Hamidreza Tavakkoli, Ali Zabihi, Seyed Amin Khatibi, Taha Nasiri, Leila Kaviani and Nooredin Dopeykar
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the compliance status of prerequisite programs (PRPs) and to determine the feasibility of hazard analysis and critical control point…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the compliance status of prerequisite programs (PRPs) and to determine the feasibility of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) program in restaurants in different cities of Iran.
In total, 58 great chain restaurants were assessed randomly by observation, interview and questionnaires. The main prerequisites for HACCP implementation in questionnaires were as follows: personal hygiene of employees, rinsing, disinfection and cleaning programs, area and location of the restaurant, design and layout of the tools, building facilities, interior environment of the building, environmental hygiene, storerooms, cold storage, refrigerators and documentation.
Only 17 percent (10) of restaurants were generally assessed in a proper level of compliance and 95 percent (55) of them had not any documentation about hygienic practices. Also, the status of storerooms, cold storage and refrigerators was improper. Although, according to the area and location, the feasibility of HACCP program in the evaluated restaurants was in the highest level.
All of evaluated chain restaurants provided large amounts of food for customers each day and they had relatively more facilities and money resources for the implementation of PRPs. Hence, the findings of this research can be applicable for small and independent restaurants and other food service establishments.