Teddy Chandra, Layla Hafni, Stefani Chandra, Astri Ayu Purwati and Jennifer Chandra
The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of service quality and university image on student satisfaction and student loyalty.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of service quality and university image on student satisfaction and student loyalty.
This study employed a set of survey instrument adapted from previous studies. The construct of the service quality consisted of 12 indicators, one of which was originally designed by the researcher, and the rest were adapted from other researchers. For the construct of university image, there were five indicators, while the rest were designed by the researcher. There were six indicators of construct student satisfaction, while the other three were designed by the researcher. Lastly, the construct student loyalty consisted of five indicators, three of which were originally designed by the researcher. All of those constructs used seven-point Likert scale scoring, which ranged from 1= strongly disagree to 7= strongly agree.
The findings of this study are as follows: the result of the data analysis has confirmed the existence of a positive and significant influence of service quality on student satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence of student satisfaction on student loyalty, there is no positive or significant influence of service quality on student loyalty, and university image has a positive and significant influence on both student satisfaction and student loyalty.
The originality of this study has been confirmed, considering the fact that only few studies on service quality in education field were conducted. In this study, researchers were interested in developing the service quality based on five dimensions. This model have been applied by a number of researchers. Unfortunately, some other researchers showed their disagreements upon the use of only these five dimensions in the research in the field of education, and they suggested that more appropriate dimensions should be applied.