Laurence Ferry, Larry Honeysett and Henry Midgley
This paper describes the role and remit of the Scrutiny Unit, which assists members of parliament (MPs) with the analysis of accounting data.
This paper describes the role and remit of the Scrutiny Unit, which assists members of parliament (MPs) with the analysis of accounting data.
The analysis is developed through an understanding of the secondary literature and practical experience of the work of the Unit.
The Scrutiny Unit is an unappreciated and yet vital part of the way in which financial scrutiny operates within the UK parliament. It translates to MPs key financial and economic documents including the budget and accounts. It is a unique institution, covering the entire financial cycle of approval and accountability within parliament.
This is the first descriptive piece on the Unit in an accounting journal and contributes to our understanding of how financial accountability works within the UK parliament.
Thatch roofs are an important part of our heritage. Describes thehistory of thatch, the fire precautions necessary, its thermalproperties and life span. Many thatch roofed…
Thatch roofs are an important part of our heritage. Describes the history of thatch, the fire precautions necessary, its thermal properties and life span. Many thatch roofed properties are supported by cob walls. Describes the history of cob walls, the repair of existing cob walls, new work and the building regulations. Suggests that the Government should give more incentive to the use of thatch and cob walls, both for the purposes of construction and to keep alive the rural crafts associated with them.