The relationship between government and market is the key to the economic development performance of market economy countries. Due to the limits such as the state/market…
The relationship between government and market is the key to the economic development performance of market economy countries. Due to the limits such as the state/market dichotomy, the focus on static allocation efficiency and the ignorance of the diversity of the market economy and the relationship between government and market, economic liberalism and state interventionism can hardly position and explain the role and evolution of government and market in the real world accurately.
China’s economic transition has always adhered to the reform direction of the socialist market economy and the development goal of a modern socialist country as well as the symbiosis and positive and progressive evolution of government and market, blazing a “third way” in handling the relationship between government and market.
The “China’s experience” shows that the key for emerging market economies to achieve good economic development performance lies in whether they can build a new relationship of the mutual integration between and common prosperity of government and market regarding target selection, production organisation, technological innovation, institutional change and regulatory adjustment.
The second part of this paper analyses the inherent defects of economic liberalism and state interventionism as well as the reasons why they can hardly be adopted as the theoretical guidance for emerging market economies to handle the relationship between government and market. The third part analyses how China has transcended the inherent thinking of liberalism and interventionism and shaped the new relationship between government and market through goal-oriented, active and progressive, two-way interactive exploration and practice to ensure the success of China's economic transition.
Shiyuan Liu, Guangwu Sun, Hongfen Zuo, Xiaona Chen, Shanshan Shang and Hongyan Hu
The purpose of this paper is to predict the effect of bra pad specifications on breast deformation during jumping using a finite element (FE) method. Breast deformation is a key…
The purpose of this paper is to predict the effect of bra pad specifications on breast deformation during jumping using a finite element (FE) method. Breast deformation is a key concern for women during exercise and can be effectively controlled with sports bras. In most studies, the deformation of breasts when wearing a sports bra is measured using motion capture devices to judge their effectiveness. However, the operation of such devices is highly complex and time-consuming. Computer-aided technology is an efficient way to simulate these experiments.
In this study, the breast model was obtained using three-dimensional (3D) scanning. Assembling models were obtained for FE analysis using reverse engineering and computer-aided design (CAD) software. The breast deformation results were obtained by completing pre-processing, solving and post-processing in the FE simulation software. To extend the application of these models, pads of different sizes and thicknesses within the bra were constructed to simulate the effect of pads on breast deformation.
The calculated root mean square errors were <1%, which indicated good agreement between the FE and experimental data in all the models. Nipple deformation was always the largest in most models. The smallest deformation occurred at the superior position of breasts in all models. In addition, larger pads were not effective in reducing breast deformation; however, thicker pads were.
The method developed in this study provides an effective way to predict breast deformation in multiple positions and is convenient for designing compression bras.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of increasing trade and investment relations between China and Latin American economies. The paper focuses on the threats…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of increasing trade and investment relations between China and Latin American economies. The paper focuses on the threats and opportunities that permeate this relationship.
The paper surveys existing literature and secondary data in Spanish, Portuguese, and in English to investigate the different ramifications of this dynamic relationship between China and Latin American economies.
After analyzing trade and investment trends and data, it is clear that Latin American economies must make changes to increase their participation in the Chinese market. Direct involvement with China is inherently risky, however, the opportunities obviously make the alliance necessary. Latin American economies are under increasing pressure to revamp their business environments and to implement long‐term strategies in order to compete more efficiently with China, domestically and in third‐markets. China has showed Latin American economies that investments in education, R&D, innovation, infrastructure, and friendly business policies, both facilitate and foster the creation of new competitive advantages.
This paper highlights and contributes to a better understanding of the ongoing challenges and opportunities permeating the Chinese Latin America's trade and investment relationship, as well as a indicating a number of areas for further study.
Annabel Levesque and Genevieve N. Roy-Wsiaki
The goal of this study was to assess changes in eating self-efficacy after participating in a brief psychoeducational group intervention, grounded in the cognitive-behavioral…
The goal of this study was to assess changes in eating self-efficacy after participating in a brief psychoeducational group intervention, grounded in the cognitive-behavioral model, delivered by dieticians in community-based health facilities.
The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental, pre-post design. A total of 110 program participants took part in the study. They were asked to complete the Eating Self-Efficacy Scale before the start of the intervention, at the end of the intervention, and three months after the intervention ended. Data were analyzed using the Linear Mixed Model.
Participants’ personal sense of control over their eating behaviors significantly increased after they completed the program and continued to increase up to the three-month follow-up. The effect of the intervention remained significant after controlling for differences in age and whether participants had access to other forms of individual support or completed the follow-up during the COVID-19 general lockdown.
Practical implications
By promoting participants’ sense of eating self-efficacy, this intervention could lead to positive dietary changes, which in turn could promote better health and healthy aging.
Social implications
This community intervention is readily accessible and represents a cost-effective approach to promote healthy eating, reducing the risk of chronic disease and the need for medical care, thereby cutting costs for the healthcare system.
(1) This study addresses a gap in the scientific literature as there was limited published research to date that investigated this intervention. (2) The three-month follow-up made it possible to evaluate whether changes in eating self-efficacy were maintained over time. (3) Potential confounding variables, including age, having access to other forms of individual support and the COVID-19 general lockdown, were taken into account.
Lívia Lukovszki, András Rideg and Norbert Sipos
The purpose of this study is to identify the corporate functions that contribute most to the innovation success of SMEs with limited resources. After a systematic literature…
The purpose of this study is to identify the corporate functions that contribute most to the innovation success of SMEs with limited resources. After a systematic literature review, the authors used a unique primary data set of 784 SMEs from eight countries. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression were used to show the data set peculiarities. The logistic regression targeted the presence of innovative products and services in sales by 11 dummy variables and 4 principal factors describing SMEs’ different resources and capabilities.
