of the Changing Employment Situation…
Employment of Urban Chinese Women Volume Lll, Number 1 of theReview of Social Economy includes an article by Gale Summerfield enrided “Effects of the Changing Employment Situation on Urban Chinese Women”.