The authors developed a resource-based product innovation model that is synthesising the impact of the company resources and capabilities and of the innovation activity of the company on the actual innovation performance. The authors carry out an empirical analysis of the characteristic features of innovation activity in an international sample of SMEs.
The results show that two corporate functions play a crucial role in the effectiveness of innovation for SMEs as follows: management and research and development (R&D). In addition, although of lesser importance, the effect of the marketing function also appears significant. The binary logistic regression had 84.2% of explanatory power.
From a scientific point of view, the SME-focussed, complex and synthesising RBV model of innovation construction and literature review can be used as a reference point for future researches. From a practical point of view, the analysis is useful for those SMEs, which want to gain a competitive advantage through innovation. Indeed, the results show that in the case of SMEs, a company wishing to innovate must invest in three corporate functions for innovation to be effective as follows: management, R&D and marketing.
In working with pre-service and beginning middle grades social studies teachers, the authors have found that those teachers often struggle to organize and sequence content in…
In working with pre-service and beginning middle grades social studies teachers, the authors have found that those teachers often struggle to organize and sequence content in meaningful ways. Although many national and state curriculum writing bodies have provided organizational frameworks to guide teachers in designing instruction for middles grades social studies, those same bodies have failed to assist teachers in the task of sequencing instruction in ways that assure learning. This article provides a practical sequencing framework that assists middle grades social studies teachers in designing effective instructional units that connect and integrate all of the social studies disciplines.
The millennium is an opportune time to review the history of communication technology. The startling observation is that most of today’s communication systems and technologies…
The millennium is an opportune time to review the history of communication technology. The startling observation is that most of today’s communication systems and technologies were invented in the nineteenth century. The twentieth century saw mostly the commercial exploitation of these systems and technologies on a grand scale in the developed countries of the world. What this perhaps means is that the opportunity for the twenty‐first century will be to expand and develop communication to less developed countries.
1. Cela fera bientôt un siècle que la sociologie du loisir a commencé à développer une analyse “interne” de ce phénomène, c'est‐à‐dire relative aux comportements existant �…
1. Cela fera bientôt un siècle que la sociologie du loisir a commencé à développer une analyse “interne” de ce phénomène, c'est‐à‐dire relative aux comportements existant à l'intérieur de la société consommatrice de loisir: VEBLEN a crée un genre où depuis, beaucoup de sociologues se sont essayés avec des bonheurs divers. Ainsi, assez ré‐cemment, un certain McCANNELL non dé‐pourvu de talent, n'a pas hésité à intituler modestement sa contribution “A new theory of leisure class”.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez and Juan Fernando Velez-Ocampo
This paper aims to provide an examination of the ongoing internationalisation processes undertaken by 30 major multinational Colombian-owned firms. It also presents a theoretical…
This paper aims to provide an examination of the ongoing internationalisation processes undertaken by 30 major multinational Colombian-owned firms. It also presents a theoretical overview and a conceptual framework for the understanding of internationalisation patterns from emerging countries’ multinational enterprises.
This study is built based both on the results collected from comparative case studies based in the literature and empirical observations of Colombia’s patterns. This study observed the evolution in terms of commitment and investment decisions that 30 major Colombian companies have undergone specially within the past decade.
Although, it was found that direct exports is the widespread entry mode of Colombian companies to foreign markets, most of the observed firms preferred the consolidation in host markets through Mergers & Acquisitions instead of using Greenfield investments or joint ventures. These observations might suggest similarities with the process of internationalisation of Asian tigers multinationals, which means that they are consolidating their internationalisation process based on their learning, linkages and leverages capabilities. Furthermore, Colombian companies are following the internationalisation pattern of other multilatinas. These companies have first explorer natural markets for them; in other words, they have first attempt to be established in markets that share psychic features, and similar institutional environments, as psychic and physical proximity reduces risk and facilitates foreseen return of investments, and therefore long-term capital accumulation.
Research limitations/implications
This study has some limitations that suggest further research. First, although the observed firms share one main characteristic: being Colombian-owned multinationals, they belong to diverse fields, so this might pose difficultly for the creation of a framework that explains other multinationals drivers to internationalise. A second limitation is that this analysis does not deepen into the internationalisation patterns of multilatinas from countries other than Colombia; this leaves room for further research questions that might deal with the issue of analysing advantages and disadvantages in the internationalisation process of developing country multinational corporations (DCMCs). A third limitation is that this study does not have a longitudinal approach, so this paper does not intent to provide definitive information about cause-and-effect relationship regarding the drivers for DCMCs to internationalize, instead, this study is intended to provide an analysis of the outward foreign direct investment decisions of Colombian multinational firms.
Practical implications
There is limited research based on primary data on accessing the internationalisation process of Colombian multinational companies. This paper offers a research framework and results which could be replicated in other Developing Country Multinational Corporation (DCMNC), and could also be studied longitudinally. This study includes relevant information on the drivers for international expansion, market selection, perceived obstacles, entry modes and consolidation in host markets via acquisitions that could possibly support managerial decisions.
There is limited research based on primary data on accessing the process of internationalisation of Colombian multinational companies. This paper offers research framework and results which could be replicated in other DCMNC, and also could be longitudinally studied. This study includes relevant information on the drivers for international expansion, market selection, perceived obstacles, entry modes and consolidation in host markets via acquisitions that could eventually support managerial decisions.